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Video Ref


This would be a great feature in the game i think. Imagine sitting round with your mates playing rl2 and the scores are level 1min b4 full time and one of u scores and it goes to the video ref and ur both waiting for the decision. it would be awesome

wat does every1 else think


The video ref arguments return! Basically I think you don't need it, and putting a video ref in would be pointless polishing that RL2 can't really afford when there is so much that can be added to or refined in the gameplay, and would you really want to miss out on say, shoulder charge tackles for short cutscenes after every couple of tries that would soon get annoying rather than cool and just hold up your game. Not to mention that it could be annoying that events are put into the game specifically to bring up these situations, such as players being held up, where before they weren't in there and you would just score a try if you were tackled over the line.

Once Dead

If they were limited to one or 2 a game......especially in crucial situations then i would agree.


But the computer is constantly analysing what is happening... there is no need for a video ref. The video ref was introduced because the human element in the real game may get some decisions wrong.... the computer always knows the correct answer (if programmed properly)..

However.... if it "appears" to be a tight decisions.... it could add a video ref moment just for fun.


I would love it if a feature of Video ref was in it. It does make it more realistic etc, but I wouldn't mind if it is not in the game, but no doubt I would love to see it.


No video ref for mine. but what I WOULD like is...

refs makin the odd dodgy decision, makes it realistic

PS> video ref may work for offsides from kicks, but only if u brought the man through yourself (sorta like bringin the goalie out on pro evo4), cos then you may have jumped the gun.
Id say that the video ref SHOULD be availible, but ony for a specific occasion. An example of this should be when your player is tackled over the line by the opposition and the video ref should come up and have 50/50 chance of awarding your try. Another example would be when your player plants the ball down but then slides over the touch line - have another 50/50 chance and the video ref appears. Don't use them for every try though, as it would get annoying quickly


Yes i feel would be a nice touch, just be like a replay but would add some atmospheric experience, seeing if you really scored or not (or how close you were).

Jono Russell

ok this is what i think.

i think you should have a button once a try is scored to go to the video ref. then you can view the try in different angles. then it up to the human to press x for try or O for no try. but for this to happen they would have to be honnest with them selfs.


somethingwithjohn said:
ok this is what i think.

i think you should have a button once a try is scored to go to the video ref. then you can view the try in different angles. then it up to the human to press x for try or O for no try. but for this to happen they would have to be honnest with them selfs.

its not needed dudes + dudettes....
how many tries did u score on the first game that made u question whether it was a try or not... the only time u were held up over the line u would be standing up and there is no try there...

the only thing the vid ref woulda worked on the first game is wen the other team knock it on and its called a knock back and they score off it...

i think time should be put into the little things... i.e one handed put downs and shyt like that... RL2 looks a hell of a lot better but its not at madden level yet...


There is a sort of video ref in Madden 2005, players can choose to challenge a play which esentially sends the play up to the 'video ref' for review. I think the computer deliberately makes the wrong decision every now and then and it is up to the player to decide to challenge or not.

It is quite a fun feature in Madden, however you do get the choice as to whether you want to challenge something or not and thus it dosen't become annoying like RL video ref possibly could.


Yeah It would be great If video ref is in "Rugby League 2"
But they gotta becareful how they put in the game.
It will get boring after a while so they should put an option to turn it off.


Yeah the AI deliberately makes wrong decisions in Madden, just so the video ref can be used. The video ref wouldn't fix physics engine errors or anything like that, the game would decide if a close call was a try or not then play through its cutscene. I'd rather have it black or white, if you dive over the line in a tackle, it should always be a try or always be held up, not up to some 50/50 guesswork. I'd hate to know that my dive for the corner late in the game for the win would come down to a 50/50 chance based on the AI because of the video ref, I want either a try or no try, no middle ground in the physics.

Seriously, what good would the video ref do other than slow the game down and frustrate you? If they implement it well, I'll deal with it, but really, I see no need for it, it'd just be bells and whistles the game doesn't need, especially when so many other parts of the game need work.


yep simple solution here....have it available then EVERYONE is happy....me for oen would turn it on but for those who don't want it can simply turn it off...if a video ref was going to be included, then this would be the best way around it with no controversary


Yer i agree. I think it should be in the game but if it gets annoying you should be able to turn it off, that would be pretty sweet

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