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Who am I?


Assistant Moderator
Joe... thats a damn good guess. Cradle ... sleep...kip... Kipper... Plus I'm trying to think of who has a newborn of late - I think thats the clue.


Assistant Moderator
"...because of a new born (daughter) only a few weeks ago now."

Thats the line I remembered but be buggered of I could recall who said it...
Good bit of research there CM :)
You the man CM!
Well done mate :)I think our imposter has been caught! Damn Outlaw! I would never have guessed you. Good stuff mate :)
It is you mate...isn't it? LOL!
ps-good to see you're still around mate.


As I was scrolling down and i read CM's post I was sure that he was right. I also had recalled that post but couldn't remember who wrote it. Back to the drawing board.


Assistant Moderator
JoeD: I think the real MM has thrown us a furthy....

He didnt deny that he was Kipper or any of the other guesses. So he is the imposter's imposter....



<u>PS:</u> The answer is in the c-a-l-? (fill in the blanks). Think members...think!
the only words my spelling computer comes up with are: cradle &amp; crawls but as Im new here I havent a clue, a wild guess, Mud-n-blood

Mystery Man (the original) you honestly don't think that people can tell the difference between us? Seriously mate. It just takes a click of the mouse. Duh!What's the problem mate? Jealousy perhaps? A lack of attention of late? ;)Hahaha.....
Well done <u>Cryptic Messenger</u>! You got it! :)
I honestly didn't think anyone would remember that post I made over a month ago now. I knew if anyone did, that it would ruin my identity, but I didn't expect it. Ozbash and Willow as well as MFC were on the ball. I saw MFC click onto it first and tried to sway him a little with my very next reply. But I didn't want this to drag on too long anyway. Did you remember that post I made CMor did you come upon it by mistake and it clicked to you? I'm interested to know.
You're absolutely right mate. I did withdrawfrom posting here towards the endin fear that my name might trigger peoples memories of the post you put up and who it was. Even before you did so. More so after I gave the second clue away.And I did give myself a little credit early on :p. I figured why not. Ha Ha! Nobody else does and I may never get the opportunity to do so again
. Many were also right early on.I did look back at some of (the real)Mystery Man's posts to get an idea how he structures his sentences and so on. He makes next to no spelling errors (like many here-not including myself). So I had to do a spelling and grammar check befor I posted the original post and tried to be carefull with the rest of my posts. The bright side is I hopes it's improved my own pathetic spelling attempts. Haha...
Excellent work to provide the evidence also Cryptic. Saved me doing so upon the identity beingrevealed. My revelation was that I told the forum I had a newborn and would post at odd times, as the post revealed.
The reason I'm up at this early-late hour is because of my little girl. She has very irregular sleeping patterns, and between the hours of 1AM and 3AM is my shift. I figure what better thing to do than kill the free time in those 2hrs than to log on and surf here. It comes in real handy because her "CRADLE" is in the computer room too.
Anyway, it was a time killer for me and I hope all had fun playing. I certainly did.
BTW Cryptic: I read your post on the farewell you did for Terrell Davis of the Denver Broncos. I didn't see it for a few days following, and when I did, I didn't want to post because it had dropped on the main page. I just want to tell you thanks for the great post mate. It was a pleasure to read a post so well put together. It's in the NFL section if anyone is interested who hasn't seen it yet. It's a beauty! :)
Thanks to all who played. Cheers!
MM. ;)Ha..Ha..


Oh and BTW: I'm gonna keep the MM name active for a while. I may pop up when Mystery_Man (the original) least expects it. Afterall, he did try to ruin this one so I'll repay him the favour unexpectedly one day...or two.... :p
I'll get you back mate! Ha..Ha..
Outlaw (MM.) ;)
