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Walker and Bowman


First Grade
Everyone was on the Cowboys bandwagon because they were a refreshing change from listening to dribble from Chooks fans such as yourself. It was good to see a team come from pretty much nowhere and take the finals by storm - as opposed to your mob have the system and its functionalities bend over backwards to assist you.


as opposed to your mob have the system and its functionalities bend over backwards to assist you.
Did the last original idea you have die of loneliness?

Canberra fans should remember that their club was bailed out financially by the loyal NSWRL clubs, including the Roosters, just before they started complaining last time that they got a raw deal. Is it time for you to go an start your own competition again? Maybe News Ltd will want to buy you again?

What was that quote from Mal Meninga, "...rugby league never did anything for me!"


Greenblooded said:
Mal Meninga = Legend

The 2 minute politician... What's he doing nowadays? I remember he used to be a bit of a thug on the field with that illegal arm guard.


First Grade
rossy said:
Greenblooded said:
Mal Meninga = Legend

The 2 minute politician... What's he doing nowadays? I remember he used to be a bit of a thug on the field with that illegal arm guard.

Mal Meninga is a legend of the game and none of the scum that play for your mob - all those cats, Walker, Hodges, Finch - are worthy of even cleaning Mal's shoes.

Who cares about his friggin political career anyway? So he didnt want to get involved in that stuff. Good on him I say.

Meanwhile you just change the topic off onto some random course, because you know that you are one seriously deluded person who cannot sustain an argument in the direction it is going.

BTW, how recently did the avatar go from Penshurst RSL to the Roosters? Were you bought out by them - or are you bandwagon jumping yourself?


rossy said:
Greenblooded said:
Mal Meninga = Legend

The 2 minute politician... What's he doing nowadays? I remember he used to be a bit of a thug on the field with that illegal arm guard.



Rossy, I had a fair inkling that you were an idiot.

You've just removed all doubt.
rossy said:
Canberra fans should remember that their club was bailed out financially by the loyal NSWRL clubs, including the Roosters, just before they started complaining last time that they got a raw deal. Is it time for you to go an start your own competition again? Maybe News Ltd will want to buy you again?

What was that quote from Mal Meninga, "...rugby league never did anything for me!"

Uneducated people, dribbling without knowing facts....bailed out financially by NSWRL clubs....about as true as Fien headbutting ricketson's arm.

Then again it is coming from a roosters supporter. :roll:


thickos said:
BTW, how recently did the avatar go from Penshurst RSL to the Roosters? Were you bought out by them - or are you bandwagon jumping yourself?

Yeah, it'd be the bandwagon around here... You're kidding. And you're asking that same question of every Cowboys fan?

I was following the Roosters before your stinking club started, in fact Kevin Neil was a Penshurst RSL boy and a family friend, and will be for as long as I draw breath. I just thought that i'd address the imbalance around here and nail my colours to the mast.

I think that you Canberra fans who attack the Rooster need to remember that they have come to your assistance in your time of need. Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. Next time you guys go broke, maybe you should remember who your friends were.

As for Mal, I think the jury is out on him. Does Terry Lamb think he's a thug?


First Grade
rossy said:
thickos said:
BTW, how recently did the avatar go from Penshurst RSL to the Roosters? Were you bought out by them - or are you bandwagon jumping yourself?

Yeah, it'd be the bandwagon around here... You're kidding. And you're asking that same question of every Cowboys fan?

You're the one who's been going on some sort of pathetic moral crusade about 'bandwagon jumping' so I thought you should really explain your situation - I mean adopting the Rorters' avatar in GF week after wearing a different one all season looks a bit, well, pathetic???

rossy said:
I was following the Roosters before your stinking club started, in fact Kevin Neil was a Penshurst RSL boy and a family friend, and will be for as long as I draw breath. I just thought that i'd address the imbalance around here and nail my colours to the mast.

Good for you. Penshurst RSL is just around the corner from me. As for Kevin Neil, he will always have a dual opinion of him from Raiders fans... the start of his tenure was great, the end pretty ordinary.

rossy said:
As for Mal, I think the jury is out on him. Does Terry Lamb think he's a thug?

You keep thinking 'the jury is out' on probably the next immortal. You're the only one with that berserk point of view.


Post Whore
better to look like an idiot, then open your mouth and remove all doubt

rossy, you'd do good to remember this peice of advice ;-)


Johns Magic said:
Bomber said:
Dog-E said:
NEITHER of them can tackle though!!...FFS If they want respect - they have to EARN it!! :evil:

Ben Walker corner is therefore a classic!! :lol:

Bowman can't tackle? Yeah, and the Pope is islamic.

I think he was referring to Chris and Ben Walker

:lol: Indeed I did!! :lol:

I wouldn't say Bowman couldn't tackle!!!!... Because is QUITE clear he can...The fact that that's ALL Bowman can do....is completely irrelevant here!! lmao

Chill people!! ;-)