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Why do you support the team that you do.


Why i assume people support who they support (please take with the slight humor intended)....

Broncos – who else are they going to support the QLD Reds?!
Nth QLD – its too hot in Townsville to try and get to sleep at 9pm, so going to Dairy Farmers is the next best option
Sharks – Their supporters have never left the shire (accept to go on holidays), so they only know one team.
Roosters – When they come out of the cardboard box factory they are coated in red blue and white so that they can double as French or American supporters at poorly attended national contests where tickets to overseas supporters are slow.
Raiders – tickets are free
St-Illawarra – the saints fans support them cause they hate the shire because its so much greener on the other side of the Georges River. The Illawarra fans hate having to drive through the shire and cop all those filthy looks in order to go to the city.
NZ – cause its like, cool bro!
Dogs supporters – see NZ. They also get an idea of what the latest in home–bro fashion is at the showground…
West Tigers- Wests supporters cheer them on because there is a Torana in the car park at Campbelltown where you can get Guns and ammo real cheap. The tigers fans stick by their team because they are gluttons for punishment.
Storm – Storm supporters are rebels in Victoria who refuse to like AFL
Penrith – They use the advertising signage around the ground for spelling and reading tests.
Souths – retirement villages are hard to get a place in these days and it makes a nice change from the street for some.
Parramatta – best team, best facilities, why wouldn’t one follow them (no bias there)
Manly – if you don’t have a car you can’t get out of the northern beaches, so you have to find something else to do, hence the footy.
Newcastle – Well they like them now because of Andrew Johns i guess, why they will support them in 12 months when he is gone… I don’t know….


roostergirl65 said:
Hi all,

I am proud to support the Sydney Roosters. i am 29 years old, and have lived in the Eastern Suburbs my whole life. My dad has taken me to watch the roosters play since i was a 2 year old, where I would sit on his shoulders calling out 'roosters". I did stray for a few years to Souths (I'm still not sure why - a moment of insanity :D ), but then returned back to my beloved roosters!!!

I have to say, I am a bit dissapointed at how much flack we cop on all these forums - I heard this was a great forum to join cos everyone is normal without too much team bashing - but instead of reading about who and why fans support their teams, i have read bickering and fighting, particularly about my roosters!!

I love my roosters, but i also love my rugby league - before you critcise my team, critcise your own. None of us are perfect, premiers or not - by the way CONGRATS to all panthers fans for the premiership in 2003 - its a good feeling to win isn't it - I can't wait to play your team again thsi year!!

What a year of footy 2004 is going to be!!


Great post Rooster girl.

You are objective and not at all abrasive. The reason so much ill feeling is directed at your club is because of your clubs stance on the salary cap and because of some of your fellow rooster fans who post here.

You see they don't have an objective bone in their body. The can't, like you, accept the loss in last years GF, and congratulate the Panthers. They get up every ones nose here and it's hard not get into fairly spiteful arguments with them because they don't see reason.

Sorry, but thats the way it is.

Ron Jeremy

When growing up Parra where the team, not only where they the team of the 80's but there side dominated SOO & International fixtures...the players where house hold names & too this day still by far the most supported side in Sydney.

They where the first RL side to average home crowds of 20,000, they have a great stadium....great junior base & the colours??.....i love blue & gold :D

"When Parramatta is doing well..Rugby League in Sydney is doing well" - Ray Warren 2000 Quarter Final between Parra & East's...Parra won 32-8


Innsaneink, i must applaud you on you low intellect, as shown by your response to my post!! :clap:

I was six years old when I followed souths, my dear friend, because I like rabbits! I started following the roosters again, because i had been taken to so many roosters games, I decided that they were the team i should follow!! I am not, and never will be a band waggoner!!! I have sat through many games, both the losses and their wins, and at times have been critical of their performances, I am a 'normal' fan who doesnt need to get nasty to get my point accross!!!

It is so easy to criticise a successful team isn't it!!! Well if that makes you feel good about yourself, you go for it - what a sad life you must lead!! :cry:

Thanks for your reply. I agree that we have some fans who like to shoot off at the mouth, but who doesn't!! On our forum at the roosters website, we forever have other teams supporters coming in and being offensive, and we tell them to leave they just tell us that we are losers!! It's a no win situation!! Also, you should not judge the team, and their supporters because of a few nuts on this forum!!

I am open to opinions, but not when it is just about putting shite on my team!!

I still believe that in regards to the salary cap, we are representing more than just our team, and why not push the boundaries - we need to do something to get these union and afl idiotsof our back!!

Anyway, I do understand where you are coming from, but I guess I am not the tyoe of person to get on a website and abuse every team except my own!!

In regards to Penrith and gf, they deserved to win that nite, we playted the worst game we have played in many yaers - don't get me wrong, i was absolutely devestated when we lost, but after about a week, :D , life does go on!!!

Oh, you've just gotta love footy!!!!!! :lol:


Let's let the game recover fully before we start pushing boundaries though. Sure the Roosters are ready for a rise in the salary cap but there alot of teams who aren't. Once those clubs are fully on their feet and starting to become successful again we should definatley raise it, but alot of clubs will die if we start throwing too much cash around again, especially if we do it too early. I think the Roosters have been blinded by their success and are just being greedy now, which you can't blame them for, being greedy for success is not uncoomon. They should consider the bigger picture though IMO.


Fair arguement McSharkie, but we cannot help being successful, and where I understand where you are coming from in regards to the poorer teams, why should the Roosters have to be held back - surely their should be some reward for being successful!!

Yes, we do have some great players, but we will lose them all shortly - But I guess that would make everyone happy, seeing the roosters fall flat on their face!!!

You sound like a real lover of footy McSharkie - I hope the sharkies have a better season this year - I have a dear friend who is a huge sharkies supporter!!!! I don't mind the sharkies, but I have to admit, i am not a huge fan of Kimmorley!!! :eek:


I was originally a Tigers fan all through Primary school because my older brother supported them. My dad was a mad eels fan and used to take us to Eels and Tigers matches. When my brother stopped watching football when the Super League War was going on I kinda fell out of the game. Then after watching the Knights Triumph in the 1997 Grand final, I couldn't wait for the 1998 season to start. And from Round 1, 1998 my heart was as an eels supporter. I love my team and i'm so passionate about supporting the mighty eels :D
Fair arguement McSharkie, but we cannot help being successful, and where I understand where you are coming from in regards to the poorer teams, why should the Roosters have to be held back - surely their should be some reward for being successful!!

The reward for success is success.

What more do you want? A monopoly on it?

Yes, we do have some great players, but we will lose them all shortly - But I guess that would make everyone happy, seeing the roosters fall flat on their face!!!

Cry me a river.

That's happened to every other team with the Roosters benefiting but now that its happening to you its not okay?


Well I've always been a Parra fan, because it run in the family, but my Dad and uncle had played reserve grade for the Tigers and Newtown respectively, and for some reason my brother followed Wests through the early 80's. Anyway, my first football experience was when I was about 3 months old and I was taken along to the 83 grand final. I can't say I really remember alot about it, nor the other grand finals of that era I was taken to. But still, I was there. The family had all become Eels supporters when we moved from the city to the hills area in about 1973 or so.

Anyway, from when I was about 8 or so Dad would take me to the Eels games every weekend that I spent with him, and I got to watch my team get flogged in all three grades every week then get taken down to the sheds to meet the players who had just had 50 put on them yet again. Dad eventually got selected for the football club board and got box seating because of that, so I got handed off to my brother, who had finally turned around from the Magpies to the Eels in about 87 or so, and was starting to take more of an interest in the club after we went on our 96 spending spree. So every week him and his mates would go along to Parra games getting drunk and reluctantly dragging me along with them.

Eventually I was old enough to start going to games myself, so me and my mates would head along to the $5 entry North Hill and have a blast. I managed to get to about 18 Eels games in 2001 while still in year 12 in school, and in 2002 and 2003 have made every effort within reason to get to every Eels game I can. This year I'm going for it all, to go to every game they play, including trials, still paying $5 to get onto the hill and wearing my Eels jersey and ridiculous looking blue and gold jesters cap with pride every weekend.

So while I couldn't say I enjoyed those younger years watching my Eels get belted, from 92-96 going to every home game with Dad just to see my team beaten, I feel like it was a rite of passage, that I can enjoy the success we do have and making the most of it, because who knows when another 1993 is just around the corner.

Eels for life.


First Grade
When I was a kid I was absolutely apeshit about dinosaurs. Thus I liked the dragons, and have followed them since, through thick and thin, through beatings by bunnies supporters.
My old man didn't watch footy, so all I really got to see where mascot stickers and footy cards until I was about 7.


roostergirl65 said:
Innsaneink, i must applaud you on you low intellect, as shown by your response to my post!! :clap:

I was six years old when I followed souths, my dear friend, because I like rabbits! I started following the roosters again, because i had been taken to so many roosters games, I decided that they were the team i should follow!! I am not, and never will be a band waggoner!!! I have sat through many games, both the losses and their wins, and at times have been critical of their performances, I am a 'normal' fan who doesnt need to get nasty to get my point accross!!!

It is so easy to criticise a successful team isn't it!!! Well if that makes you feel good about yourself, you go for it - what a sad life you must lead!! :cry:
You accuse me of having a low intellect because I call you a bandwaggonner after you state that you had changed your support for your football team not just once, but twice.
But its when you explain the circumstances of your defection that you then question my intellect....maybe if you had made things clearer from the outset I wouldnt have reacted as I did.
I didnt use my psychic powers to deduce that you liked rabbits at age six, like you used yours to gauge my nous.
BTW, who criticised your team? Not I.
And no, my life is far from sad, actually only just winding up the celebrations from the weekends victory. ;-)


Do you use a ladder to get off that donkey or do you just jump?


First Grade
I grew up in a rural area, so I didn't really have any geographical allegiences to any teams, and my favourite colour is blue. Also, the first game that I remember watching was the 1980 (I was 7) GF between Canterbury and Easts. That's what initiated my support for the Bulldogs. I'm now thirty and have followed them ever since. I've not always supported the actions of the club administration, nor some of the troublesome fans among their supporter base, but I've always supported the team.

I like the family element in the club, with the Mortimers, Hughes' etc. I like the fact that they show a lot of loyalty to their players. Typically, they try to keep their players for life, despite not being superstars (Steve Reardon, Hughes brothers). I like the culture that this creates within the club. I like the way they never give up, and their success always comes from playing as a champion team. They play with grit and determination. They have a very successful junior develpment program, and can often bring the best out of players where other clubs have failed.

And simply, I like the way they stir my passion for the game when I watch them play.


hi all

my reasons for supporting the storm are a bit convoluted - i got into footy in 1998, the same year as the storm (i had only ever seen cricket until then). i always support the underdogs, and to me, any team in afl country was an underdog.

being a qlder, i considered the broncos (cos everyone else goes for them on the sunshine coast, it seems), but i couldnt do it because i hated wendell and hodges. now that they are both gone, my alliegience is tied to the storm beyond turning back.

having said that, i still cheer for the cowboys, warriors and sharks (when they arent playing the storm), because they give the appearance of being 'friendly', likeable sort of teams.


Another Grand Final tale...which apparently makes me a bandwagon jumper...yah whatever - so to the hounds out there, I preface this with the fact that I was not quite 7 years old at the time, and in the following years, as Parramatta won everything in sight and every second kid at my school literally 'suddenly' became a lifelong Parramatta supporter - I held my convictions very firm!!

Anyway - My grandma was really the only one who was into League when I was a kid...and she was a :( Roosters supporter!...Thankfully I can say I was never a Rooster - I really didn't get into footy at all until one fateful day in 1980!...

My whole family was there watching the game, awhich of course was Roosters v Dogs - and cause we were at my Nan's house - everyone was cheering for the Roosters....Well - Except for me!! :D

I decided i wanted to be different, and so i picked the Dogs that day!!....Much to the consternation of my nan - But what I saw that day, hooked me for the rest of my life!!...At halftime, i still remember it well - I went out onto the balcony, and my Nan had some red, white & blue streamers wrapped over the railing...well, cheeky little bugger that i was, I ripped down all the red ones!! :lol: She was *NOT* impressed when she found out!! :lol:

But this little tale has a happy ending - in the following years - by sheer attrition I think - I successfully converted my Grandma into a very proud Bulldog supporter!! :D

One soul saved from eternal damnation!! My work here is done! :lol: :p


ibeme said:
I grew up in a rural area, so I didn't really have any geographical allegiences to any teams, and my favourite colour is blue. Also, the first game that I remember watching was the 1980 (I was 7) GF between Canterbury and Easts. That's what initiated my support for the Bulldogs. I'm now thirty and have followed them ever since. I've not always supported the actions of the club administration, nor some of the troublesome fans among their supporter base, but I've always supported the team.

I like the family element in the club, with the Mortimers, Hughes' etc. I like the fact that they show a lot of loyalty to their players. Typically, they try to keep their players for life, despite not being superstars (Steve Reardon, Hughes brothers). I like the culture that this creates within the club. I like the way they never give up, and their success always comes from playing as a champion team. They play with grit and determination. They have a very successful junior develpment program, and can often bring the best out of players where other clubs have failed.

And simply, I like the way they stir my passion for the game when I watch them play.

Onya champ!! ;-)

Same age as me to boot!!

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