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Who's Going to the Knights vs Roosters?


Got our tickets for the game on Tuesday, bay 35, right smack bang on the 50m line. Very happy! :)

I'm really looking forward to the game!


Hi guys,
I'm only new, but I hope u don't mind me joinin?! Livin on the coast I seem 2 know more ppl who hate the knights, than luv em' like me!! (probs cos they're mostly parra fans! hehe ) So figured I shouldn't be deprived just cos they're all jerks!
Anywayz gonna be at the game on Sat - heaps stoked cos I won tickets - BUT, was from Nova (best station eva cept that it's in sydney!!) so am a bit scared that I'm gonna b surrounded by gooster fans all nite!!! Hopefully the boys can belt em' though - then there so called fans will all walk out half way thru n everything will b sweet!! :lol:
Damn, how I'd luv to c that!!! [-o<
Anywayz, not to keen on catchin the train n goin from central, so was hopin to get on the coach. Only I come from the central coast n the pickup pts r pretty far out of the way. Do u think I'm any chance of bein picked up any closer to home, like maybe the servo on the freeway?? It wouldn't really be out of the way 4 them, but just so much easier 4 me! mmf, will giv them a call 2moz, n c what bribes r required!? Is anyone else goin down on the coach??
Well hope 2 c u all down there, cheerin the boys home =D>

p.s hope I put this in the rite place cos I really hav no idea what the hell I'm doin!!


Hi CoastieChik

Hope you get your travel plans sorted out. Would like to meet up with you at the game if possible. I've sent you a PM so if you get back to me tonight we can make some definate arrangements.

Looking forward to meeting you.


First Grade
CoastieChik said:
Anywayz gonna be at the game on Sat - heaps stoked cos I won tickets - BUT, was from Nova (best station eva cept that it's in sydney!!) so am a bit scared that I'm gonna b surrounded by gooster fans all nite!!! Hopefully the boys can belt em' though - then there so called fans will all walk out half way thru n everything will b sweet!! :lol:

that would be very sweet to see! :D where bouts are you sitting?


Hi Jedda n 'Knights rule' (so true!!),
Thanx 4 d pm Jedda - sorry but didn't read this till after. Yeah can probs make plans 2nite but will need to b either b4 7.30 (dawson's is on =] hehe)
or btw 8.30 n 9.30 - sorry but CAN'T miss d footy show!!! Hope that's ok?!
mmm, not too sure where we're sitting at the mo b'cos haven't got d tix yet - but really hope we're not surrounded by goosters!! mmf, guess they could at least make 4 a good laugh!! -but that would b about it!!
Anywayz - won't let them spoil my nite!!


hey r the rooster supporters ok or r they like the doggies?
just asking for future advice. :lol:


First Grade
CoastieChik said:
mmm, not too sure where we're sitting at the mo b'cos haven't got d tix yet - but really hope we're not surrounded by goosters!! mmf, guess they could at least make 4 a good laugh!! -but that would b about it!!
Anywayz - won't let them spoil my nite!!

ah well hope you have good seats im sitting in bay 33 and im hoping that it is filled with knights fans! although if the knights win and you are surrounded by goosters fans at the end of the game you can get up and just have a huge smile on your face and say ah well better luck next time aye? :lol:


First Grade
I strongly advise anyone going, to go early and get your ticket, otherwise you will be in ques(spelling) that go for miles and miss the kickoff, with a ticket you can just bypass the lines and go straight in, I know most of you know this already, but a few mighten.


Guessin we'll find out where we're sittin 2moz, not that it'll really matter - a seats a seat so long as I'm there!! But defos won't b missin kickoff!!!
REALLY want the boys to get up, BUT EVEN MORE so if I'm surrounded by goosters!!! :D


If you've got general unallocated seating just head for the Red and Blue Jerseys, there's bound to be plenty.

Knights supporters will probably out-number Gooster supporters 3 to 1 so you should be pretty safe.

Besides, it could be the Knights last game so take a risk and give the best yells you can for the team you love and don't give a stuff about the Gooster fans!

I plan on yelling, screaming, dancing and probably doing the Gus if we win! If we're playing at the Chook shed you may as well act like a Goose! :lol:


Yeah, well I found a baby sitter......me.

I guess that’ll teach me to keep my 'mangina' to myself.

Have a great time all. Best of luck.



Tough Luck Pando, I was looking forward to meeting you.

Can you get the game on TV? I hope so, that way you will at least be able to support the boys still.

I'll give an extra loud yell when the boys run out on the field for you!


First Grade
I just popped out to get my tickets so I will be at the game tonight :D :D :D

I can't wait!! Going with my best mate who's a Roosters fan so one of us will be a big sook after the game!


Jedda said:
Tough Luck Pando, I was looking forward to meeting you.

Can you get the game on TV? I hope so, that way you will at least be able to support the boys still.

I'll give an extra loud yell when the boys run out on the field for you!

I will have my baby girl dressed up in her Knights jump suite ( She looks like Josh Perry in it :) )

I will see the game on 9. Thanks for cheering for me.....I am normally very loud so give em hell.



First Grade
Jedda said:
Tough Luck Pando, I was looking forward to meeting you.

Can you get the game on TV? I hope so, that way you will at least be able to support the boys still.

I'll give an extra loud yell when the boys run out on the field for you!

My ears are still ringing from your yells Jedda.
And so are about ten Gooster supporters probably haha.


Sorry I didn't get to meet you Jedda. We had to wait for our friend Skye so we could put stuff in her car. We didn't get in the actually ground till about 7.10pm.

Hope you had fun anyways, we had more fun going out after the game LOL.


Hi Risa

Yeah, I was pretty dissappointed in not catching up with you guys after the game but I was pretty shattered from the result.

Terminator and I headed off to the nearest pub straight after full time to drown our sorrows.

Poor bugger, he's probably still deaf today.

I haven't got much voice left but I gave it my all to support the team.

Feeling pretty tired after my big trip but don't regret any of it for a minute, in fact I had a bloody hard time getting on the plane to come home today.

Anyways, better go it's almost 11:00pm here in NZ and I don't think the body will hold up to another late night.

Hope to be back over next year so will try to catch up with you all then, probably at Newcastle.


Yeah, we headed off to Fox Studios for a while and drunk a bit. I was pretty much resigned to the fact that we'd lose, but I thought we'd play better. But, nothing can be done now, except a long look forward to next season.

Anyways, hope to catch up with you next season!!