Good luck eelsta,
I know just how you feel, and what a battle it is to lose weight.
I have just lost 14 kilos in 4 months, and believe me, if I can do
it, anyone can.
Mind you, I also had the help of some very expensive pills called
Reductil, but they have been a massive help, and I know I couldn't
have done it without them.
I tried my jersey on yesterday, and it's WAY too big. How good is that ?
I think I'll have to buy myself a smaller one, just as soon as I get the
payment for that season ticket out of the way first......
Congratulations eelsta on what you have lost so far, and I'll pop back
every now and then to see how you're doing. I wish you heaps of luck.
You can do it...... :thumnn