Look say what you like ok, i'm just so sick of low-life f***s on this site being their own one-man comedy and censorship team and heaping shit on people for having an opinion that may differ from their own....these agenda-driven cowards are the reason I rarely bother with this once good site anymore...
I visit this site last night for the first time in days and here is that bottom-feeding c*ck sucker trying to rubbish me about something that i had zero involvement in - its that sort of bullshit on this site that I cant stand. I joined this site in 2004 and that d#*k was not such a f***kwit back then and this site was actually worthwhile, its the complete opposite now - the Moderators of this site have a lot to answer for....so you can call it having a dummy-spit if you want, I don't particularly give a shit anymore, I call it saying goodbye to bad rubbish......