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The announcement of new recruits is a key component of the clubs marketing strategy for increasing memberships, or should be anyway..

I'd hardly call it a key component unless you are shopping around teams depending on where your favouraite player is playing. For me I was happy that the bulk of the squad was locked up long term from mid 2010 knowing that there was little if any one else to get excited about joining the club.

Claws Panther

Everyone has their opinion I respect that but I don't agree.

Us and Manly are the only 2 sydney clubs not to inform us on how the membership numbers are going.

These players we eventually got confirmation about 1 month ago yet these are the dates we knew of them coming our way:

Seliuni: 25 Sept,
Weston: 2 Nov,
Towney: Still yet too be announced yet is in training picture so he must be signed. However GF week whilist at the Aboriginal KO tournament he was announced as a signing.
Gibb: 26 Oct.
Gordon 20 Sept.

And Finally I want to buy a heritage jersey but not until ALL the sponsors are on it. Imagine my surprise when I can't find a date for this I was even told may not be before the Round 4 heritage game.

But hey we are kept in the loop
you must not be a member in 2010 then. I was happy to hear Lewis, Civoniceva, Grant, McKendry, Walsh, Burns, Gordon, Paulo, Jennings, Coote and Tighe all were announced to the members first before the media and before ALL forum leaks. Happy you were proud to announce signings of the Windsor players before the club released them. Oh yeh I have received 3 emails already letting me know that the heritage jersey is due any day now and I am sure they are at the mercy of ISC on the releasing a specific date just like all the other clubs. Hard for them to release a date that includes the sleeve sponsor when they have not signed a sleeve sponsor yet.
So what you are telling me is that Manly and Penrith are actually building some hype around their membership numbers by not releasing their numbers?? Who cares this far out anyway does it matter if we are on 2000 or 5000 members before xmas? All that matters is what they finish on at the end of the season, but it doesnt matter either way because you have said we are on 2800 members so it must be true? Have you heard what melbourne are on? I dont think they are even on sale yet?
I admire your passion for the club, you should become a proud member so you can have your say heard a little louder??
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Haha. I have no doubt you are an employee with a reply like that plenty of PI rubbish in that. I am a member have been since 2005. I got all those emails those re-signing were great but sadly we had Penese, Blair, Cooper, Bateman, Pritchard & Graham leave. How does re-signing existing players plug those gaps?? It doesnt yet reading outside articles for confirmation we get confirmation yet the club can't confirm them poor form really. Re: Jersey. Yes but surely someone must know a rough date its frustrating wanting to be xmas presents & not know if it will even be before the season. About the members numbers we are in a crowded Sydney marketplace & it seems like we are hiding our figures through embarassment due to how small they are.


regardless of being a member or non member i am one by the way.It is great news to me that numbers are up.
Info coming out of the club is slow but it does arrive.My only real gripe is the lack of any info about Windsor from penrith.We are in a partnership with Windsor would be nice to see there list as well

Claws Panther

Haha. I have no doubt you are an employee with a reply like that plenty of PI rubbish in that. I am a member have been since 2005. I got all those emails those re-signing were great but sadly we had Penese, Blair, Cooper, Bateman, Pritchard & Graham leave. How does re-signing existing players plug those gaps?? It doesnt yet reading outside articles for confirmation we get confirmation yet the club can't confirm them poor form really. Re: Jersey. Yes but surely someone must know a rough date its frustrating wanting to be xmas presents & not know if it will even be before the season. About the members numbers we are in a crowded Sydney marketplace & it seems like we are hiding our figures through embarassment due to how small they are.
Most people know who i am I make no secret of it. Plus your "source" would surely know. As you are a member why dont you simply go to the club and speak to them about your concerns? Ranting on in forums really wont get that much attention, yet as a member you have a voice. The club offers any ticketed member a free stadium tour, hardly poor form. But as we said everyone has their own opinion. Sorry about the "PI rubbish" perhaps you would prefer the club closes the site down and offers no responses at all like what has happened to so many other clubs? The grass is always greener i suppose. You obviously have some serious concerns about the club and the way they operate, why dont you tell them?


Most people know who i am I make no secret of it. Plus your "source" would surely know. As you are a member why dont you simply go to the club and speak to them about your concerns? Ranting on in forums really wont get that much attention, yet as a member you have a voice. The club offers any ticketed member a free stadium tour, hardly poor form. But as we said everyone has their own opinion. Sorry about the "PI rubbish" perhaps you would prefer the club closes the site down and offers no responses at all like what has happened to so many other clubs? The grass is always greener i suppose. You obviously have some serious concerns about the club and the way they operate, why dont you tell them?

i did the stadium tour and would recommend it to anyone.I loved it The stadium manager was present to field questions on the running of the ground .Brilliant idea


I have wrote letters attended board meetings etc. Nothing. The OP was put as an update. I know myself I had questions it was never meant to be a rant. The thing I meant with PI rubbish was the fact how dare I question aspects of the club. I need to be a robot & only listen to the club. I have stopped using it for a good 3 years it works well I get the teams & news emailed to me. Or if I want the news 3 weeks earlier I come here. PS the tour is cool. I know you by name only



have you heard if craig trindall is going around this year.i have not been able to catch up with him.He was going to get married last i heard from him

Claws Panther

I have wrote letters attended board meetings etc. Nothing. The OP was put as an update. I know myself I had questions it was never meant to be a rant. The thing I meant with PI rubbish was the fact how dare I question aspects of the club. I need to be a robot & only listen to the club. I have stopped using it for a good 3 years it works well I get the teams & news emailed to me. Or if I want the news 3 weeks earlier I come here. PS the tour is cool. I know you by name only
then write me a letter and see if you get nothing back, just attention it to Claws the mascot (seriously it will work:) ) Mascots are used to getting hate mail as much as fan mail. I understand your comment about PI, i suppose the reality is that a majority of panthers supporters believe it or not they actually support the club meaning that the nah sayers are often outnumbered by those who criticise. I at least hope that you can see the club is trying to offer some fresh points of difference with pantherden.com.au and the ticketed members only section. Glad you like the teams announcements and news emails, at least it is not all bad. hey I havent seen Reggie Rabbit on here preaching the morale high ground of the club? It's got to say something doesnt it?

Claws Panther

Sorry to laugh Claws but who sends hate mail to a mascot :lol:
you would be amazed. As you know I have a facebook account and get heaps of crap on there all the time it is pretty disgraceful. you should hear the language you cop on away games, it would make the blackhole blush - especially at the SFS.


you would be amazed. As you know I have a facebook account and get heaps of crap on there all the time it is pretty disgraceful. you should hear the language you cop on away games, it would make the blackhole blush - especially at the SFS.

thats sad .Mascots do so much in bringing kids to games .But like you said there are always those in the crowd


then write me a letter and see if you get nothing back, just attention it to Claws the mascot (seriously it will work:) ) Mascots are used to getting hate mail as much as fan mail. I understand your comment about PI, i suppose the reality is that a majority of panthers supporters believe it or not they actually support the club meaning that the nah sayers are often outnumbered by those who criticise. I at least hope that you can see the club is trying to offer some fresh points of difference with pantherden.com.au and the ticketed members only section. Glad you like the teams announcements and news emails, at least it is not all bad. hey I havent seen Reggie Rabbit on here preaching the morale high ground of the club? It's got to say something doesnt it?

I will do that. I must admit I found more then I wanted to. I was getting concerned we wouldn't get a sleeve sponsor. Was unsure if us or the council got the stadium naming rights money. How our memberships were going. etc. I was after info not a whinge

Yeah I have met everyone that runs PI and the merchandise and membership team and all are nice guys. The membership team seem to be doing a great job we seem to always have great merchandise but try to get information you have no chance other then the weekly emails that maybe a policy from above.

However try and bring up a concern or ask why a certain player is in the team and the forum nazis come after you and treat you like you have 2 heads. Generally I am a positive person I would hate to be a negative person and try and post stuff