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WTF Ricky Stuart to coach The Broncos next year


No real source to this just the guys on the Roast saying that this is the mail. This is on top of the story doing the rounds that Lockyer wanted to play on Friday and Ivan Ruled him out. Now I am not a Fan of Ivan Henjak but now that i have had time to get over the fact we will not be in the 8 I dont think getting rid of him is the answer. But if he is sacked I pray to god that Ricky Stuart is not his replacement that is just :crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:


Reading those articles about Henjak does not surprise me at all.
The selection policy displayed by Henjak and the lack of heart shown by the players on many occasions, especially without Lockyer, does indicate something is very wrong.
If Henjak is indeed snubbing his senior players, starting with their charismatic captain, putting his ego ahead of the team's interest and put up a barrier between himself and the players, then there is only one thing the board can do: Sack Henjak!

I'd be happy to see Stuart at the Broncos helm. With his defence coaching capabilities and the fact that he able to motivating players individually and as a group to really play for eachother, we would solve the 2 main problems we have at the moment. Add to that the natural talent, creativity and ability of our roster and I can't see that not being a winning formula!

ponies 4ever

As one quote read from the mercurial MASTERCOACH Wayne Bennett "You never leave the inmates in charge of the asylum." The players at our club really need to take a good hard look at themselves or as Crazy Ivan said, they'll be in the same position next year. First we sign players who don't really want to be here, now we look at hiring a puke ex-Blues coach. C'mon, what are the Broncos heading towards, self destruction it seems. Stuart ripped the guts out of both clubs when he left and seriously should not be let anywhere near Red Hill. We f--ked up with Benny, but Ivan has done a fair job and should be supported by the board. Players who spit it and won't put in the hard yards should be gone. I am gobsmacked by the whole Greg Inglis affair and if my information is correct the contract hasn't yet been signed. If this is how he feels don't go through with it Andrew Gee, our club is much more than this. The clubs culture is at a turning point and the decisions that follow in the tough months ahead could define us for years. Be wary what you wish for.


As one quote read from the mercurial MASTERCOACH Wayne Bennett "You never leave the inmates in charge of the asylum." The players at our club really need to take a good hard look at themselves or as Crazy Ivan said, they'll be in the same position next year. First we sign players who don't really want to be here, now we look at hiring a puke ex-Blues coach. C'mon, what are the Broncos heading towards, self destruction it seems. Stuart ripped the guts out of both clubs when he left and seriously should not be let anywhere near Red Hill. We f--ked up with Benny, but Ivan has done a fair job and should be supported by the board. Players who spit it and won't put in the hard yards should be gone. I am gobsmacked by the whole Greg Inglis affair and if my information is correct the contract hasn't yet been signed. If this is how he feels don't go through with it Andrew Gee, our club is much more than this. The clubs culture is at a turning point and the decisions that follow in the tough months ahead could define us for years. Be wary what you wish for.
- Sure, let's keep egomaniac Henjak, that will be great for the club's culture! :crazy:
- We didn't f*ck up with WB, he did! Or have you forgotten the secret deal with the chooks?
- Let's see what GI does once he is at the Broncos, judging him at his most vulnerable moment is not very smart.


So we want to replace Henjack, because of his poor man management skills and ego.

And replace him with... Ricky Stuart....



Not sure how I feel about Stuart. On the face of I can't stand him but it might turn out to be a masterstroke for our club.... He is surly, difficult and argumentative but everything I have ever heard or read from the players says that they love him. Sound familiar? The ghost of WB?

As far as his coaching credentials are concerned.... Is he any good or not? It is hard to say. He failed with NSW, but so has everyone else lately. He did well with Australia until he opened his bad-tempered mouth and got sacked. He failed with Cronulla, but he never had the cattle.
Most importantly he failed miserably at the Roosters and left the place a disaster. But with the roosters you never know who is really running the joint in the background with the spectre of Gus always looming which was what lead to the demise of Stuart there after initially being the "anointed" one and Gus's favourite pet, but ultimately ending up at war with Gus.
And for all those instant experts that called him a "SuperCoach" when he won a premiership at the Roosters in his first year just look what followed once he had a chance to exert his influence and selections over the subsequent years.... It always makes me laugh when that is thrown up that he won in his first year when the favourite, and generally accurate, explanation when a new coach fails in his first year is that it was not his team and he needs time to get the cattle he wants and to get them playing how he wants.
Stuart won with the team Murray had painstakingly built over the previous years and then proceeded to dismantle the team, and even with the awesome lineup they boasted they eventually devoured themselves until he fell on his sword when it was so badly messed up it was beyond repair and the relationships had become poisonous at the club.
I don't want my club to end up like that and, while I don't know that it would under Stuart, his track record is a cause for concern.
However it is beginning to look like it may already be starting to get that way with Henjak if what is being said behind the scenes is accurate. I am not one to kill coaches off at the drop of a hat and I think Ivan has done okay given the inexperience of the team, but if the players won't play for you, you are gone
I do feel for the guy though, whoever took over from his highness was accepting the poisoned chalice and was never going to succeed. Look at what happened at Essendon after Sheedy.. It is like being the leader of the opposition when the Prime Minister is Mr Popular.
However, as much as it pains me to say it, Stuart may turn out to be just what we need, and remember, at this stage it is all still just a rumour.
Time has an amazing way of revealing all....


Staff member
I wouldn't want Ricky Stuart anywhere near the club. Not necessarily for his coaching ability, just don't like the guy. Just like I wouldn't want Paul Gallen or Greg Bird playing for the Broncos...


Staff member
Anyway Bruno has been adamant all year that Henjak was under no pressure for the coaching role. Unless he has been lying to us all.


Don't know what to think guys.

What is the popular opinion about Ivan from a supporters/fans viewpoint?


ponies 4ever

Wayne simply got in b4 he was pushed. Wayne Bennett built this kingdom bud, no questions at all about that. Is he perfect.....no, but boy he comes pretty close. To secure a stable future for his children is no crime at all and the players all genuinely seem to show great endearment towards him. As for Ivan, well I remember certain playing ranks revolting against Benny post 1991 when we missed a finals series and we all know how that turned out now don't we. Ricky Stuart has no place coaching the Brisbane Broncos and that's only my opinion, just as others seem to be in favour of it. Ivan Henjak took over the biggest hotseat ever and was left with some pretty poor signings, handled crippling injury tolls at times to key personnel and taken outlandish criticism while underperforming STARS continued to look at their scrapbooks and collect big $$$$ in their bank accounts. When we were running hot mid-season all was fine and dandy, but now apparently Ivan can't coach, it's ridiculous.
As for Greg Inglis I'll repeat this one more time, I'm an unabashed admirer of his footballing talents and his professed love of the club that nurtured him (STORM), just don't expect me to sit here and say the quotes flying around sit well with me as a BRISBANE BRONCOS supporter. This isn't North Korea and he doesn't have to come here if he wants to be elsewhere. Rugby League is tribal by nature and not the NBA were allegiances are thrown away like dispoable dipers. I cheer for Inglis every year when he plays for the maroons anyway, and he alone ain't going to deliver us a premiership, 24 other squad members need to play their part. But imagine what message it sends to a guy like Alex Glenn who has absolutely busted his ass off to get in a Broncos jersey. If Greg was committed to the future of the club all well and good, but the fact he has openly stated he sees no future post his 2yr deal says to me Andrew Gee should re-examine this deal altogether.


Danny Weidler was reporting on his page today in the Herald this morning about this very fact. He also said Andrew Gee had to step in and tell Henjak to start listening and he also apparently said something to the players as well.

He also said that Gee has approached Tallis to come back in a coaching role.

I for one support Henjak, he just needs to start listening to the players more, especially the younger ones if he doesn't then we risk losing them.

ponies 4ever

In all honesty Danny Weidler and Andrew Voss are a pair of pull throughs and probably know zip about the internal workings of the Broncs.


Lots of skin would crawl if Stuart coached the great club including mine.

And i wouldn't be surprised if management gave someone like him the job after next year but to instal him now after all things considered, please


if you are going to sign a coach that your entire fan base hate you may as well sign the best and get Gould ... at least that guy knows how to coach


So we want to replace Henjack, because of his poor man management skills and ego.

And replace him with... Ricky Stuart....

Name ONE player who has served under him and has anything negative to say about him.

Just to make it clear: Stuart wouldn't be my first choice, but Henjak would be my last.


I acknowledge Henjak's shortcomings (and going through them would be for another thread) and the rumours about his relationship with the players would not surprise me. However, from what I can see well back from the front lines I'm still prepared to give Ivan the benefit of the doubt until the end of next year at least.

This was always going to happen to Wayne's successor and taking that into consideration I think he's done a decent job. A solid finish last year and a stronger than expected season this year that has involved more than our fair share of injuries and inexperience.

His biggest test though will be next year, when he'll have a squad that, on paper at least, will be expected to be very strong contenders for the trophy. There will be no excuses, and if the players seem to be showing a worrying lack of interest then the situation should definitely be looked at more seriously.

So I'm hoping, for now at least, that this talk of Stuart for next year is just another case of Weidler/Voss rumour-mongering.