Light crowd.
Solid 60m for Warriors first set and a bomb contested by RTS.
34m by Manly.
Montoya not aware of holding ball and stripped on Manly 40m.
Manly knock on followed by a set restart for Warriors early in set.
O'Syllivam throws a lob pass on the last to no one and it is intercepted.
Foran kicks for 40/20 attempt turns inland.
Manly earn a restart for to long in tackle.
J Treb knocks on near the line after Foran makes a break off an offload.
Sloppy end to set, Harris drops it out, Jazz follows suit, then Nikorima has Katoa run a block in him and penalised.
Jazz puts a solid shot in defence.
Set restart on Manlys 30m, assume inside the 10m.
Jazz poor pass to RTS hits ground and it's knocked on. Knocking on their try line, opportunity missed.
Manly trying to offload in their 20m and Katoa regathers.
WTF, RTS takes a run from dummy half om the last into marker for nothing.
Ken puts a bomb down backwards luckly.
20mins of pretty poor football.
Another 40/20 attempt by Manly on the 3rd tackle. RTS pinned inside 10m
Fus makes a mistake in play the ball on our 20m.
J Treb dives for line and loses ball again as it digs into dirt. RTS in tackle saving it.
4 errors each.
Tackle restart for Warriors.
Fus dies with the ball on last out wide 10m out. Does anyone know how to get on the outside shoulder?
Manly gets 6 more.
Ken knocks Manly bomb out under pressure.
Manly over line again pushing, Jazz hand underneath goes up no try, ball lost by Manly. All our possessions and they have hand more chances.
Evans knocks on a short pass from Nikorima who created a gap for him.
Manly scorw off a scrum kick and Manly winger Saab runs down Ken and score. Ballys play that played off. RTS not in picture.
Finally Murchie makes a break as RYS gets centre interested and turning in.
Passes to Ken and gets knocked down by Sabb and lucky Ken catches it and scores.
Montoya knocks on a bat back by Fus off a bomb. Looked close to tackled before he had the ball.
Ken takes ball dead under pressure.
Fus nails Walker, which had to happen or overlap and Walker didn't see it coming and ball flys out.
RTS offload to no one and picked up by Kapow, but manly lose it in next tackle, blowing up and marched 10m
Nikorima long pass to Ken knocked on 20m out FMD, Reynolds SOS!
Foran loses ball under MM tackle on their 40m.
Nikorima kick taken dead with 25sec left.
8sec left, Evan puts down a offload.
Brown might have to explain Killer mode not Kitten mode.
63% completion.
Some pretty average football out there.
A top 8 team would have 30-40 points on us.
Will short turn around hurt at back end?
Manly lose ball on 2nd tackle on their 30m
Egan cut open by a Manly hand on face, diving for line, check him for a blade!
Follows by poor end to set again caught on last. Anyone organising out there?
Montoya nails Saab going across field like a giraffe!
O'Sullivan finds a gap in the line, forward sliding out falling for dummy and he scores next to post.
Manly kickoff high and Montoya nailed by Kapow providing cover for RTS who gathers it in.
O'Sullivan bomb touched by Saab and end up in go and forced dead.
Average set, saved by grubber knocked dead by Manly for another set.
O'Sullivan grubber terrible but DCE picks it up and knocks it on.
Set restart off scrum, and a terrible flat set inside their 20m!!!
Grubber on end by Egan doesn't go 5m and regathered by Manly. 3 sets for nothing. Reynolds SOS
RTS pulls down Walkers pants then pulls them up, Walker stayed down. Looks upper hammy or glute.
Manly tackle restart holding in tackle.
RTS cleans up a grubber in goal when Montoya down in background.
So challenge has to be taken within 15 sec? And before ball played? Neither happened there, then to overturn what didn't look obvious. FMD bunker and refs.
Nikorima loses easiest of ball looking up before it in his hands, Manly scores.
All off back of challenge that should not have been!!!!
Manly knocks ball in tackle by tackler forcing it out, Manly challenging and you guessed it Bunker turns it against us.
DCE field goal coming soon.
Manly incorrect play the ball 5m inside our half.
Manly lose the ball again, challenged again, but lost it this time.
Murchie drops the late offload Nikorima.
How about work for the field goal you fools.
Manly knock on the bomb.
This game golden point would be torture!
O'Sullivan with a shit attempted field goal.
Giving Manly 7 tackles.
Saab knocks it on DCE bomb, not sure why 1 point wasn't attempted by him.
RTS dances around the defense line but no one with him if he created a gap.
We can't even set for a field goal.
Murchie knocks on half way.
Challenged, and failed.
DCE saves us golden point, behind a wall.
We didn't deserve to win, but not sure Manly didn't either.