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I was so happy when i heard this new information but the fact that this game might not be comming to xbox is a huge slap in the face to all xbox owners. The same people who helped the xbox version hit no #1 on the charts and stay there

If you want an xbox version post here it cant hurt i


I'll say this once (or twice)




Sure they havn't said it ofically yet but i want this game so bad that i can't help but do exactly what i'm doing.....maybe i am jumping the gun (i think its about 50/50) but as I said This cant hurt


Mullins_y2k said:
Sure they havn't said it ofically yet but i want this game so bad that i can't help but do exactly what i'm doing.....maybe i am jumping the gun (i think its about 50/50) but as I said This cant hurt

It's definately coming to XBOX mate, I've had it confirmed from a person on another site... and Mario has just unofficially stated it here. They're probably still finalising a few things. Just think about it, the game has a good 6 months till release, they have plenty of time to port it from the PC version to the XBOX version... it's obvious mate.
Mind you, that said the PC version will seriously shit on the dated graphics of the XBOX and PS2...


Mullins_y2k said:
DOUBT IT xbox has plenty left under the hood still, Rugby league 1 didn't exactly stretch it

Are you serious? Just look at an XBOX's specs... it's nothing but "PC lite" mate! It runs on an 733Mgh cpu and a Geforce 3 graphics card with very little ram... Now take my computer, which could be alot better still, it runs on a 3.2 GHZ CPU, has over a gig in system ram and 256 megs of DDR400 video ram and runs on an Nvidia Geforce 6800GT (and you can go up to an ultra)... The graphics card alone is 3 generations ahead of what the XBOX offers!
Rugby League 1 may not have pushed the XBOX all the way, but it was still alot smoother on PC.

Dogs Of War

strong_latte said:
Mullins_y2k said:
DOUBT IT xbox has plenty left under the hood still, Rugby league 1 didn't exactly stretch it

Are you serious? Just look at an XBOX's specs... it's nothing but "PC lite" mate! It runs on an 733Mgh cpu and a Geforce 3 graphics card with very little ram... Now take my computer, which could be alot better still, it runs on a 3.2 GHZ CPU, has over a gig in system ram and 256 megs of DDR400 video ram and runs on an Nvidia Geforce 6800GT (and you can go up to an ultra)... The graphics card alone is 3 generations ahead of what the XBOX offers!
Rugby League 1 may not have pushed the XBOX all the way, but it was still alot smoother on PC.

Problem is that it also has to run to maximise the sales of course of a 1Ghz with a 32 Meg Video Card as well, as well as variables such as different types of video cards and hardware its not possible to optimise it like you can do with a Xbox and PS2 versions which you know will be the same for every single person. Though since I sold my Xbox it seems I'll have to just make do with my PC version next time.


posted by strong_latte
Are you serious? Just look at an XBOX's specs... it's nothing but "PC lite" mate! It runs on an 733Mgh cpu and a Geforce 3 graphics card with very little ram... Now take my computer, which could be alot better still, it runs on a 3.2 GHZ CPU, has over a gig in system ram and 256 megs of DDR400 video ram and runs on an Nvidia Geforce 6800GT (and you can go up to an ultra)... The graphics card alone is 3 generations ahead of what the XBOX offers!
Rugby League 1 may not have pushed the XBOX all the way, but it was still alot smoother on PC

yeah when you look at the specs alone PC's kill it and right now the best graphics i have seen is on PC in Half life 2 and doom 3 for example, but only a very small amount of developers with huge capital are able to get that quality graphics on pc, consoles dont need excess processing power to run operating systems in the back ground and the games are speciffivcally designed for the console in theory resulting in no framrate issues and what not.

No matter how graphically improved rugby league 2 is a direct pc port to xbox is possible without any loss in quality besides the fact that PC would be able to run it in a higher res and xbox only outpus 480i in OZ.

The creators of Doom 3 one of the best looking games on PC said the xbox version would be very similar in the graphix department to the PC version...they also said xbox was the only console it could run on....
If sidhe do the port right it should be identicall to the PC version running on a mad PC.


The creators of Doom 3 one of the best looking games on PC said the xbox version would be very similar in the graphix department to the PC version...they also said xbox was the only console it could run on....

A TV (except HDTV) only supports 640x480. PCs support well above that. It's impossible for an XBox to get anywhere close to the quality of graphics a PC has, as long as the game was designed for the PC and they spent time on the graphics. Games like Halo, etc. which are designed for consoles and ported to the PC, usually are poor in the graphics department because the graphics aren't optimised.

PC graphics and soung majorly shit all over consoles. The only people who can't tell the difference are the same people who can't tell the difference between VHS and DVD quality.


Well I have a HD TV 1024 x 1024, so res whys the tv is capible but yeah xbox is not unless u get it moded as i did but only a few games support 1080i. However resolution isn't the only factor that makes a game look good it is but one.

I don't know how u can say sound in pc games shit on consoles i have the best PC sounds card avalible as of end of 2004 and halo sounds much better through my xbox in true in game surround than on PC, Both run directly into my Amp the pc sounds slightly crisper but for a true surround sound stage no PC game has match halo 1 for me yet....and dont gey me started on halo 2


Mullins_y2k said:
The creators of Doom 3 one of the best looking games on PC said the xbox version would be very similar in the graphix department to the PC version...they also said xbox was the only console it could run on....
If sidhe do the port right it should be identicall to the PC version running on a mad PC.

You have to remember that when they say "it will be very similar in the graphics department to the PC version", they are just saying "the PC version"... They're not saying it'll be similar to the PC version on high quality are they? Reason being is that the experience of playing doom on low quality on PC is a far inferior experience to playing it even on medium, let alone high or ultra quality... and thats not taking into account the extra options like anti-aliasing...
What I'm trying to say is that I'm sure the XBOX could run Doom 3 that is something similar to it running on a PC, but only running on a PC at low quality... and that is a big difference.


[furrycat said:
Mullins_y2k said:
Well I have a HD TV 1024 x 1024

You can't get 1024x1024...

True! Anyway, if it were that high it wouldn't be 1024x1024, it'd be 1024x768...
No, unless you have a VERY expensive television, I believe the highest they support is 800-600 at the top end.


it is a plasma it's 1024 x 1024 but i run my PC on it at 1024 x 768 cos 1024 x 1024 is not a standard PC res


Sorry mate but I just caught you out :lol: I made up the plasma bit because it's simple
No Tv supports 1024x1024 at the moment

Trust someone in the profession mate :lol:


[furrycat said:
]Sorry mate but I just caught you out :lol: I made up the plasma bit because it's simple
No Tv supports 1024x1024 at the moment

Trust someone in the profession mate :lol:

lol u gronk! My TV features the Fujitsu Alias Pannel which is an interlaced 1024 x 1024 HD pannel professor needs to go back to school :)


don't know how u can say sound in pc games sh*t on consoles i have the best PC sounds card avalible as of end of 2004 and halo sounds much better through my xbox in true in game surround than on PC

Buy a new soundcard or speakers. Soundcard should cost $350+ (pref the $490 soundcard), speakers should cost $450+ (pref., $750+ speakers)