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Wilson: Why I left The Footy Show

Green Machine

First Grade

The Bulletin sent an accomplished reporter to do a story on me. It seemed to proceed on a preconceived notion – let's paint a picture of a ball-breaking, ambitious blonde with a legion of enemies.

Anyone who knows me, and makes an effort to scratch the surface, knows that cliche is way off the mark. The reporter told me she had contacted several of my close friends. Last time I checked with those she claimed to have contacted, they were still waiting for the call.

What other journalists do you respect the most?

I love my father (naturally), Bruce Wilson, who is European correspondent for News Limited. He is a great newspaperman who can write absolutely anything from rugby to war. He writes beautifully as well. I also love Jennifer Byrne because she is a clear thinking TV journo with a newspaper background. Her writing style is lovely.

Saint 60

LOL the sick Bitch bags ppl all the time (proof or not) then she leaves a job because ppl are bagging her? hahahahahahaha

Wilson you are one sad story and like all typical f/wits you think only of yourself and not what you have done to other ppl with your poison pen - you are crying innocent and acting like the victim...of which everyone knows ....u aint. You wanna report on sport..GROW UP.

Go follow AFL...theyll probibly put up with you for a while, till u stab them in the back! You can sure think this crap Wilson..but i certainly wont be believing it.



First Grade
She is a dirty grub.

She is the journalistic equivalent of Hopoate and Dunley put together.

She knows sh*t-all about League. She attacks respected pundits like Fatty and Sterlo for no reason. She is a blight on the game.


And now to borrow an apt song used at Ericsson one time when Gary Freeman was sin binned or sent off against Auckland....

Hit the road Jack, and don't you come back no more no more no more no more


Wilson says Fatty is a bully because he said something about her on radio, and not to her face. Did Wilson say all the crap she's been writing about Fatty and Sterlo for years to their faces?

Or is Wilson a hypocrit?


Sea_Eagles_Rock said:
It's funny how reporters hate to be on the other foot.

Her gossip column regularly causes these sorts of problems for whoever she targets.

I was actually horrified how much the Footy Show team did actually integrate her into that weeks show. Fatty and Sterlo were nothing but a gentleman during the show.

They certainly were gentlemen during the show and stayed true to themselves off it. They didn't abuse her, have harsh words with her. It wasn't up to them to talk to her, it was up to her. If she had spent the last two years bagging me, I certainly wouldn't be going out of my way to start communicating with her.

And the cow has the hide to say she copped criticism all week. The only reason Fatty went on 2KY and Vossy's show to defend himself was after her disgraceful attacks immdeiatley following the show. SHe even hit out at Vossy calling him a media lightweight when he didn't bag her at all.

She finishes the Footy show then goes on The Stan Zemanek program, A Current Affair, Dead set Wankers on MMM, plus writes a column in her own paper bagging them, then totally defames Fatty in the Bulletin.

Fatty has shown great restraint during all of this. This women is screwed up in the head and making up things to suit her story. She can't cop any sort of criticism when it is fully justified.

I WON'T BE BULLIED - then why did you quit stupid?

The more the Telegraph try to make this cow look good, the more they fail. Just give up Hartigan, she's a lost cause. Only ever "hard-hitting' when it comes to her preceived enemies.


Razor said:
Wilson says Fatty is a bully because he said something about her on radio, and not to her face. Did Wilson say all the crap she's been writing about Fatty and Sterlo for years to their faces?

Or is Wilson a hypocrit?

Wonderful point.

She makes a living, bagging people without even ringing them. Everytime she's appeared on TV, she's been as soft as jelly. She only ever bags behind the pen and it's the same people all the time.

Oh the irony in all of this.


gaterooze said:
Pure hypocrisy. Did she ever tell Fatty face to face how awful he & his show was? No, she just wrote it in her column. Now she's whinging when the roles are reversed.

Thing is she continued to speak behind their backs immediately after the show and for the whole week afterwards. She's pathetic that bagger women.


I guess I was a bully for turning the TV off and going to bed.

I should have told her how boring she was to her face.


What does she expect when she continually critisises the show and expects to be treated with respect by those she critisises? She is not brave for going on the show, just wants her head on the screen again to no avail. Too much like Derryn Hinch. Any publicity is good publicity for her. Cry me a river.


Red and Blue Knight said:
As far as journalists go she is

The worst there is
The worst there was
And the worst there ever will be

Any wrestling fan will know where i got that one. :lol:
Did you steal it from IanG?

Green Machine

First Grade
She is either a ball braking bitch or just a very stupid women. Did she not realise that she was New Ltd’s designated hitter to be sent on the Footy Show to humiliate Fatty and Sterlo? I hope she never thought she had any real talent? In the lead up to her appearance on the Footy Show, News Ltd had Mike Gibson telling Fatty and Sterlo to be mongrel dogs and just cop it on the chin. That article followed with Paul Kent’s article throwing a bit more petrol on the fire. I thought Fatty & Sterlo showed her complete respect. What did she expect, before and after the show they’d all become best friends? I wonder what she was thinking where she gave an interview to Jennifer Byrne? Did she realise that Jennifer is married to Andrew Denton, who hates News Ltd and is a friend of Paul Vautin? I heard the 2UE interview did not go well. Why would she give an interview to Stan Zemanek? Does she not realise that Johnny Gibbs works for 2UE and Johnny Gibbs is Paul Vautin’s manager? Her contrived article today was great. With Kylie Minogue health problems in the media at the moment, the mention of a friend with cancer really pulled on the heart strings;

A friend, Nelune, has been fighting cancer for five years, but took time out from chemotherapy to send this message: "If you are relieved, then I am happy. Don't be bothered by others; those who care about you know you are the best. We will always love you. Others come and go."

You go girl. Go away from Rugby League


All – or any – of which might help explain the reluctance of the hosts to welcome Wilson to their panel. But the deal’s done now, she’s there for the season. Her presence may make them uncomfortable but she doesn’t believe it will prompt a walkout. “Because look, those guys have had it pretty easy. They’ve gone straight from high school, where they were elite footballers, straight into a professional footballer role, into professional media roles. There’s been no struggle street for any of them. The moment they feel a little bit of hot air on their necks, they’re going ‘Aaaagh’ and having hissy fits. It’s ridiculous.

“Those guys have got to realise that if they want to keep educating their kids, paying their mortgages, and calling the footy, they’re going to have to fall into line a little bit, like other normal employees have to do.”

thats really despicable, two of the greatest players to play the game, as well as two great tv personalities, being called shirkers and layabouts. if it was so easy to do what they did as players and hosts, why doesnt everyone do it? Why cant wilson appear as charming and believable as fatty and sterlo? if you were to ask her, shed say its obviously because shes a woman. what a cop out. and now shes trying to hold them to ransom?