This proves you have your taste in your arse then mate. Oh no hang on, your preference for AFL does, this is just the sweetener...
No, I'm saying they get nothing but flag wavers and the occasional randy women-folk who like tall skinny men in tight shorts.
This strikes me as an issue with your ability to read and process basic syntax. Not sure why you'd bring it up...
Obviously. Never saw the need to. A team's (or indeed a code's) reputation can hardly be built on the fools who wear team colours while they're working studiously away on their next fan letter or writing "peace out" on the official team forum.
As for your Houso's comment I'm not sure what to make of it. The majority of Social Housing tenants I work with are no different to people enjoying any other form of tenure. i suppose the key difference is that they are generally frustrated at having a landlord who can make up or change the rules whenever it suits them, and who rarely looks beyond the kind of attitude that you've just demonstrated - "Houso's" are somehow a distinct group of people who have somehow figured out how to rort the system, and should be regarded with fear and prejudice...[/quote]
No, you see I'm all for housing commission for
1) The Elderly - Especially those that have served in Wars
2) The Mentally Ill, which are treatable and have the facilities about themselves to live on their own
That's it.
The rest of the people have found a way to rort the system, including women who go about having 5 kids to 3 or 4 fathers, as is the case with 90% of the females living in Housing Commission in Airds.
You say that you "work" with them, I can take that one of two ways, you're either a case/social worker for DOCS (great organisation by the way), or maybe a volunteer for Vinnies or The Salvos, if that's the case then good on you I'm sure you are doing fine work, or the second option is that your "work" with these people includes picking up rubbish and mowing the sides of the Freeways as part of Work For The Dole...
Personally, I'm leaning towards the latter.