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Wigan get Fielden


Well they must have paid a fortune to the Bulls for him, whats the bet he falls to the Wigan injury curse now.
Fielden often says he wants to play in the NRL but he's been on contract at Bradford. He gets out of that deal to go to Wigan (admittedly with a lot of cash involved) instead of trying the NRL. Fielden is full of sh*t. I doubt he'll ever play in the NRL. Morley gave up plenty of cash to come here but Fielden won't.


thats probaly the most poor decision i have heard in the past few years considering player movements.

One of the Best props internationally in the world and u go stuff it up like that....I bet u he will get out of the wigan deal if they get relegated
Yes it is bad news but it is far from then end of the world.

I would've snapped Wigan's hand off for 450k. The Bulls board would not do this if something wasn't in place. Whatever they have in place I am more than sure we will benefit.

The main instigator is Brian Noble. He knows Wigan are doomed if he doesn't do something drastic and this is very drastic!

Bulls fans need not worry. I seem to remember the same reaction when Paul Newlove left. Eveyone was gutted bu that started a new era. A very f**king successful era!

I love the Bulls and have all the confidence in the world in the people who are running the club.

Back the Bulls!

PS - I would love this: The Bulls will send Wigan down on Septmeber 1st which will activate a clause in Fielden's contract allowing him to leave for the NRL.

PPS - Thackray to Bulls


Bradford have huge debts and need the money.

Having said that the only way to get them to release him from his contract was to pay a fortune, there is no way an NRL club would or could do that. Or any other SL club to be honest. So it's not really him turning down the NRL, more that he wanted to leave Bradford and the only club that could afford to get him was Wigan.

deluded pom?

I can't seem to get my head around the fact that Wigan couldn't afford to pay Radlinski , so he plays for nothing . All of a sudden they sign Fielden , without releasing any other players , and to quote Fielden " a new challenge and a far bigger salary made it an easy decision " . Is the salary cap just a myth , like the unicorn or mermaids ? Whelan is quoted as saying " If Brian wants any more players then we'll go out and get them " . Wigan are allegedly also in the chase for Newton and Johnson . I just hope and pray that they don't wriggle off the hook and escape relegation now . No one was suggesting any NRL or come to it any other SL team could afford 450k , we were just slamming Fielden's supposed desire to play in the NRL . There's no chance he'll be leaving the JJB before retirement . Fielden should have tried to test himself week in week out in the toughest league in the world .

Fairleigh Good!

I think this signing just wraps up the debate about relegation from Super League.

Wigan will not be relegated. You cannot spend £450,000 on transfer fees alone for one player if you are facing up the fact that you could go down.

As for Fielden himself, I've lost all the respect I had for him when he was at Bradford. He has gone for the money and ridiculously he even admitted this in the press today. His primary reason for the move to Wigan was for "A far bigger salary".

Says it all really. Hopefully we are not back to the dark days of Wigan spending like a footballers wife until they are winning everything again, but I'm not sure.

I have a feeling that this move will start a movement by Wigan to destroy the salary cap. They said a month ago they couldn't sign anymore players as they were at the cap. Now they sign Britain's best player on a world record deal. They are over the cap this season without any doubt. I think their recruitment drive will continue with even more big name signings and they will just deliberately breach the salary cap. This has been brewing for years and I feel Wigan are going to be the side that takes it to the courts and has it abolished.

Evidently Wigan have had enough of competiting and failing on a level playing field and are determined to see things go their way.
Well hopefully both sides got what they wanted out of the deal. Wigan strengthened in the battle against relegation and the Bulls a nice wedge for a player who was going to leave in the near future anyway.

Bradford have some quality forwards coming through now and maybe they will get the chance to impress for the rest of the season.

Saying that though the Bulls will miss a quality player such as Stuart. Just hope that Macnamara gets the chance to spend this money wisely and pull a big name signing out of the bag to guide these youngsters through.


First Grade
"This is what Wigan Rugby League Club is all about," Whelan told a news conference at the JJB Stadium. "We used to go out and buy the best players in rugby league - we bought Ellery Hanley from Bradford.
"Why have we suddenly stopped? Since the salary cap was introduced, players have not been bought and sold but I don't know why. If the boss here wants another player, we will go and get him.

"I think that's fair. That's the way to spend money, not to bribe a team to stay down. That is so disgusting and we would not contemplate it.

"When you sign players of Stuart's quality, it puts the Wigan back into Wigan."

:lol: Is he serious? And then this:

"Maurice handles the salary cap," added Whelan. "It's very difficult but we always try and stay within the salary cap.

TRY to stay in the cap?! He makes it sound like an optional thing. Whelan is a funny guy :lol:.

But none the less, this is a great move for Bradford, Wigan and Super League in general. Super League needs a strong Wigan (like it or not), Bradford need money and Wigan need a foward, and what better foward to sign than Fielden?

Dare I say it... Wigan now have a good foward pack, a good halfback and some good (young) outside backs, they actually look like a very good team.
Contracts are worth nothing anymore.

What's the point in having them? It's not like they keep players at the club is it?

Stuart Fielden has turned his back on the club that gave him his break. They have taught him everything he knows and made him in to the best propr in the world. Signing for Wigan is just throwing that all back in the Bulls face.

I'm digusted by it.

However, no one player makes a team and I'm backing the Bulls to get their heads down and get on with business.

deluded pom?

Stan's Number 1 Fan!!! said:
Contracts are worth nothing anymore.

Obviously this contract was worth 450k Stan .If they were worthless then Bradford wouldn't be getting a penny from Wigan .I still haven't seen any news items telling me Wigan are releasing any players with immediate effect . For tonight's game against the Wolves they must be over the cap , musn't they ?


Wigan Chairman Maurice Lindsay backed his Head Coach and today said,

"We are well in control of our salary cap and we have advised the Rugby Football League of our exact situation. Comments from two of our relegation rivals [Cas and Wakey] are I assume in respond to leading questions. We are well aware of our salary cap requirements and we are working within those requirements. It is no-ones business but I can volunteer the information that we have no further signings planned at this stage on the contrary we have lost some players today to retirement and movement to other clubs."


Do you believe in fairies? :lol:

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