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Would a racial quota system, similar to S.Africa, work in the NRL?


sick of sum hatas here trying to derail my thread.

Cant you say how much value i sis to league unlimited?
every day i get hundres of PMs askig me to go over to other forums like bigfooty, rlw, stormfront and sum others but im here but undervalued whereas these other guys would love me there.

guess its what what they say.... the old black eyed peas song that goes:

"lal lalala you dun know what u got till its gone
you paved parramatta
and put up a parking lot
Mediterranean Descendant Mediterranean Descendant Mediterranean Descendant"
Yeah I wonder what they want with you...


First Grade
I want to give Thuggdogg 5 stars for this thread

You can thank me for the contribution later mate




I was recently watching the ZIM vs Bangladesh game on tv in a pub where Charles Coventry thumped a world record 194* against BAN, and then i remembered that S.Africa beat the aussies in the cricket last year and i realised that both of these countries had racial quotas in their selection policy to curb the selection of white people from their team.

Both teams on field performance have proven to be MUCH more multicural since this time.

Got me thinking, could we implement a similar policy in the NRL?

The good news is that in a few years time you wouldnt notice this at all as natural selection will show through.
I propose all first grade squads be 50% coloured (by the same definition as S.A i.e Scott prince counts inside the quota) by the 2012 season.

The ultimate benefit is this:

When i walk around my friends (who are black indian like me) and my korean friends i see ALOT of natural athletes that could be utilised by the NRL...but sadly their natural ability is going to waste.

The quota may be the subtle push that is needed to get these Indians and Chinese into Rugby league. Whilst they will not dominate the NRL they will molst certainly have a significant place in the league-much akin to aboriginies.

This is the opportunity that is needed.....otherwise i fear we could lose these talents to the AFL.

Could there be anything worse then a racial quota, to play league you just need to be good enough, the colour of your eyes dont come into it!

Dude dude this has to be a gee up! Your mates must all be on human growth hormones and roids LOL.


sick of sum hatas here trying to derail my thread.

Cant you say how much value i sis to league unlimited?
every day i get hundres of PMs askig me to go over to other forums like bigfooty, rlw, stormfront and sum others but im here but undervalued whereas these other guys would love me there.

guess its what what they say.... the old black eyed peas song that goes:

"lal lalala you dun know what u got till its gone
you paved parramatta
and put up a parking lot
Mediterranean Descendant Mediterranean Descendant Mediterranean Descendant"

Hey doggg im a big fan so can u anser my question plz brutha?
Yo dawg n e idea why there are no white bruthas in tha telemarketers industry?

heres sum plce maybe u could ask http://www.callcentertalk.com/


Staff member
I think its a great idea, more chance of getting a nice Vindaloo at one of the grounds to help keep you warm on a cold Saturday night. The commentry would be more interesting too. Your on a winner my Curry munching friend, ring the NRL & get it sorted. I love black merkins, they are full of such good ideas.


Hey doggg im a big fan so can u anser my question plz brutha?

sorry brutha my bad, my bad.

as for d Q, there are some hatas and there are those that go-get like shakib al hasan (bangladesh cricketer) who just step up to d plate and be a brutha and a friend to all sorts. No playin.


In a word, no.
In two words, f**k no.
In more of a structured set of setences:

No, to play in the NRL you are selected because you are a truly exceptional athlete with at least some promise (obviously this is open to opinion, as I am sure some people would wonder looking at some players blooded over the years and think "WTF is he doing out there").
To place people outside of this criteria and just give them a walk up start because they are of a "minority" race (can't really call it that though, there is a few billion of them, must get lonely) devalues the competition, which is supposed to be played between the best footballers in the world who want to participate- whether they be black, white, yellow or f**king purple, race does not enter into it.
Look at Newcastle, they have a mixed bag as far as race goes in their team, most teams have diverse rosters, we don't need to try and entice one particular race in, even with the thinking "oh it will get the large indian market intersted", I still don't see the point.


In a word, no.
In two words, f**k no.
In more of a structured set of setences:

No, to play in the NRL you are selected because you are a truly exceptional athlete with at least some promise (obviously this is open to opinion, as I am sure some people would wonder looking at some players blooded over the years and think "WTF is he doing out there").
To place people outside of this criteria and just give them a walk up start because they are of a "minority" race (can't really call it that though, there is a few billion of them, must get lonely) devalues the competition, which is supposed to be played between the best footballers in the world who want to participate- whether they be black, white, yellow or f**king purple, race does not enter into it.
Look at Newcastle, they have a mixed bag as far as race goes in their team, most teams have diverse rosters, we don't need to try and entice one particular race in, even with the thinking "oh it will get the large indian market intersted", I still don't see the point.


A quota will expand the market into india (who are crying out for contact sports) and this in tern will lift the nrl playing stadards as well as pump corporate support (think 20/20).


sick of sum hatas here trying to derail my thread.

Cant you say how much value i sis to league unlimited?
every day i get hundres of PMs askig me to go over to other forums like bigfooty, rlw, stormfront and sum others but im here but undervalued whereas these other guys would love me there.

guess its what what they say.... the old black eyed peas song that goes:

"lal lalala you dun know what u got till its gone
you paved parramatta
and put up a parking lot
Mediterranean Descendant Mediterranean Descendant Mediterranean Descendant"

why do you type like your some wannabe gangster from west compton? can i have an awnser to that

and why dont you go over to the other forums, we havent seen one solid contributiion on these forums

and that song its a joni mitchell song fool, covered by the black crowes, idiot
I think I have a solution. The 'dogg wants more Indian players in the NRL, but they mostly too small and he just can't get his hands on that unlimited budget to track down all the athletic blokes. But, the 'dogg is also aware that African Americans are predisposed to be great athletes. The answer is obvious. We must recruit American Indians.


I think I have a solution. The 'dogg wants more Indian players in the NRL, but they mostly too small and he just can't get his hands on that unlimited budget to track down all the athletic blokes. But, the 'dogg is also aware that African Americans are predisposed to be great athletes. The answer is obvious. We must recruit American Indians.

ca we just be sensible 4 lyk 1 minute?



A quota will expand the market into india (who are crying out for contact sports) and this in tern will lift the nrl playing stadards as well as pump corporate support (think 20/20).


That is not the context in which the comment was made, I am stating that it should not be a reason to hand out dispensations / free rides into the NRL / feeder clubs.

This is the best rugby league competition in the world, and by virtue one of the few remaining gladitorial contests in the world,
Something like this would de-value it, its like allowing para-lympians to compete in the regular Olympics, as much of a sentiment as it may be, it detracts from the competition itself where it is thought that to win an Olympic medal you have to beat the best in the world, ditto the NRL, you want the ring, you have to beat the best players in the world.


Am I the only one who's picked up that Bumdogg is two trolls using the one account? Hence the near-illiterate ideas written with semi-English vs the almost incomprehensible comments written by a six-year-old who' s been watching too many Eminem interviews...


Am I the only one who's picked up that Bumdogg is two trolls using the one account? Hence the near-illiterate ideas written with semi-English vs the almost incomprehensible comments written by a six-year-old who' s been watching too many Eminem interviews...

sherlock homie fail


You can tell its off season when a thread like this is getting plenty of replies. Stupidest thing i have heard in a long long time, a racial quota, really? Do you not realise why South Africa actually brought in a racial quota? Look up some history lessons.