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Why did Mason walk?

Gene Krupa

bad_doggy_bad said:
To all the rooster sooks, this is how it works.

1. Last season Mason wasn't on report for "careless high tackle" nor was he this season excpet rnd 2. So That's what some in the judicial system call a clean record.. Hence the reason Laffranchi got let off on the same charge.

2. Adrian Morley, has been done for the same offence before, so when you got a Half wit like morely on ur side, stupid enough to not learn from his mistake. WHAT DO U EXPECT

***Me hands all the whingers a tissue and directs them to the kids help line.. Tell it to someone who gives a F#$%


f**king twig!


bad_doggy_bad said:
To all the rooster sooks, this is how it works.

1. Last season Mason wasn't on report for "careless high tackle" nor was he this season excpet rnd 2. So That's what some in the judicial system call a clean record.. Hence the reason Laffranchi got let off on the same charge.

2. Adrian Morley, has been done for the same offence before, so when you got a Half wit like morely on ur side, stupid enough to not learn from his mistake. WHAT DO U EXPECT

***Me hands all the whingers a tissue and directs them to the kids help line.. Tell it to someone who gives a F#$%


Were you polishing your gun when you wrote that ?
What a f**king wanker :lol:


bad_doggy_bad said:

A dogs supporter advocating violence and an image of a player being held by 2 others while the third goes to town on him.:-k

Getting a strong sense of de-ja-vu


Mason is a grub, a sly dirty dog, who has a knee lifting action. He is a master of the sly cheap shot, I wouldn't call him squeeky clean.
Him getting off just shows the NRL judisury system doesn't work.


I will be behind the KNights this weekend with the same intensity as I am when the roosters play them.

The joys of seeing dogs beaten - priceless.


innsaneink said:
A dogs supporter advocating violence and an image of a player being held by 2 others while the third goes to town on him.:-k

Getting a strong sense of de-ja-vu
:lol: GOLD
he must be aged 15-30 and with a mullet or carrot top hair cut with adidas trackies and Nike Air Max shoes

In any case its not hard for mason not to be cited last year, how many games did he play?
Excluding his token rep jerseys


>zuzu< said:
Melon..u calling us favourties when u got Daddys boy in the form of Finch on your team. THe NRL has two judicial systems..one for the NRL and one for the roosters..
So you dirty fave, why didnt mason cop 1 week. 2 count them 2!!!! head shots.

Because teh NRL is scared of continually punishing your sh*t club.


dodge said:
Still smarting from 2004?

Pity that.
Not in the least. The fact my team was sh*t in 05 and still finished above your depthless crap made it all worth while.

We dont have to win a premiership every year. As long as we finish ahead of your crooked club, then Im happy.

But I dont get it why the NRL are frightened of burying your pathetic dirty club? Your players get away with murder (and twisting by the pool), your fans are the filth and scum of the league...I dont care how many or who. Suspended cash and points penalties and yet the NRL does nothing. Now your players are collecting heads and still nothing, whilst my team plays hard and the way the game is meant to be played, and we get targetted.

Go figure, God must be a car stealing, rioting, train burning moron that follows the Berries!?? LOL.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
melon.... said:
Not in the least. The fact my team was sh*t in 05 and still finished above your depthless crap made it all worth while.

We dont have to win a premiership every year. As long as we finish ahead of your crooked club, then Im happy.

But I dont get it why the NRL are frightened of burying your pathetic dirty club? Your players get away with murder (and twisting by the pool), your fans are the filth and scum of the league...I dont care how many or who. Suspended cash and points penalties and yet the NRL does nothing. Now your players are collecting heads and still nothing, whilst my team plays hard and the way the game is meant to be played, and we get targetted.

Go figure, God must be a car stealing, rioting, train burning moron that follows the Berries!?? LOL.

Burying our club? 37 points and a sh*tload of money in 2002, forcing us to lose one of our most courageous players after 2004, fines and further suspended sentences and fines for off field and crowd behaviour. No, the NRL are tops to us ;-)

Face it, people hate your club. The sooner you deal with it and live it up like the rest of your boys, the sooner this argument will dissolve and the sooner you'll come out on top.

However, :lol: at your pleasure of our team finishing lower than yours in 05. The fact that you think it makes up for the hurt of a GF loss or three really shows how sad you are. Why not base your support on club support instead of hatred of another?


dodge said:
Burying our club? 37 points and a sh*tload of money in 2002, forcing us to lose one of our most courageous players after 2004,

so you lost one player?

how brutal.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
We lost far more than one player, but he was our most significant loss, apart from, maybe, in hindsight, Thurston.


if the club was to be truly punished & the fans spared, the executives responsible should have been fined the amount of the breach & dismissed.

the club may have been fined & had points withdrawn but the title of '04 had it's genesis in the cheating of the years '01 & '02.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
You believe that ;-)

I'll believe it was won by hard work by 25 players who fell under the salary cap comfortably.


First Grade
We were told season 2006,was the year the NRL was going to get tuff on head shots.Well the only one to get done was poor Morley,and his taclke at best was line ball and probably the tackle of the year.

Blokes like Mason walk,i have seen more heads shots in two rounds this year,than last year

What every the NRL does,it must be the same for all


I am as keen to see the Dogs punted from this comp as the next person for all their wrongs over recent years, and i am far from a Mason fan....

But they were just lazy arms hanging out. He should have been binned on the night for repeated infrigements, and i think the charge fitted the crime.

To compare it to Morley's shot which should have bene charged as reckless, that involved shoulder charging (shoulder; that's part of the body generally harder than the forearm) a guy in head, is like comparing a commonwealth games gold medal for the 20km walk to an Olympic gold medal in said event...apples and oranges.


hybrid_tiger said:
Mason should have been binned on Friday night.

He was warned once for a high tackle. He did it again and he was warned again. He then did it a THIRD time and was warned again.

P1ss poor.
Lolesi was the one who should of been sin binned. Just ashamed the ref was afraid to take action on both accounts i guess

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