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Ultrathread I: Thread of the Year - 2014

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Staff member
Play mmorpgs for an absurd amount of hours every day. Does the trick for me :sarcasm:


Staff member
couldn't happen to a nice bunch but I'm not sure what it has to do with the Yanks


Village Idiot
Staff member
i do like america's approach / attitude..

sending fighter jets into another country's airspace and bombing their residents..

but.. That's not considered war..

yet they consider the twin towers attack an act of war..

but all in all this ISIS thing makes me think more and more about a question i posed a couple of months back - were countries like Iraq, Lebanon and Syria better off when they had their dictators in place?


Staff member
i do like america's approach / attitude..

sending fighter jets into another country's airspace and bombing their residents..

but.. That's not considered war..

yet they consider the twin towers attack an act of war..

but all in all this ISIS thing makes me think more and more about a question i posed a couple of months back - were countries like Iraq, Lebanon and Syria better off when they had their dictators in place?

The human rights violations were less under their dictators - the culture mesh going ok due to Western influence is diabolical.

Agree re the rest of your post.


Staff member
The human rights violations were less under their dictators - the culture mesh going ok due to Western influence is diabolical.

Agree re the rest of your post.

I wouldn't so much say the culture mesh from Western influence as much the power vacuum that was created encouraged greater fanaticism, corruption and greed.


Ive come to the conclusion regarding a few of those nations that no matter what of influence, type if government, leaders, programs, help, schemes, laws, systems or stradegies you try the majority will still be f*"ked in the head.

Joker's Wild

Ive come to the conclusion regarding a few of those nations that no matter what of influence, type if government, leaders, programs, help, schemes, laws, systems or stradegies you try the majority will still be f*"ked in the head.

Religion bro, religion. It will always inspire psycotic fanatics

Red Bear

Religion bro, religion. It will always inspire psycotic fanatics
It's moderately amusing (if it wasn't so horrible) that the centre of three of the major religions, all that guide towards peace at their core (I assume) is a violent shithole or, at least, a dictatorship of severe oppression.


ISIS. (Or ISIL, Whatever the f**k they want to be called)

Is everyone OK with the US going in and bombing the f**kers to hell?


My favourite post about them in 4C.

I am not pro the death penalty
I am not pro violence
I am not THAT empathetic to the plight of others that I would change my opinion on the above two points.

But the world should set aside all their little squabbles and unite. I mean Ukrainians and Russians, Muslims and Jews, Republicans and Democrats, Palestinians and Israelis .... damn even Sharks and Dragon fans ... they all should get together

And hunt every last motherf*cker of this group down, chop their f*cking heads off, piss and sh*t on their corpses, and feed them to the pigs.

And only when every single one is pig crap we can go back to hating each other.

Yeah when even Al Qaeda refuses to associate with you because they deem you too barbaric, yeah it is time you are eradicated from this world.


Also, it's something I actually agree with Pisshands on.


Post Whore
Religion bro, religion. It will always inspire psycotic fanatics

Blind faith in ideas. Nationalism and theories of governance (Fascism, Communism, Democracy) have both killed far more than religion has since the French Revolution. People shouldn't geniusedly follow ideas. Religion is just the oldest form of idea of societal control and therefore has the blindest and largest following. It's got the most sizeable, the oldest and the dumbest pedigree for this crap, outside of the more iffily defined 'tribalism' that apparently ruled over earlier humanity.

The South Park episode were the Hamsters fight each other in the name of their brand of Science has it bang on in the regard. If we eliminate religion, people will still find something to mindlessly follow and kill for.

Beyond a few strategic 'humanitarian' missions the West should not get involved with this ISIS business. If we do Afghanistan again we create another set of martyrs for the Wahhabi cause because the infidels have stepped in. If we want to put a hold on Islamic extremism of this nature it is up to the Islamic world to clean up their own house this time. We can help, but we can not do the heavy lifting anymore. Hopefully America, now that is moving towards energy independence from the Middle East, stops sheltering the shitty regimes in the gulf responsible for these nightmares.

In my dreams, ISIS first wipes out the house of Saud, the Kuwaitis and the Emiratis before they themselves get wiped out. And then hopefully the next ruling families in the region don't follow a creed as shithouse as Wahhabiism and use their oil wealth for actual social development in the Islamic world instead of opening academies for brainwashing in dirt poor Sumatran and Punjabi farming communities.


Staff member
Blind faith in ideas. Nationalism and theories of governance (Fascism, Communism, Democracy) have both killed far more than religion has since the French Revolution. People shouldn't geniusedly follow ideas. Religion is just the oldest form of idea of societal control and therefore has the blindest and largest following. It's got the most sizeable, the oldest and the dumbest pedigree for this crap, outside of the more iffily defined 'tribalism' that apparently ruled over earlier humanity.

The South Park episode were the Hamsters fight each other in the name of their brand of Science has it bang on in the regard. If we eliminate religion, people will still find something to mindlessly follow and kill for.

Agreed. I'm happy to give shit to religion, but it's blind faith in general that brings out the lunacy. Of course, "God made me do it" is still a special case of crazy.


Staff member
Well said, lads. It's easy (and sometimes justified) to mock religion, but it's no 'worse' than political belief, belief in racial superiority etc.


I've got nothing to say about the politics of anywhere because I frankly don't follow it at all.

But in the past, countries seemed to declare a war on each other. Resources would be organised, troops mobilised, heads of state would have a summit. It was a pretty official thing.

Nowadays, you just send some bombers or missiles from the nearest satellite base and blast the shit out of any random miscreant. Not sure if they even have real targets, just hit anything that moves in a place or way they don't like. Planes, schools, anything.

So there is no frontline of battle, sketchy goals, no treaties, no warnings, increasing technology, and few scruples. Makes it hard to see how resolutions can ever be found in some of these places.
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