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Wiki gone


First Grade
hrundi99 said:
Players, no, people like Ruben Wiki don't come along very often.

A true gentlemen off the field, yet an extremely tough (but fair) player on it,
Wiki still displays humility and even shyness whenever we see him interviewed
post-match. His dedication to his team mates is clear in the way he usually
deflects any personal glory or man-of-the-match recognition onto it being a team
effort. Often enough this is simple sport cliche, but when someone like Wiki says
it, you believe him.

Any Raiders fan (or Kiwi fan for that matter) will tell you that he has a certain
aura about him. I've heard countless stories of people meeting him and walking
away feeling as though they've just made a new friend.

After cheering him on for years, I only recently had an opportunity to meet him,
albeit briefly, after the Raiders vs Sharks game at Canberra Stadium. I wanted
to have a yarn with him, but he was surrounded by supporters, kids and adults
alike, and I realised it wouldn't be appropriate. I instead shook his hand, thanked
him for his years of service and wished him the best. He responded by saying
"well hopefully it isn't over yet", to which I agreed.

I'm an emotional person at the best of times, and I'm not ashamed to admit to
turning around and walking away nearly on the verge of tears. Why? I'm not sure.
His aura had something to do with it. Even though I'm older than him I guess I
still "look up" to him. Was it because I had the strong sense that he WOULD be
leaving the club at the end of the year? Maybe.

You could teach a semester of a Psychology course just on what it means to
follow a sports team passionately, and I think that was a big part of it. I've followed
this team from it's inception, and I feel blessed that the club has had a number
of champion men playing for them (Meninga, Daley, Clyde, etc). The type of players you'll never forget, and not just for their blistering runs or their great tackles or passes.

I can already see my future grandchildren having their eyes glaze over as I regale
them with stories of watching these champions play. Players who put genuine pride
in their team's jersey and make you proud to support them and perfectly willing to
shell out your hard-earned to let everyone else know that you do.

Players like Ruben Wiki.

How do I feel about Ruben going to play for the Warriors? Though it will be a little
disquieting to see him tackle or break a tackle of a player wearing a lime green
jersey, I wish him all the best. It's pretty obvious that he could have earned genuinely big dollars in the UK, it was more important that he go home, and help his family through this difficult time. He's repaying his Mum for all those big meals she's cooked for visiting Raiders teams. I bet he can get better kava there too.


One of the most emotional posts I've read in a long time. Top work hrundi, I share your sentiments.



First Grade
legend said:
I'm not allowed an opinion? I'm not asking anyone to share my views but I thought this being a Raiders forum, I am free to air my views.
Obviously not in your case hey? :roll:
Watch it with the personal insults while you're at it. I never insulted anyone so my advice would be to cool it.

I'm half with you legend and a foot in the other camp ... a strange, gut wrenching feeling when your team looses a quality player such as Rubes is understandable.

Overall he goes with my best wishes. I'm sure at the end of the day he based his decision on his future BUT also on the future of the Raiders ... he probably realises his departure will free up money to sign others.

Now its up to dumb-arse Elliot and co to use it wisely ... first stop of the rank to re-sign Mona's ... if we loose him I'm crying out for their collective heads.


Oh crap!

Accusing Wiki of disloyalty and carrying on like a goose is a further sign of the bad sportsmanship we Raiders fans seem to show on this page.

Raiders couldn't, or wouldn't offer the guy the package he was after. So who was disloyal - the player who left or the club that wouldn't look after a club stalwart?

Wiki goes with my blessing, in so much as that matters. I'm gutted to see him go, but I can never blame a player for taking the best opportunity presented to him.

So perhaps we can avoid a Brett Finch style witch-burning, Legend?


Post Whore
Bay56 said:
legend said:
I'm not allowed an opinion? I'm not asking anyone to share my views but I thought this being a Raiders forum, I am free to air my views.
Obviously not in your case hey? :roll:
Watch it with the personal insults while you're at it. I never insulted anyone so my advice would be to cool it.

I'm half with you legend and a foot in the other camp ... a strange, gut wrenching feeling when your team looses a quality player such as Rubes is understandable.

Overall he goes with my best wishes. I'm sure at the end of the day he based his decision on his future BUT also on the future of the Raiders ... he probably realises his departure will free up money to sign others.

Now its up to dumb-arse Elliot and co to use it wisely ... first stop of the rank to re-sign Mona's ... if we loose him I'm crying for their collective heads.

once again Bay is on the money
when are they gonna wake up and put you in charge mate? ;-) :lol:


First Grade
If we lose Monaghan now I will be fuming!!!!!! The CLUB MUST DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO KEEP HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is obviously having a hard time deciding, as it is now put off till Sunday.... For God's sake management... SIGN HIM UP!!!!


I hate to think this but i think Monaghan is on his way and thats way he has put it off till sunday maybe he deosnt want to get a mixed reaction from the home crowd on saturday or he was waiting to see Wiki's decision but i have a bad feeling about this but i hope it is just a feeling and he stays with the green machine.


Skippy, I like you, am entitled to my opinion and if I don't agree with you do you see me coming out calling you a dickhead and telling you to f**k off?

I'm not throwing my administrative weight around here, just expressing my opinion amongst other Raiders fans. Whether or not you agree is another matter, but at least show a little respect or deconstruct my argument/thoughts in a rational way.

Trust me, I'll have a lot more respect for you.


:cry: I'm going to miss rubes heaps and I'm just lucky enough to have shook his hand. He's my favourite player in the NRL and you guys might think i'm a loser but I've always wanted to name my future son Ruben. I like the name and like the legend who wears it. God bless you Ruben Wiki.


First Grade
I had a very bad feeling about Monaghan leaving after watching him on TV last night... but I am encouraged that he has put it off till Sunday. He must be struggling with a decision to leave, at least I hope so.


First Grade
raidersfan said:
:cry: I'm going to miss rubes heaps and I'm just lucky enough to have shook his hand. He's my favourite player in the NRL and you guys might think i'm a loser but I've always wanted to name my future son Ruben. I like the name and like the legend who wears it. God bless you Ruben Wiki.

You're not a loser mate. Good stuff.


Great post Hrundi. I am the same as you. No shame in that.

When my Grandfather passed away I was fine and didn't lose it. When our family pet passed away that we had for 10 years I held it together when everyone around me lost it. This is the type of thing I get emotional over too though. When the Raiders lost that semi last year, I cried. I even put the sunnies on when Kenny went around Bruce on the back of the Corvette. Sport does that to me. As a fan you get so involved it is hard to control your emotions and separate your feelings. That club is what I live and die by for 8 months of the year. Recently, I had to have a meeting with the priest at a church I am getting married in next year. He asked "What is your local place of worship" my reply was "Bruce Stadium". I am there every week and that is unconditional.

Ruben will always be a favourite of mine and I am sure when they let him do a lap of Bruce after the Souths game, I will have the sunnies on then as well. He stood tall when the club had to rebuild and he was the stone they build from, that was to be admired. He took a pay cut last contract don't forget. He has led us through the rough patch and will leave us better for it. His work ethic, Determination and Grit will always be legend around here and we should all enjoy the remainder of the year with him in the green.

I wish him nothing but the best. Can't wait to see him back in these parts in 3 years.


Post Whore
woodgers said:
Great post Hrundi. I am the same as you. No shame in that.

When my Grandfather passed away I was fine and didn't lose it. When our family pet passed away that we had for 10 years I held it together when everyone around me lost it. This is the type of thing I get emotional over too though. When the Raiders lost that semi last year, I cried. I even put the sunnies on when Kenny went around Bruce on the back of the Corvette. Sport does that to me. As a fan you get so involved it is hard to control your emotions and separate your feelings. That club is what I live and die by for 8 months of the year. Recently, I had to have a meeting with the priest at a church I am getting married in next year. He asked "What is your local place of worship" my reply was "Bruce Stadium". I am there every week and that is unconditional.

Ruben will always be a favourite of mine and I am sure when they let him do a lap of Bruce after the Souths game, I will have the sunnies on then as well. He stood tall when the club had to rebuild and he was the stone they build from, that was to be admired. He took a pay cut last contract don't forget. He has led us through the rough patch and will leave us better for it. His work ethic, Determination and Grit will always be legend around here and we should all enjoy the remainder of the year with him in the green.

I wish him nothing but the best. Can't wait to see him back in these parts in 3 years.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
well said mate, your the most passionate fan i think ive seen


Recently, I had to have a meeting with the priest at a church I am getting married in next year. He asked "What is your local place of worship" my reply was "Bruce Stadium". I am there every week and that is unconditional.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Maybe at your wedding you can put a couple of Kegs on in the Carpark for the raiders army ala Robbie Slater


I might get you guys to wave flags at the back of the room and hang banners from the upper viewing area like England fans.

If I go to Penrith next week, I might not have to worry about it anyway :lol: