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What REALLY makes you fat?


Thanks gratefullyto the webmaster and managers for the approval to put this up.
I do warn you all though that it is very l-o-n-g. Scroll down before you read it and see. I hope some of you will enjoy it as much as I myself did.
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September 2, 2002 [US Edition]</span></td></tr></tbody></table>
What really makesyou FAT?
If Kerry Sieger were a stone age hunter-gatherer instead of a 21st century molecular biologist, chances are she would have the taut, trim body of her dreams. In college, however, Sieger underwent such a dramatic weight gain that, ever since, she has been a size 6 butterfly struggling to emerge from a chrysalis of size 20 clothes. Over the years, she has tried a succession of diets—the Scarsdale diet, the Nutri/System diet, the Michael Thurmond 6-Week Body Makeover diet, even the cabbage-soup diet—but the pounds she has repeatedly lost have relentlessly crept back.
Now Sieger, 34, a research associate at a Houston-based biomedical research firm, has turned to the Atkins diet, a weight-loss program that seems to defy nutritional wisdom. Most health experts advise you to favor carbohydrates, found in everything from fruits to grains, while going easy on the protein and fat. On the Atkins diet, one is allowed to eat all the protein- and fat-drenched meat and butter one wants but must cut out cereal and bread. And if Sieger is puzzled by certain aspects of the diet—among other things, the initial phase is so low in fiber that constipation is often a problem—she finds merit in others. "I guess I'm curious to see if it works," she says. "I'm willing to give it a try."
Sieger is just one of the latest wave of Americans willing to try a regimen first promulgated by Dr. Robert Atkins three decades ago. His is the diet that refuses to die, slipping in and out of favor every few years, persistently bucking the skepticism of mainstream nutritionists. Could it really be, as Atkins argues, that low-fat diets, which are typically high in carbohydrates, are bad and that low-carbohydrate diets, which often contain considerable fat, are good? Is it really O.K., as Atkins advocates, to slather mayonnaise all over salmon and tuna and douse asparagus and lobster with butter while friends look on in envy? Shades of the 1973 movie Sleeper, in which Woody Allen plays a 20th century Rip Van Winkle who awakens after a couple of hundred years to a world in which fatty delights like steak and cream pies are deemed beneficial to one's health.
Alas, Sleeper was and is a fantasy. The indictment of excessive amounts of saturated fat—the kind found in steaks and butter—as a major contributor to heart disease and stroke has not changed and seems unlikely to do so. A formidable lineup of experts holds to the low-fat approach, none more tenaciously than Dr. Dean Ornish, whose regimen prescribes no more than 10% of daily calories from fat. With the latest resurgence of the Atkins program, the clash of the two theories is sharper than ever—low fat vs. low carbs, Ornish vs. Atkins. But here is what is new and somewhat startling: there are hints that Atkins may have struck a vein of truth—hints that are intriguing enough to convince some mainstream obesity experts that the approach merits more serious consideration. "Is it just that the Atkins diet is monotonous, and so people eat fewer calories?" wonders Dr. Samuel Klein, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo. Or is there something more interesting going on? Something unexpected about food itself, perhaps, or the way we eat it or even what our genes have programmed us to like?
Of course, the mere suggestion that the Atkins diet and others like it are worthy of scientific attention still makes many experts bristle. Yet it is also clear that the low-fat paradigm has developed some cracks in its facade. It turns out that not all fats are bad for you. Those found in fish, nuts and certain vegetables may actually increase your chances of living a good long life. By the same token, not all diets that are low in fat are necessarily healthy—as anyone who has ever truly considered the difference between a low-fat banana cream pie and a banana could tell you.
About one thing, however, there is no dispute. As a society we are clearly in a state of nutritional crisis and in need of radical remedies. The statistics are sobering. After 30 years of seemingly solid advice aimed at lowering dietary fat, Americans have grown collectively fatter than ever. Today more than 60% of adults in the U.S. are classified as overweight or obese. So many children have become so heavy that pediatricians are now facing an epidemic of Type 2 diabetes and hypertension—diseases that are closely associated with overweight and that were unheard of among youngsters just a generation ago. The change has been so swift and so pervasive that no simple explanation is possible. Maybe we didn't understand all the ramifications when we jumped on the low-fat bandwagon. We also failed to factor in suburban sprawl and six-lane expressways, school cafeterias and fast-food chains, movie theaters and television, advertisers and food processors. "We live in a toxic environment," says Kelly Brownell, director of the Yale University Center for Eating and Weight Disorders. "Physical activities have been engineered out of day-to-day life, and the food environment grows worse by the day. We took Joe Camel off the billboards, but we celebrate Ronald McDonald."
On one level, there is no mystery about why we as a society are fat. We are fat because we consume too many calories and expend too few. Though it is true that the proportion of fat in our diet has fallen from 40% in 1990 to roughly 34% today, the calories available in the food we consume have gone up, from 3,100 calories per capita per day in the 1960s to 3,700 in the 1990s, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). "And that alone," says New York University nutritionist Marion Nestle, "is sufficient to explain the obesity epidemic."
But there is a deeper question—one that has plagued anyone who has ever struggled to take off more than a few pounds. And that is: How do some folks manage to live in the same "toxic environment" and never gain weight? Indeed, the question of why so many of us are fat is just half the puzzle. "You can just as easily flip it around," says Jeffrey Friedman, a molecular geneticist at Rockefeller University, "and ask why—despite equal access to calories—is anyone thin?"
The quest to answer this double-sided question is in its earliest stages. Already, however, a series of fascinating insights into the biology of obesity has emerged. Behind our broadening behinds and widening waistlines, scientists say, lies a complex array of genes that, directly and indirectly, links our gut to our brain. These genes, honed by millions of years of evolution, appear to have betrayed many of us in the 21st century world.
Scientists have long suspected that human beings come into the world equipped with dozens, perhaps hundreds, of genes and associated hormones that regulate what scientists call the energy-balance equation. On one side of the equation are the calories we consume. On the other side are the calories we burn—through physical activity as well as whatever is needed just to keep the body in good working order. Anything left over gets converted to body fat.
With the notable exception of insulin, which helps the body process sugars from carbohydrates, the identity of most of the major players in this biochemical balancing act could for years only be guessed at. The first big breakthrough occurred in 1995, when the Rockefeller's Friedman stunned the scientific world by announcing that he and his colleagues had discovered a hormone produced by fat cells that actually caused fat to melt away, at least in laboratory mice. Genetically engineered mice that lacked the gene for making this hormone developed ravenous appetites and became grossly obese. When these same mice were injected with the missing hormone, they shrugged off a third of the weight they had gained. The researchers dubbed the new hormone leptin, after leptos, which is Greek for thin.
Although leptin has since turned into something of a disappointment as an obesity treatment for humans—the vast majority of obese people turn out to have normal leptin levels—its discovery touched off a scientific gold rush that has yet to abate. Competing research teams in the U.S. and Europe have so far identified at least half a dozen other compounds that have surprising power to regulate appetite. Researchers at London's Imperial College of Medicine showed just last month that one of those hormones, dubbed PYY3-36, actually promotes a sense of fullness after a meal.
Each of these compounds is slightly different, and scientists are just beginning to figure out how they all work together. What is clear is that all of them are important nodes along an elaborate network of interconnecting pathways that feed into, and out of, the hypothalamus, a brain structure that is the control center for weight regulation. The body produces hormones that activate the hypothalamus. The neurons in the hypothalamus send new messages back to the body. And just like subliminal messages spliced into a filmstrip, these signals powerfully affect our behavior even when we are not aware of them. Thus, while we read the paper or carry on a conversation, the hypothalamus—activated by leptin or some other compound—orders cells and tissues to ratchet up energy expenditure. The body responds by idly fidgeting to raise metabolic rates, or by increasing blood flow to the outer layers of the skin in an effort dissipate heat. In this way, we carry out a process known as thermogenesis, which is the body's way of burning excess calories.
Intriguingly, some people seem to be more efficient at thermogenesis than others. Researchers led by Dr. Bradford Lowell at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston last month pinpointed three genes that may account for at least some of that variation. Mice that lack the genes, they reported in Science, grow grossly obese when fed a high-calorie diet enriched with fat and sucrose. By contrast, normal mice fed the same diet gain very modest amounts of weight.
The fact that obesity has genetic roots does not explain the larger mystery. If obesity is so bad for us—and there is no question it is—then why are so many people susceptible to layering on excess fat? The answer may well lie in what is referred to as the Thrifty Gene Hypothesis, which supposes that obesity genes have been maintained in the human population because they conferred an appreciable survival advantage.
Rather like the ant in an Aesop's fable, people with thrifty genotypes—wisely, it might be argued—prepare for hard times by consuming and storing more calories than they expend. In this fashion, they create a reservoir of fat that comes in handy when food grows scarce. It's easy to imagine that repeated famines over the course of human development practically forced the biological system for regulating weight to skew strongly toward resisting weight loss rather than protecting against weight gain.
In principle, at least, no one should ever become obese. That's because the genetic system for regulating weight would seem to be exquisitely tuned. Researchers calculate that a man who keeps his weight stable at 175 lbs. will take in a million calories a year on average and will also expend a million calories. "Think about it," says Dr. Michael Schwartz, head of clinical nutrition at the University of Washington in Seattle. "How do you match a million with a million? It doesn't happen just by chance."
Leptin, which exercises an influence on appetite and thermogenesis, is thought to be key to maintaining this balance. For as we layer on fat, we pump out more leptin, which signals the hypothalamus that it's time to accelerate energy output and brake caloric intake. The problem is, people who gain weight have now been shown to develop a remarkable resistance to leptin's power. The fatter they get, and the more leptin they make, the more impervious the hypothalamus becomes. Eventually the hypothalamus interprets the elevated level of leptin as normal—and forever after misreads the drops in leptin caused by weight loss as a starvation signal. This phenomenon provides a biochemical explanation for why so many of those who lose weight end up putting it back on. Our bodies, backed by millions of years of evolution, fight us at every turn.
So what causes leptin resistance? The answer may turn out to be exceedingly complicated. Not only do the other hormones of the digestive system play a role, but also researchers are learning that they must account for the influence of such mood-altering neurotransmitters as dopamine and serotonin, as well as the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. And then there are melanocortins, brain chemicals whose power to affect weight loss and gain is just now coming into focus.
Genes, of course, do not make us fat. They merely set up a susceptibility to gaining weight under certain conditions—and without question, those conditions are now ubiquitous. In essence, says Dr. Walter Willett of the Harvard School of Public Health, sedentary lifestyles and a cornucopia of food have transformed people into the equivalent of corn-fed cattle confined in pens. "We have created the great American feedlot," he says.
Our Stone Age ancestors certainly did not live in a feedlot. They had to kill and butcher their meat-on-the-hoof during marathon hunts that lasted for days, sometimes weeks. They had to ramble for miles cross-country to gather wild fruits, grains and nuts and to dig underground tubers. If they wanted to eat something sweet, they had to locate a beehive, smoke out the bees and retrieve the honey, often by climbing up a tree or chopping it down.
Likewise, the components of our diet have undergone a radical change. The flesh of the wild game that made up our ancestors' diet had just 3% to 4% fat, whereas prime beef has 30% or more. And prior to the domestication of crops such as wheat and corn, humans consumed a variety of wild grains filled with fiber, which slows digestion. The process of highly refining foods, which allows carbohydrates to be quickly absorbed by the digestive system, wasn't widespread. As Rutgers University anthropologist Lionel Tiger puts it, human metabolism "did not evolve for prime beef, but, one would surmise, neither did it evolve to eat heaping plates of white rice and pasta." Nor heaping plates of doughnuts and chocolate-covered croissants, for that matter.
Why, then, do we like these foods so much? For answers, researchers are once again turning to laboratory animals, which exhibit many of the same dietary proclivities we do. Rats, for example, will labor mightily to obtain a sugar pellet even after they have dined on rat chow and aren't particularly hungry. The reason, thinks Allen Levine, director of the University of Minnesota's obesity center, has a lot to do with sugar's impact on mood-enhancing circuits in the brain. Sugar gives rats—and by extension humans—a buzz.
There is also reason to think that our penchant for making unhealthy choices might be enhanced by the abundance of particular foods. Consider the results of an experiment recently conducted at Philadelphia's Monell Chemical Senses Center. Rats given one cup each of fat, protein and carbohydrate were found to make balanced diet choices, eating a tad more protein than carbohydrates and a tad more carbohydrates than fats. But rats presented with more cups of fat and carbohydrates than protein dramatically increased their consumption of the former while sharply curtailing their intake of the latter—to the point, in some cases, that the rats became protein deficient. Why would rats do this? Perhaps because their brains are hard-wired to take advantage of sudden windfalls of food, and in the wild, of course, such windfalls do not occur every day.
They do, however, in restaurants. Soft drinks are now delivered in one-liter cups, observes Judith Stern, vice president of the American Obesity Association. Even the venerable Joy of Cooking has capitulated to the trend; recipes that used to provide meals for six now feed only four. So cheap are carbohydrates and fats that supersizing costs the food industry next to nothing.
Adults are free agents. They can overeat and gain weight if they want to. But perhaps what is most disturbing about their overeating is that they are unwittingly, and in myriad ways, passing on that tendency to children. It's not just that children pick up their parents' bad habits. There is growing evidence that what you eat early in life can permanently boost your body's desire for food.
If we were to start from scratch, how would we design a diet to keep our weight under control? For starters, we could concentrate on diets geared for life rather than quick and easy weight loss. "The people I see are great dieters, beautiful dieters," says Dr. Cheryle Hart, founder and medical director of the Wellness Workshop in Spokane, Wash. "They can deny themselves, but only for so long. Then they snap. We all would." Second, we could stop paying such close attention to every jot and tittle in the diet debate. It will take decades for researchers to unravel all the reasons we eat what we do, and why we like to eat so much of it. But a few insights are emerging that should point us in the right direction, as long as we don't turn them into inviolable dietary laws.
Not all carbohydrates seem to have been created equal. So-called simple carbohydrates, those found in white bread and cake, are so quickly digested by the body that they trigger a very rapid rise in the levels of glucose in the blood. The pancreas releases a massive amount of insulin to mop up the excess. Soon enough, however, blood glucose levels plummet to the point where our brains may feel woozy, we become excessively hungry and are driven to eat again. Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, particularly those rich in fiber, do not elicit the same kind of spike-and-crash response.
Researchers refer to the amount of glucose a single serving of a particular food releases in the bloodstream as its glycemic load. And there is growing evidence that we can manipulate it somewhat to control our hunger. Broccoli and peanuts, for example, have a low glycemic load, while instant rice and baked potatoes have an extremely high one. Avoiding sugar-laden processed foods and increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables is a first step toward sensible eating, says Dr. David Ludwig, director of the Optimal Weight for Life Program at Children's Hospital Boston. Choosing small portions of pasta and bread made from coarsely ground wheat is a good second step.
Dairy products and milk—which has been increasingly replaced by soft drinks in the diets of both children and adults—are also fast emerging as dietary "goods," despite the fact that a 12-oz. glass of skim milk has almost as many calories as a 12-oz. can of Coke. The reason may have to do with calcium, says Michael Zemel, professor of nutrition at the University of Tennessee. In the absence of calcium, levels of the hormone calcitriol increase. Among other things, calcitriol shuts off the mechanisms that break down fat and activates those that make it.
Fats too are gaining new respect. Olives, nuts, avocados and other foods that are rich in mono- and polyunsaturated fat belong in our diets, many nutritionists believe. Not only do these good fats help lower the level of LDL, or bad, cholesterol, but they are also essential for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like E.
So what would an optimal postmodern diet look like? Chances are it wouldn't look like the food pyramid, the official government guidelines released by the USDA in 1992. Indeed, the food pyramid is due for an overhaul in 2003—although no one is yet willing to give any details. If Harvard's Willett has his way, the pyramid will make a greater distinction between the types of fats and carbs we should and shouldn't eat. Willett, unlike the USDA, does not lump most carbohydrates at the pyramid's base or all fats at the pyramid's eat-sparingly pinnacle. In fact, Willett places good fats—those from vegetables and fish—at the base and good carbohydrates—from whole-grain versions of bread and pasta—side by side at the base.
Carbohydrates with a high glycemic load join saturated fats at the top.
The question is whether the addition of these new concepts—glycemic load, a redrawn food pyramid—can restore sanity to a collective eating binge that has spiraled out of control. And if not, then what can? An appetite suppressant that makes people eat less but has no side effects? A thermogenesis pill that one can take after overindulging in ice cream?
Perhaps the future will bring better medications, at least for people who are morbidly obese. But for the broader population, the remedy must be sought elsewhere. And as we can't change the genes we are born with, we are left with one alternative—to change the environment that our genes have proved so ill equipped to handle. We, the species that invented barbecuing, that domesticated corn and wheat and that created foie gras and French fries, have powered through a series of food revolutions, says Oxford University historian Felipe Fernandez-Armesto in his recently published book, Near a Thousand Tables (The Free Press). The purpose of the next revolution, he predicts, will be to undo the excesses of the last.

With reporting by David Bjerklie and Sora Song/New York, Dan Cray/Los Angeles and Elisabeth Kauffman/Nashville
<a target=_top name=atkins>The Case for <u>Low Carbs</u> by Dr. Robert Atkins, M.D.</a> For the past 20 years, anything other than a low-fat diet—which usually includes a lot of carbohydrates—has been considered unscientific and dangerous. So it is quite ironic that as researchers are finally studying the benefits of the Atkins Nutritional Approach (ANA), which controls carbohydrates, the scientific underpinnings for the low-fat approach are being challenged.
Research on controlled-carbohydrate programs demonstrates that subjects find them easy to follow and effective in helping them lose weight. In addition, controlling carbohydrates lowers glucose and insulin levels in the blood—risk factors associated with heart disease, diabetes and other metabolic syndromes. Here are the facts regarding the three phases of my program. During induction, the amount of carbohydrates allowed is limited to 20 grams a day—the equivalent of three cups of broccoli, spinach or salad greens. Mine is not and has never been a no-carb diet. During the next phase of the program, ongoing weight loss, you add five grams of carbs a week until you find what we call your CCLL, or critical carbohydrate level for losing, which is usually between 40 to 60 grams a day. Once you've achieved your desired weight, you continue to add healthy carbs, seeking a level that does not cause you to regain weight. The ANA recommends that the carbs you add consist of more green vegetables, followed by seeds and nuts, fruit that won't spike your insulin levels (such as berries, cherries and green apples), whole grains and even some starchy vegetables. How many carbs you can include in your daily diet will depend on your age, gender, level of activity and genetics. Followed properly, the Atkins program (<u>www.atkinscenter.com</u>) can last a lifetime, without your having to count calories or feel hungry all the time. Low-fat diets require strict calorie counting, do not allow for individual metabolisms and often require putting up with hunger due to a low-calorie and minimal-fat intake. As far as safety is concerned, look to the science for your answer, not high-profile critics. My program preserves lean body mass, sparing muscle loss. In my experience, it is not harmful to bones or kidneys. For over 30 years, I've been a lone voice in the wilderness. I am grateful that the National Institutes of Health is now examining controlled-carbohydrate and low-fat nutrition. These studies may end up showing that excessive carbohydrates are the true culprits, not fat. At what point am I allowed to say, "I told you so"? Dr. Atkins is chairman of the Dr. Robert C. Atkins Foundation and author of Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution
<a target=_top name=ornish>The Case for <u>Low Fat</u> by DR. Dean Ornish, M.D.</a> Here's how you lose weight: burn more calories. Eat fewer calories. That's it. You can burn more calories by exercising. You can eat fewer calories by consuming less food. You can lose weight on any diet, but it is hard to keep the pounds off because you feel hungry and deprived. An easier way to consume fewer calories is to eat less fat, because there are nine calories in each gram of fat, whereas protein and carbohydrates have only four. So eating less fat allows you to consume fewer calories without eating less food. I agree with the high-protein advocates that it is wise to eat fewer simple carbohydrates, like sugar, white flour and white rice. They are also low in fiber, so you get a lot of calories that don't fill you up. On top of that, simple carbohydrates get absorbed quickly, causing your blood sugar to zoom up. Your body responds by making more insulin, but too much insulin accelerates conversion of calories into body fat. The goal, however, is not to go from simple carbohydrates to bacon and brie. Instead you should opt for whole foods with complex carbohydrates such as unrefined whole-wheat bread, brown rice, fruits, vegetables and beans. These are packed with thousands of protective substances. In addition, they are rich in fiber, which slows their absorption, thus preventing a spike in your blood sugar and an excessive insulin response. On a high-protein diet, you may lose some weight because you are eating fewer simple carbohydrates. But you can lose even more weight by eating fewer simple carbohydrates and less fat. And you enhance your health instead of mortgaging it. Indeed, there is now evidence that a high-protein diet can actually decrease the flow of blood to the heart in patients with heart disease (<u>www.ornish.com</u>). The more closely and the longer people follow a low-fat, whole-foods diet, the more their heart disease improves. In our research, angina (chest pain) decreased 91%, and cholesterol levels fell 40%, without medications. Most patients eligible for bypass surgery or angioplasty were able to avoid it safely. These findings have been published in the leading peer-reviewed journals. Medicare now covers 1,800 patients in our lifestyle program. I eat high-fat foods sometimes, but I don't delude myself into believing they are good for me. To get the full benefits of the good fats, you need to consume just three grams of fish oil or flaxseed oil a day. You have a spectrum of dietary choices. But to the degree that you reduce simple carbohydrates and fat, you will lose weight and gain health. Dr. Ornish is the founder and president of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute and the author of Eat More, Weigh Less



Thankyou poster Ryback. Truely a great article. Well worth the wait.
I'll post a reply to the article on the weekend, when I have free time.
I enjoyed it so much that I will copy it on print for myfuture refrence.
Javaman saying well done sir:)


I tend to think the low-fat, complex carbs approach of Dr. Ornish is correct. On the other hand, I try to generally follow that kind of diet, as well as exercise, but I can't quite get my weight where I'd like it. Javaman, can you help me lose 10-15 pounds?
I went on the Atkins diet about 15 years ago. Funnily enough, I went on it to get in shape for my last season of football.
The Atkins diet rips the weight off you and you feel like you have heaps of energy, unlike lowfat diets, which leave me feeling like a wringed out dish cloth. The bad sides of the Atkins diet, and the reasons why I no longer go on them, is that you nearly always feel really, really angry (which plays havoc with your social life) and it is probably very bad for your heart etc. Another bad side effect is your breath smells like rotting flesh, oh yeah, and don't eat cheese, your bowels will set like concrete.

I have tried every diet on earth I think, and what was said at the begining of the article about high carbohydrate and low fat diets is the bottom line, you have to take in less calories than you expend ie, eat less and exercise more, it is as simple as that.
that is what i have always thought roopy. Havent had any major issues with the weight...............yet, but its a simple question of maths. If calories used &gt; Calories consumed, down goes the weight. I eat fatty foods from time to time, but i feel guilty afterwards and it makes me exercise, ride a bike, do some small weights, whatever.

I mean, a lot of it comes down to your metabolism as well. Some people are blessed with a fast metab, others are the opposite. There are heaps of quirky theories that people use to lose weight, most of them are garbage. But id be interested to know from Ryback, Javaman, or any other people involved in the health/diet industry, their thoughts on the following:

- The impact of drinking heaps of water

- Constant use of chewing gum (I know, people will laugh. But it is a laxative, and well.....better out than in)

- The merits of exercise, and what forms of 'simple exercise' expand the most energy. Say for instance, a comparision between bike riding, sit ups and push ups and small weights (10kgs).

Cheers in advance. I do sports management at uni at the moment, but im not heavily involved in the health side of it. Just wondering about those questions out of curiosity, any other ideas/theories would be interesting to read as well.



That's an A class read Ryback. Well done mate :)
I have a question also about diet-fitness for our resident members wh are in the health field.
Is it true (or how much truth is there to the belief) that you should perform cardio exercises before your weight workouts for weight loss?
Any info would be great.


Just out of curiosity and thru a show of hands: How many people here do some form of exercise on a regular basis for health and fitness reasons, or whatever be? Do you also combine that with a healthy eating regime or do you just visit the gym and hope that that is enough to do the trick?
I do cardio and weight training three days of the week (Monday, Thursday and Saturday usually) religiously...well I try to anyway. I'm starting to get that chest-to-draw disease. You know, when your chest starts making its way down towards your draws. :)
I do cardio for 15-20mins every time I train, and than immediately follow that by a weight programme where I hit the total body for 2 sets of 12-15 reps per body part. I just saw that routine inside a mens health magazine a few years back and have been doing it ever since. I change the body parts and sequence every time I train so as not to stalemate and make it a little less borring everytime. Exercise can be so monotonous at times.
I'm not asking for personal training thru the internet, but I would appreciate if some here in the know can guide me towards the right direction through either web pages or reputable books. I also know this is a pretty complex subject (at least I'm guessing it is) and don't expect every question to be answered in a detailed manner here, but some assistance would be appreciated.
I'm open for suggestions, so please post up your routine or what you do so as I can compareit to mine, andtry some others. I really don't think I know what I'm doing at times.
I'm sure I've read that there are more than just Javaman, MFC and Ryback here who are involved in the fitness industry. Didn't Fanballer mention that he was studying exercise science at uni (or something along those lines)and that Raging Bulldog competed in bodybuilding comps in the past....just to name a couple of others?
Please help.


Shortly after I posted this thread, I herd news of a family tragedy.
I'm sorry I cannot contribute to the thread I started and answer some questions, but I need to stay away from the computer to spend time with my immediate family.
I will check to see if this thread is still active upon my return, and if, so will try to forward my opinion on some questions already put forward.
I apologise again and hope that people understand.
Family is everything to me.

Condolences to you and your family Ryback.
You go ahead and spend time with your family. We'll all still be here upon your return mate....I hope so anyway.
Excellent article you put up BTW mate.
"Family is everything to me." - Too right mate. :)



Assistant Moderator
Sorry to hear that Ryback. Taking a moment tous informsomethinglike an internetforumisthoughtful to say the least.
As Reservoir Dog, we're not going anywhere. Take your time.
Sincere condolences.


Great post, a quality read! and condolences to you and your Ryback.

To the best of my knowledge, if you are doing cardio in an attempt to lose weight then it is best to do it after your other exercise. The reason is pretty technical, but ill have a go at it...

When you exercise the body first uses glycogen that has been stored in the muscles. Once this glycogen is depleted the body then switches over to using fat as energy. Generally it takes 20mins for the glycogen level to be depleted, which means that unless you want to do cardio for 40mins or more you should do some other exercise beforehand.

The switch over to fat for energy is what is sometimes described as 'hitting the wall' or getting a 'second wind'. It takes more oxygen to burn fat and you produce more sweat at the same time.

I hope that has made some sense, and i invite others to agree or disagree with this, because as i said before, this is just what i have figured after reading up on things.

After saying all of that though, any exercise you do, no matter what order you do it in, will provide you withbenefits, and you are doing a lot more than many other people in this country.

MFC, i have also heard that water aids in the breakdown of fats in the body. Drinking lots of water does make sense, since the body is made of a lot of water and uses water for most processes. It also helps to flush out toxins in the body, and toxins are definately better out than in!




Hey thanks for your post dasher :)
I'm gona try the cardio after the weights thing starting from this week. It makes alot of sense mate, will keep you informed thru this thread.
Cheers again mate.
ps-does any one else hate the non taste of water or is it just me. Give me a
anytime. LOL!



My personal experience has been the following:
What everyone says about basic maths is true, if you can force your body to burn more calories than you consume, you drop weight. I basically cut as much fat and simple carbs out of my diet as I could and ate lots of complex carbs and a fair amount of protein. I also find that if you eat 5-6 small meals a day (substituting some with protein shakes) your metabolism stays faster giving you more energy and helping you drop weight. If you eat infrequent large meals the body seems to try to hibernate to digest them and store them as fat.
As for drinking lots of water yeah the bland non-taste is annoying and trying to force it down can be a pain but you feel better for it eventually, and it does seem to help the cause if you can get 4+ litres down a day.
Interesting theory about doing weights before cardio, I'll have to give that a try.


I've lost quite a bit of weight recently by eating smaller servings and adding a bit of exercise.

About 3 years ago i had 3 major operations and not even being able to walk for a while i put heaps of weight on. Being a lazy bugger i kept on eating the same amount of food but i wasn't nearly as active as i was before my operations.

A few months ago when there was a dull period in my <span>research </span>i realised that i might have to find a job next year so i decided to lose some weight as a short-term goal. I've never weighed my self but my waist has gone from a 106 to an 87 since i started which was about the time of the Aus v GB test. For about the first month i was constantly hungry but after that you don't realise it. I was quite surprised with how quickly it came off but i did have quick metabolism before i had all the medical problems.

One thing i did realise with all the fat gone was that my muscles had shrunk. I used to be a strapping Lock forward but now i would struggle to make a tackle on a winger.

I hope i haven't bored everyone with that story but when you do lose a lot of weight you have to keep up that lifestyle. For the past month i'vebeen frantic trying to get my thesis in (laziness does eventually catch up) and sitting inf ront of a computer all day and night doesn't lend itself to much activity. To actually break the boredom you also start to eat more.

Anyway, i can restart in about a month.
It's well recognised that just dieting will cause you to lose as much muscle tissue as fat. You have to exercise more than you diet.
I have always found bike riding to be the best exercise, but i went silly with it and found myself taking a week off work and going on 1000km rides (that was about 10 years ago.)
The good part of that was that I kept off a lot of weight for several years. if you just diet you will actually slow down your metabolism and end up putting on more weight than you lost.

They say that you should do at least half an hour of aerobic exercise at least three times a week. A way to tell if you are doing aerobic exercise is to take your pulse when you are resting and exercise till you add 50% to the resting rate and stay at that pulse rate for half an hour, for example, if your resting pulse rate is 80 beats per minute you need to have it going at 120 beats per minute during exercise. You can also use this measure to see if you are getting fitter by taking your pulse every five minutes after you stop exercising. The quicker your pulse drops to the normal resting level, the fitter you are.
That's a damn good article mate! Well done and thanks for sharing it with the forum.
I see you haven't posted since your last message here. I hope all is well with you and your family and hope to see you return and maybe address some of the questions raised here.
I'm no expert on the matter and topic at hand here, but I do regularlytrain and try to balance a healthy lifestyle.
Except on weekends that is


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