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TNA's VKM Accepts The Hardy Boyz Challenge At ECW PPV


TNA's VKM Accepts The Hardy Boyz Challenge At ECW PPV
11/29/2006 by Ryan Clark

In what is surely a way to get TNA some hype and create controversey, BG James and Kip James (collectively called The Voodo Kin Mafia), have accepted the challenge laid out by the Hardy Boyz for ECW's December To Dismember pay per view this Sunday.

In a article on TNAWrestling.com, they make the challenge and say that even though "another team" has accepted (MNM), they would like to makie it a three way dance at the pay per view. According to the article BG James claims they will agree to fight if WWE stops using "Dumb to the Xtreme" television promos immediately. They in turn promise not to use their footage on TNA iMPACT!.

BG James also said: "You know Vince • a funny thing happened on Monday afternoon on your website when we were watching your little online press conference. When the Hardys made the open challenge, I couldn’t help but hear the fans chanting ‘VKM’. Some other tag team may have accepted it, but it’s still an open challenge and the Voodoo Kin Mafia want in the match • so let’s make it a three-way. You have until this Thursday night before ‘iMPACT!’ goes on the air to give us an answer.”

We will have more on this story as it develops.


It is funny, although I notice the gave themselves an easy out.
if WWE stops using "Dumb to the Xtreme" television promos immediately

WWE should accept. How does one define in black and white, no ambiguity at all exactly what a Dumb to the Xtreme promo is?
Would definately generate some more buys for the PPV.

PS. I do know the WWE won't even acknowledge this challenge, just saying it would make things very interesting if they did.


Staff member
No way will the WWE acknowledge the challenge. They're worried enough about the threat without giving TNA free publicity.

Tommy Smith

CWBush said:
No way will the WWE acknowledge the challenge. They're worried enough about the threat without giving TNA free publicity.
And the sad thing is that the threat, competition and even acknowledgement of TNA would be good for the WWE. It would create some added spice as in the WCW days...only not on the same level.

So why is it then that Vince seems determined to pretend that TNA doesnt even exist, when TNA's prominence and involvement in such a storyline as the one in this article could only be a good thing for the WWE's ratings.


Staff member
Despite the way people wax lyrical about how 'brilliant' Vince McMahon is - they seem to neglect the fact that he didn't beat WCW. WCW went under due to its own mismanagement and stale booking and the WWF/E were there to take the mantle at the end of the day.

The way the WWE has been in the past few years is ample evidence as to Vince's lack of business brilliance and genuine ability to make stars. When was the last Rock or Stone Cold or Hogan? Angle's the closest we've had, and he was horribly misused for much of his WWE run.


wtf is dumb to the xtreme???

this is all a load of sh*t, as if vince will care what they do.

pennywisealfie said:
isnt one of those guys road dogg? why the f**k would vince even bother with him

One is Road Dogg the other is Billy Gunn.

Once Dead

PARANoIR said:
wtf is dumb to the xtreme???

this is all a load of sh*t, as if vince will care what they do.

One is Road Dogg the other is Billy Gunn.

Dumb to the eXtreme....DX?


First Grade
CWBush said:
No way will the WWE acknowledge the challenge. They're worried enough about the threat without giving TNA free publicity.

How are they worried? What has TNA done so far? It's still overhyped indy wrestling, the writers are still sh*t, and they still feed off WWE rejects. I don't see how WWE are worried or what there is to fear considering WWE is a leading global product and TNA is still unknown to alot of the modern day wrestling fans. And you're assuming he isn't doing anything, just because he doesn't bite to TNA's pathetic bait ("burning" the ECW title, this challenge etc.) doesn't mean he isn't well aware of the product and already planning ahead to counter it.

CWBush said:
Despite the way people wax lyrical about how 'brilliant' Vince McMahon is - they seem to neglect the fact that he didn't beat WCW. WCW went under due to its own mismanagement and stale booking and the WWF/E were there to take the mantle at the end of the day.

So you're saying by Vince letting them destroy themselves he is actually a moron? WCW went under and WWF/E is still going today, who cares how it happened. Some could argue it makes Vince all the more brilliant by letting them destroy themselves while he builds on his own empire.

But hey, I don't want to sound anti-TNA or pro-McMahon, I actually hope TNA is a success because competition will force Vince's hand and he will have to change his stale style, but in reality TNA is nowhere near that stage, and the TNA fans (and superstars) are so blind as to where the product really is and the threat it really poses to the WWE that it makes me wonder if there is a threat at all and isn't just hype started by internet fans looking to rebel.

And what do people want Vince to do anyway? Accept? If he brought those two morons to his PPV they'd probably wrestle stiff all match, potentially injuring someone, they wouldn't job and the match would probably never end until they were dragged out of the building. If he says no, they'd try and develop a cross company feud from his response, but if he ignores it they really have nowhere to go, they can't call him a coward forever.

Vince may not make all the right moves but if there was really a threat I don't think he would completely ignore it, he's a billionaire for crying out loud, you don't get that rich by ignoring potential (real) threats. Like it or not, he knows what he's doing.


Staff member
How are they worried? What has TNA done so far?

The leaps and bounds made by TNA in the year since they got a TV deal can't be ignored. This isn't a company with the backing of Ted Turner and his TV network, yet they've managed to secure the signatures of genuine stars like Christian Cage and Kurt Angle (neither of whom were WWE rejects), they're creating their own stars in Samoa Joe and Abyss, they're beginning to tour, and they're branching into other nations. Sure, they're no WWE or WCW, but they don't have the tremendous advantage either of them did at start up.

And you're assuming he isn't doing anything, just because he doesn't bite to TNA's pathetic bait ("burning" the ECW title, this challenge etc.) doesn't mean he isn't well aware of the product and already planning ahead to counter it.

I don't assume he's not doing anything, I know he is. He's poached Monty Brown, who I'm still confused as to why TNA let him go. He tried in vain to lure Samoa Joe across, and then busted out Joe lite (Umaga) about two weeks later. He doesn't acknowledge them because they are a threat, albeit a distant one. He never acknowledge WCW either, much to his credit.

So you're saying by Vince letting them destroy themselves he is actually a moron?

How did he 'let them'? What else was he going to do? Call Eric and tell him that maybe he needed to ammend things? Apathy is not a course of action. I'm 'letting' Iraq and the US fight it out, but I won't be claiming a victory over either nation when the war is done. He had to 'let' them die. Trying to keep them alive would have been stupid.

Vince survived the war, power to him, but when you look at how grossly mismanaged WCW was in its latter years - he'd have been a truly awful businessman not to survive. Hell, had Heyman stuck it out a little longer, he'd have had an arseload of ex-WCW talent available for his roster and the whole scene could have changed.


CWBush said:
I don't assume he's not doing anything, I know he is. He's poached Monty Brown, who I'm still confused as to why TNA let him go. He tried in vain to lure Samoa Joe across, and then busted out Joe lite (Umaga) about two weeks later. He doesn't acknowledge them because they are a threat, albeit a distant one. He never acknowledge WCW either, much to his credit.
he buys all the competition, hence people like chuck palumbo, charlie hass, test all got resigned to stop TNA have them. He would rather pay people to do nothing rather then let the competition have the,

Once Dead

My initial thoughts were that this was a dumb idea but now I'm very, very interested...even if they're a bunch of hacks they still have a very credible storyling which is pretty funny.



First Grade
CWBush said:
The leaps and bounds made by TNA in the year since they got a TV deal can't be ignored. This isn't a company with the backing of Ted Turner and his TV network, yet they've managed to secure the signatures of genuine stars like Christian Cage and Kurt Angle (neither of whom were WWE rejects), they're creating their own stars in Samoa Joe and Abyss, they're beginning to tour, and they're branching into other nations. Sure, they're no WWE or WCW, but they don't have the tremendous advantage either of them did at start up.

But how did they secure the signatures of Angle and Cage? Christian wanted out because he wasn't being pushed and WWE released Angle because the bloke wasn't far from death the way he was pushing himself. If Angle was completely healthy and Cage wasn't being held back, would they have made the jump? I honestly couldn't see it happening.

I agree they're making alot of progress but the fans their product appeals to aren't enough to genuinely mount a challenge against WWE. It's probably one step up from indy wrestling and that won't lure the average wrestling fan of today. The on screen product needs alot of work and I really don't see too much change between the TNA of two or so years ago to the TNA of today when it comes to storylines and feuds. Immature challenges to Vince from real rejects like the New Age Outlaws and Rhino only worsen the image of TNA and I don't see why WWE would want to drop to that level by responding, or what they'd gain from doing so.
Ok first vince could have destroyed wcw he almost did when he created d/x of course as we know was a rip of of nwo, however d/x was more popular with out a doubt and that put alot of pressure on wcw.

Vince without a doubt could have brought out wcw sooner for alot more money money does buy alot of things.

Instead he waited held off and sure enough wcw gave way and vince pounced.

As for tna nowhere near the league of wwe finacially or talent or fan base but they are still a good show just not as good.

As for them hiring angle and christian and tomko.
Angle was a blow to the wwe but christian and tomko were going nowhere with there story lines any way so i dont think they are missed that much.

Finally will vince except the offer from tna well no but if he did it would only go one of two ways.

1) tna go in and the hardy's and there opponents beat the life out of road dogg and mr ass.

2) the wwe and tna come to some arrangement and after a sea sawing match full of plenty of excitment and plenty of pin attempts some how somebody interfere's and the match ends up a no contest.

Either way both would be pathetic and the match just wont happen.


If the VKM did appear or invade a WWE show HHH would beat them into unconciousness with some very stiff chair shots - for real.

Looking at the vignettes the VKM has done, I think they are out DX-ing DX at the moment. It's going to be fun to watch.
ha ha dont be so surprised if that didnt happen i think it could actually be entertaining to have say a 4 way tag team the best of raw vs the best of smackdown vs the best f ecw vs the best of tna.

Just a one off match to see what could happen if it failed fine never do it again if it worked you could just run it occasionly yes it would give tna exposure sure but if they ran it at wwe ppv's then more people tune into the ppv to see what happend???

What are your thoughts????.

I know it wont happen but just think.............

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