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Will the Raiders move from Canberra ??


paulquinn49 said:
25th Anniversery game has been and gone, and it is a friggin story, an article. No way the NRL would let a one team town with a junior base fold.

Canberra, Brisbane, Newcastle, NQ are the safest teams in the comp.
Yes it's just an article, but the sentiments contained display exactly why we're in the situation we're in.

I agree with your comments about the NRL now allowing us to fold. I have confidence in David Gallop, and I thank god he seems to care more about the Canberra and the Raiders than our own management does.


I was so pissed off I sent the following email to the Raiders HQ...

Dear Mr Furner,

Can you please explain to the thousands of loyal Raiders supporters why exactly you made those comments in the article that appeared in Sunday's Canberra Times? I cannot for the life of me understand why our GM would come out the week after our 25th birthday celebrations and basically flag his intention to leave our home for the sake of Singo's free accommodation on the Central Coast.

You have an obligation to promote Rugby League in our region, not denigrate it. In a short period of time the Raiders have established a proud tradition and a wonderful supporter base. We will always be Canberra's no 1 team, and you have no right to move OUR team anywhere else for the sake of a quick buck.

So what if the leagues clubs have to provide a cash supplement for the football club to stay viable. How is this different to any other club? What are the leagues clubs there for anyway? Are you planning on moving all of OUR clubs to the central coast as well, or is the plan to keep them running here (under a different name I assume) so the millions of dollars poured into them by the local community can be funnelled into another region?

And what is the problem with funding junior development? Junior development is a fundamental part of Rugby League and the single most important factor as to why you are currently sitting in (what I assume is) a well paid job. Why would you make such ill-considered statements like this, knowing the importance our junior leagues have on the region. Celebrate the fact we have thousands of juniors to promote in the region, do not bemoan the time, money and effort it takes.

The Raiders were born into our local community and are an integral part of our city. Poor crowds are temporary, but we are on the verge of a new era at the Raiders and I know the thousands of supporters you maligned in your article are the foundation of what will be a very successful future.

Sure, do whatever is necessary to negotiate a good deal for Canberra Stadium, but I certainly hope you thoughtfully reconsider your statements and the negative impact they may have had.


Perhaps the whole idea of saying this is to point out that the FTA coverage the Raiders receive is not good enough. After the first 17 rounds, Channel 9 will covered the Eels 9 times. They have had three wins and one bye with another to come in Round 16.


First Grade
The Central Coast Raiders..screw that..

id still support them but my team is the Canberra Raiders, i still cant see us moving mainly because of our enormous and talent juniors.

mentioned earlier that the NRL wont allow us to fold since we are a 1 state team.


PRKLCD said:
Maybe we should all send a email

I did just that. CC'd the Canberra Times into this one too.....


What a disgrace. Our local Rugby League team - the first team outside of Sydney to make an impact on the world's best Rugby League competition, has just completed its 25th year anniversary celebrations, and we have our General Manager whining about lack of support and threatening to take this fine club elsewhere.

One comment in particular - "You sit down and think, what are we putting this on for?" - has left a disgusting taste in my mouth as a season ticket holder and Legends member for the past 7 years. Believe it or not Don Furner, the Raiders still boast a fanatical supporter base despite all these years of underachievement, boring football and lack of insightful promotion.

These comments are not only hurtful, they are very badly timed. The team has just won consecutive games for the first time in months, we have a plethora of junior talent ready to step up, and a new coach next year will lead us into an exciting new era.

The ACT sporting market is a competitive one, so please - let the Raiders COMPETE before releasing damning comments about the club's future and its supporter base.
He's just drumming up publicity about getting a new sponser...must be an easier way than putting an ad up on the website like before...

Mal Meninga

He's definately going to get mission accomplished. I mean, he stated we get no star players, crap crowds, and are considering re-location. I suggest Furner and Hawkins set up a barracade for when the sponsers come in their thousands ready to pour millions into what's being described as a bad investment.


Mal Meninga said:
He's definately going to get mission accomplished. I mean, he stated we get no star players, crap crowds, and are considering re-location. I suggest Furner and Hawkins set up a barracade for when the sponsers come in their thousands ready to pour millions into what's being described as a bad investment.
Word. Like trying to woo a chick saying you have a 1 Incher.


Great emails Chachi and Evergreen. My intent when coming into this thread was to drum up support to email or send a letter to the club in response to this. I heard about the article last night and read it today but as soon as I found out the nature of the article last night I had already made up my mind to send Furner a venomous email anyway.

Firstly, WTF have people like Bay56, GE, Ultra, Myself and a few others been trying to tell you about the tit's running this club for around 3 or 4 years now? Some people have either argued against us, belittled our opinions and called us nego's, but much like the Elliott thing we were right all along. This club is being run by people who are so inept that we now face losing our club because they have done a poor job and the only way for them to continue getting paid good wages to do a sh*t job is to move somewhere that will ensure they are paid well for a few more years!

I'm gutted about the whole article, I really am. A few weeks ago I had a bit of a wry smile when the Brumbies said they might be leaving town and now they get to have a laugh back because of Furner. What the difference is between the two reasons to relocate is that the Brumbies NEED the corporate dollar. Their game is heading that way (eg. Giteau) where the team with the most corporate backing will just show their 'shlong' by buying the best players. Our game only allows a club to spend just under 4 million a year so for a club running off 12 Mill revenue this shouldn't be an issue.

Furner has deadset shown his hand here. He doesn't have the ability to get the club moving in the right direction so as the coach that he has backed that has provided a strong contribution to the reason that no one turns up, he is considering the band aid solution. They can't attract decent players because they obviously don't have the skills or strategy to talk the talk, so to speak. This obviously applys to the marketing to sponsors and fans as well. My way of thinking is that if you can't do these things yourself then you pay someone who has the credentials to do so. Furner, can't even get the hiring of decent staff right!

To say I am furious that something like this would be made public by someone within the club is an understatement. Like I said at the start, send emails and letters stating your disgust on his quotes and poor management. Although having said that you might be wasting your time. I have sent him 4 emails in as many years and never received a response. Further to that, RaidersMalt sent him an email congratulating the efforts of one of his staff members and put a read receipt on it. Needless to say he was disgusted to get confirmation that the email was deleted without being opened. What if Malt was a sponsor making an enquiry? What if he was a player manager? What if he simply had an idea to help the club receive more exposure? Plenty of 'what if's' there and all things that Furner has stated the club is struggling with.


Finally, before someone mentions it, NO you cannot do a thing to remove Furner. Rugby League clubs aren't like AFL clubs whereas paying to be a member entitles you to vote on such issues. The Raiders management are determined by the board who are pretty much family to people like Furner (in fact I think his father is on the board). You have no say, no choice but to sit back and accept decisions like who runs the club and if we decide to relocate. Totally ridiculous. No wonder the AFL got 8 times more people to the MCG today than the NRL got to Telstra!


I can't believe that the capital city of Australia can't accomodate a rugby league side WTF. This just can't happen :x


First Grade
Wow that's a scary read, even if I don't believe it.

Canberra is a growing town is it not? I'd be interested to see what the projected population growth is in the ACT... I mean if 9 clubs can fit into Sydney or whatever it is, it would be a disgrace to see the Raiders pulled out of an area that not only serves several thousand Canberrans, but all the fans around the ACT and Southern Highlands.

That area of Australia is one of the greatest rugby league nurseries in the world and it's imperitive an NRL presence is retained there. I for one hated the move to Wellington for one game in 2003, all 12 matches should be played in Canberra.

Fact is Don Jr if the sponsors aren't coming to the table, PUSH YOUR POINT FURTHER. WORK HARDER AND MAKE IT HAPPEN.

As for the 7000 people at the Warriors game, the Chooks pulled 6000 to the corresponding fixture this weekend... can we relocate them?


First Grade
I've been quite patient about management's apparent commercial and marketing attitude because of an awareness of the business realities of professional sport that many punters don't necessarily understand or appreciate.

That's not meant to sound pretentious. I've been trying to look at the bigger picture.

Furner's lost me on this one.

This reminds me of the voice-overs at the Bunnies home game vs the Tigers I was at a few weeks ago that went someting along the lines of "win, lose or draw we have the best supporters in the league, etc".

There's an old adage about stating a negative in between two positives to soften the blow. This is nothing but a negative surrounded by more and more negatives.

I just can't comprehend Furner's motivation or angle for these statements. If he's trying to elicit more local sponsrship, or even local government funding, then this is seemingly the absolute worst possible way of approaching it.

I don't know whether Mathie is just incompetent or if Furner needs a muzzle, but this is "How Not To Market A Local Sports Team 101".

Where is the positivity? Where is the club spirit? Where is the elite attitude?

The market knows that long-term and financially elite sponsorship opportunities are few and far between in the ACT, but the Australian (and international) business world should be shown why they should be coming to Canberra to talk to the club about partnerships, not why they shouldn't even consider them.

These kind of statements can tar a club for an indefinite period.

I have been following this club since it's inception. I was born in Canberra and a lot of my family still lives there. I don't get down there as often as I'd like to anymore, but the club means a lot to me because the place means a lot to me.

If they were to leave, then that would be it for me, heartbreak or not.


First Grade
I will say now too that I have had email replies from all levels of Raiders management. I will not disclose what they were about, but I have emailed them over a range of issues. I try to keep a lid on my emotions when I write and it works. Venomous hate will not receive a reply guys.


The fact he came out and said that publically indicates to me that this thing has momentum. You dont just say something like that without having a clear reason. I personally couldnt care less where we are based, but would rather we stay in Canberra for traditions sake.

That article suggests to me that a deal for down the track may have either been done already, or is in the final stages and they are trying to assess the public reaction before pulling the trigger.

To say I didnt expect to be reading this story when I came on is an understatement.


First Grade
Raider_69 said:
i think id still follow them but my passion would be severally deminished

I support the clubs I follow for meaningful reasons...

Newcastle Utd FC - my Grandma on my Dad's side was born there
Toronto Maple Leafs - lived and "grew up" there, and a best friend lives there
Newtown Jets - local club, helped me kickstart my new career
Country Origin - my Dad was born in Wagga, and family heritage in rest of Riverina

My passion for them is inexorably linked to the place to which they belong.