classic post my sediments exactly lol, sediments, or sand either way , raider 69 and pete cash call themselves raieders fans, this brings shame to some of us humble fans the 2 may give an impression raiders fans are all self righteous wallys but we are not , they do not speak for us all, the 2 of them need to get a room where the can assume and quote bs stats, they need to tighten the mind!
What in God's name are you smoking son?
If raider 69 and Pete bring shame, wait until you met Raiders Premiers ans Skeepe! And especially Always Green. If there is any pair that would make Duges and Fergo on a roof top stand out less than a slightly chipped tile, it's them. AG would not just sipple a couple of tweeny cruisers, he's have a full keg of Tooheys New up there. And after a few schooners, Skeepe would be like King Kong and throw house bricks at any car that he thought contained a referee of any sport within it's steel shell.
"You are a friggin snooker referee arent ya you f*cking scum" ***tonk***
The real reason Duges drank on his roof is that AG was downstairs shagging his missus..........
Thats fine your welcome to that is your call, but i will say after reading so many blogs by these 2, i feel it my duty to apologies to the nrl community ,as a raiders fan and i hope you all have not judegd our club on these 2 trouble makers, you do not deserve to feel as though your views do not count, dont let these 2 little want to b bullys get to you , they are fragile ,and insecure in the mind , apologies again from the raiders fan,and we have some good eggs like valliantraider the wild joker and im sure many more , cheers
WTF? All Raiders fans have nutter qualities. You, however, are their version of Bunniesman.
Ferguson has been telling friends that since he was a little boy he always wanted to live in France, and that since he tasted his first filet de boeuf avec sauce béarnaise, at age 18, he has thought of himself as a gourmet. Ever since he laid eyes upon a beautiful French girl he has wanted to baiser un chat chevelu francais et un cul de jeune fille francaise.
He could eat snails and live in Mt Druitt and have the same experience.
Isnt it funny how geniuss think they are classy by printing half their work in French.
In that case, Albert, f*ck off you complete and utter citroen renault joan of ark f*cking jous wein ein rock star bloody eiful tower piece of sh*t take me away to Marseilles f*cking mong!