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Where is everyone?

Nah boys, willow is a cock.


Conspiracy Theories?

You webtard.

I have come to the conclusion that you are nothing more than a mongoloid willow. What else could be the reason for the conspiracy theory statement. That part of your brain that is supposed to decipher readin' and a ritin' aint workin' too well.

It was your community, apparently, do with it what you will but all I was asking for was a bit of honesty regarding the untimely demise of LWOS as against the steaming pile of bullshit you're still throwing from your arse. The honesty came from Legend.

You couldn't lie straight in bed.

f**king Saints supporters. That makes, let me think, three that I think are worth more than a warm bottle of horse piss. 30 years of nothing has turned you all into brain dead turd jugglers.

What about this dork oneye, he's a good guy, I think he would make a welcome addition to The Front Row.

The only problem he has is that there is no way he could work out how to join.

See what happens when LWOS is dead and I get bored?
Anotherclassic post, Chuckles... I have to say, you're conspiracy theories get more outlandish with every post. From the word go, you have made a Federal case out of this - completely losing the plot on more than one occasion.

I've never lost the plot.

EA: "It's all perfectly clear. You're trying to muddle it, with insults now, so that it isn't as clear as it is....
Seeing as we're allowing insults now, how about this one..."
Hypocrite.... like there wasn't any insults in any of your earlier posts. I didn't take you for a sook, EA... one who throws insults and but can't cop it whena few come back. Thats tough.

Don't be a tool. I had been perfectly decent about this until you began the insults. But you're worthy of a few you Pelican Frotting Donkey f**ker.

"I've made it perfectly clear that I believe that you bunch have abandoned LWOS. 100% correct."
Wrong. If it was abandoned, why do we have a gateway link back to LWOS? The plan was never to stop people posting here. It's up to the individual where they want to post... not where you think they should post.

It was abandoned in favour of TFR. You keep calling it something else but it's the right word.

"I've made it perfectly clear that I don't believe that any of you give a shit about LWOS. 100% correct."
Bullshit. Isaid before that it's hope to see LWOS make a comeback but it's not going to happen overnight... but I see, like so many other things,that patience isn't one of your virtues either.
btw, I never made a promise that LWOS would come back - that would be impossible to know for sure. But I did say that would try and get it back on it's feet. You're the one that's given up.

Given up? You make it sound like I havea vested interest in LWOS?

"You want to close LWOS but are worried about 1) a backlash against LU 2) people who read LWOS infrequently may need the link to know where you've gone, hence the neverending pointing to the link to LU over the past few weeks."

1.) = more bullshit. You obviously know nothing about Leagueunlimited. As has been said by more a few now, some managers at LU wanted to delete LWOS but I wouldn't allow it. Make deluded accusations if you like but I tell you now, fear of backlash never crossedanyone's mind.

You got that right, I know sweet FA about LU. I do know that you frequent the place so it's unhygienic for starters. The other "managers" were right, you should have deleted LWOS and blamed MSN.

2.) = So what? We have always allowed people to promote other sites. Why are we not allowed to promote our own site? Its none of your business who makes a post on any forum but I'm sure you'll find someway to make it your business.

Who was having a shot at you about that? It was a statement of fact.

Paranoia ?

"The thing is, I don't give a f**k about you or anyone else, I'm just one of the people who enjoyed LWOS and thinks that your new board is a load of shit. Guess what? I'm not alone and your new board is a load of shit."

And so eloquently put. Many people enjoyed LWOS and most of them made the trek to TFR. As for TFR being 'shit'... well that's just your opinion... and one thats in the minority.

It's the minority? So everyone who has frequented LWOS is now at TFR are they?

"If I had seen that from you in the first place, I wouldn't have said another word. But you've bullshitted the whole time. Trying to put some meaning on it that just isn't true."
Rubbish. You were going at it fromyour first post... even before I replied. Don't make out you were ever willing to be conciliatory.

Of course, you're a Saints supporter, you know what other people are thinking. I was willing to try and make LWOS a going concern but it seemed to me that in order to do that, I had to brown nose you. That was never going to happen, you've got enough noses up your arse, no room for any more anyway.

Any effort to placate you only made you more paranoid.

Don't placate me, tell me anything, even tell me to f**k off, but tell the truth.

"This place went from 1,000 post a week to f**k all in minutes. That doesn't happen by chance."
No it doesnt happen by chance because it wasnt happening. You see, there you go again. Further proof that you know jack shit about the history of all this.

It wasn't happening? I was a member when it happened.

LWOS only ever got 1000 postsin a weekduring the off season... would have been one of the last times you made a post here I think.

Since the season started, LWOS was only getting 300-600 posts and in the last 8-12 weeks, we were struggling to get 300 posts. I know this because I monitored the count.Not like you ofcourse who has the luxury of rattling off mythical figures to back upan argument going nowhere fast.

We were concerned about the drop off but I felt it was just part of the ups and downs of the forum. And in case you think I'm making all this up, ask around because it was a topic of discussion about two months back and again about one month ago.

Concerned about the drop off? Only because when you flicked the switch to TFR, there might not have been too many people around to get into the conga line.

The most likely reason for the drop off was the rise of TFS which is getting more posts than it ever got at WORL. Given the average age of forummers, it's not surprising that TFS seems very attractive. When WORL and TFS split, we had a surge in members but this soon dropped away when the NRL season kicked off.

Crap. The TFS forum gave you very few long term members.

"You can misread/put your own slant on whatever you like but the fact is that you've basically told everyone from LWOS who doesn't want to go to your new site to get rooted."
No, I've only told you to get rooted.

Touche. But metaphorically speaking......

"I dare you to delete LWOS you gutless jism bucket."
LOL... why? Because you issued a dare??? Oooh... how can I resist? Hilarious.

I think it would suit you to delete LWOS except for one thing, you need it for people to know where you've gone.

EA, I repeating myself now. Everything you said tells me that you know very little of the background to all this. The evidence is throughout this thread. The fact that you think it was sudden drop off in posts thats just 'coincidentially' occured with the launching of TFR tells me that at best, you are out of touch.

Who said I was in touch?

I've made it clear that the politics don't interest me. All I saw was a good forum die overnight. You're making it out to be some one man crusade. It's not a crusade, it's just me telling you that you've been less than truthful.

There is now an exremely low post count here but like most things, there's often more than one contributing factor.

There's been anumber of posts, not just from me, trying to set you straight. Nevertheless I'm sure you'll still think the whole thing was planned out and orchestrated.... and I'm sure you'll keep on screaming blue murder.

No, they were all from you. The others were a bit more honest.

Don't worry about me screaming blue murder, I never cared that much.



Assistant Moderator
Canadian Steve: "Willow, I'm not here to argue with your entire post, but this last point: c'mon. Are you saying the dropoff of posts here isn't due to the launching of TFS? "

Is that a typo?

In any case I said the success of TFS was a contributing factor to the drop off in posts here at LWOS. This has been evident since the season started and before TFR took off. You were one of the people who noticed the drop off about 2 months ago. I'd been noticing it going downwards for a while before that.
I guess I'm saying it wasnt as 'overnight' as we all think but then again, I'm just looking at the raw stats and I appreciate that others may have a different perception of thngs.

But there are obviously a number of reasons including the launching of TFR... unfortunately, the NineMsn format at LWOS wasn't hardy enough to stand up to the success of the phpBB format at TFR. I have agreed that the success of TFR saw the most recent plummetting of posts here - that goes without saying.At the very least, it has put LWOS in intensive care, so to speak.

But it wasnt planned. Previous attempts at setting up forums at LU were always confronted with technical problems and lack of major interest. It came as quite a surprise when people came over in such numbers in such a short period of time. This can only mean that the timing was right... or wrong, depending on your perspective.

The fact that the managers are mainly drawn to TFR now is understandable. Afterall thats where all the familiar forummers are now and managers are just like any other contributor in that regard.

Atilla: Thanks for that mate. Look forward to seeing yours and Javaman's posts. :)


Yes it was a typo. I meant TFR, the Front Row, not the Footy Show. I never meantto mention TFS in that context.



Willow or some other managaer, we could use some deletion power if oneye/woofeye whoever continues to invade.


Assistant Moderator
No worries Steve. Oneye knows that any post he puts up which buggers up the scrolling will be scrubbed.

Oneye: You're welcomed to visit TFR. But I don't think you could handle it there.


Ah Willow, it seems like only a couple of months ago you were calling me "son" and telling me how much I had to learn about running a forum...

I'm glad I dropped inbecause reading this thread I've learned some important things;

1."We have moved" signs do not mean in fact that you have moved.
2. You remain fully committed to LWOS and demonstrated this by starting 1 thread in the last two weeks.
3. You want to retain LWOS but it's not in your interest to do so.
4. The sudden drop in traffic is not because you were telling people to move to TFR.

I'm not going to jump on EA's cart here, but if you really believe what you're saying it looks like the only person you've fooled with your spin is yourself. I've stayed out of this forum before as I did not wish to "spook" you with perceptions of interference by MSN, but now it clearly doesn't matter.

I'll say this to everyone, ifyou suddenly can't find this place in the next month or so, it wasn't MSN that deleted it. I'm not naive Willow, you will delete this forum as soon as TFR is in full swing, and that's fine, it's exactly what I'd do. Good luck to you, I hope that you and Michael have success with LU.


Assistant Moderator
Dale, I have no intention of deleting LWOS... I'm not that cynical. There's too many good threads here. There some good points of research here as well.

So with respect, you're barking up the wrong tree. Not everyone does things your way.

"I'll say this to everyone, ifyou suddenly can't find this place in the next month or so, it wasn't MSN that deleted it. "
Thats a very strange thing to say. Do you think we'd try and pin the blame on you dale? LOL. OK mate I never thought of that... but hey, what great idea. ;)

Seriously, No one can say how we'll all feel in two or three years but right now, LWOS stays.
Like I said, at the very least, we have some very good threads here and I know some folk still enjoy reading back through them. IMO, thats important.

There are other Nine Msn forums which have a barely managed a trickle and the powers don't delete them because of lack of activity. I'd be asking questions if LWOS was deleted.

"The sudden drop in traffic is not because you were telling people to move to TFR."

I never said that. In fact, I acknowledgeTFR as a major factor (I believe my words were, 'putting it LWOS in intensive care'). I cited other reasons as well and said it was a combination of things. Unfortunately, there's been a spate of misreading posts in this thread and I guess you're no different from anyone else in that regard.

"...it seems like only a couple of months ago you were calling me "son" and telling me how much I had to learn about running a forum..."

I'm sorry to hear that still irks you mate... To be honest I had all but forgotten that exchange...ButI thinkit was before the season started and that makes it more like 4 or 5 months ago. Time flies when you're having fun eh?

I do remember that when TFS was trying to get back on it's feet, a number of us from here went over and made contributions and duplicated some of our most successful threads. This was a healthy exchange between the forums and imo, far better to recall than insignificant skirmishes.

Thanks very much for your well wishes. I think it will be a success but like many things, good results take time.




>> Thats a very strange thing to say. <<

Not really, there have been at least two mentions of MSN in the thread, one from you in msg 9 suggesting that MSN may shut down groups.

>> I acknowledgeTFR as a major factor <<

Yes,reading the thread I was left with the impresion you were claiming otherwise, but you did come to that conclusion.

>> I'm sorry to hear that still irks you <<

Irks? no. Amuses? yes. I had forgotten it too, or so I thought until I read this thread and thought, now where have I seen this before ... hmmmm ... all it needs is some condescendng prick to come in and tell you how to suck eggs! ;)

>> far better to recall than insignificant skirmishes <<

True, LWOS is heldin high esteem by a core group of members at TFS and despite holding different opinions to them about LWOS role in the formation of TFS, I none-the-less respect theirpositive view of LWOS.

My goodwill regards LU is genuine. It's nice to see you're having a good go at it and I hope that you achieve some success. I recognise that TFR is part of the plans for your future and I'm surprised you'd "split the vote" so to speak but it's your call.