You probably got it from kissing someone who had it.
I got it for a few years and finally got rid of it by taking a double course of antibiotics for long after the symptoms had gone. It's never come back (20 years since i've had it).
Something I found very helpfull was gargling with warm water and soluable aspirin. The aspirin is very abrasive and cleans up the discharge on your tonsills, and also works as a local pain reliever - and because you aren't swallowing the aspirin you can use it as frequently as you like (you can't take aspirin more than 3 or 4 times a day, but it won't hurt you if you don't swallow.
You probably got it from kissing someone who had it.
I got it for a few years and finally got rid of it by taking a double course of antibiotics for long after the symptoms had gone. It's never come back (20 years since i've had it).
Something I found very helpfull was gargling with warm water and soluable aspirin. The aspirin is very abrasive and cleans up the discharge on your tonsills, and also works as a local pain reliever - and because you aren't swallowing the aspirin you can use it as frequently as you like (you can't take aspirin more than 3 or 4 times a day, but it won't hurt you if you don't swallow.