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You wanna thug...heres a thug.


Its a Dogs World said:
Did someone knock them all out for him by any chance ???...

My guess is that it probably happened in Jail. So he couldn't bite what he was given :shock: :lol:

Someone fax this material to the Kangaroo forward pack STAT!

Some great sledging material.

But seriously how can he have no teeth at all. He could also afford to buy replacements.


Who cares what they have done. Webke will run over the top of em.

Can see them putting fear into Webke, Mason, Possibly O mealy.


Post Whore
hrundi99 said:
Azkatro said:
It's the Telegraph (aka News Limited, aka Rupert Murdoch right-wing rubbish). Tabloid first, news second. Oh, truth and fairness is still dropping ... I think it's down to about 27th position on their priority list these days.

Yes only "right-wing" newspapers believe in gutter journalism. :roll:

Go and wash your Che t-shirt, it's starting to smell.

Did he say that anywhere? Or are you just putting words in his mouth?

News Limited is infamous for Producing tabloids (The Times...Hillsborough anyone?), it just so happens it's right wing in its view point!


First Grade
what match we have'

gb will have a good pack


fielden, bailey, newtown, peacock, morely, farrell and sculthorpe

what a series


chemicalbrother said:
innsaneink said:
Foxsports said:
Roos facing two felons
By Dean Ritchie and wires
October 19, 2004

TWO convicted criminals who served nine months' detention in England have been named named in the Great Britain Tri-Nations rugby league squad.

Prop Ryan Bailey and winger Chev Walker - both members of the Leeds side that defeated Bradford 16-8 in the Super League grand final, were named today in coach Brian Noble's 24-man squad.



Bailey, 19, and Walker, 20, were sent to jail for violent disorder after an incident outside a Leeds nightclub last year.

The pair were prevented from playing against the Kangaroos last October.

Bailey, a rugged prop without any teeth, may have to wear an electronic tag during the Kangaroos match.

When sentencing, Judge Paul Batty, QC, said the violence from the pair which erupted outside the Creation nightclub was "mindless, dangerous and drunken".


Personal Details :
Ryan says that his happiest place is when he is playing at Headingley with the lads ... his favourite all time sportsman is Mike Tyson ...
Surprise surprise...

the greatest influence on his career is his mum ... and he dislikes cats

Seems Tyson is a bit of an influence on him as well. Though it'd be hard to bite ears off without any teeth.

:lol: :lol:

Well is Danny Willams Hero is Mike tyson!!!????

Weak Arguement.

Im assuming you're trying to say,

"Well is Danny Williams hero Mike Tyson?"

I dont know.

Danny Williams?

Did you just wake up?

Weak Arguement.


No argument at all......more an observation than anything.

Hellooooo?????????....Anyone home?? :lol:

The Clan

Lets get this straight!

Bailey and Walker got into a fight outside a nightclub in Leeds.

The fight was with members of the same group of lads who were all out together and did'nt involve anyone else.

Following the Leeds Utd court case for a simular incident these lads were always going to be made an example of!

They took their punishment and did not appeal.

Now let it go.

Ryan Bailey in particular is a married man with a young disabled child and his separation from his family was very tough on them.

By the way these two guys were just 20 years old when this happened and its not unknown for guys of that age to get into a fight on Saturday night.

The news rag that wrote the recent story naming them as violent criminals should be ashamed of the lazy and inaccurate reporting of an incident they clearly know nothing about!


First Grade
Inaccurate reporting generates interest and sells papers. Something the Kiwi's thrive on too! :lol:

I remember reading a bit about this when they were charged. I didn't know about his disabled child though. That would have been tough for his child and wife.

Bailey, a rugged prop without any teeth, may have to wear an electronic tag during the Kangaroos match.

What's got me curious though is this line? What's an eletronic tag? :?


PK said:
What's got me curious though is this line? What's an eletronic tag? :?


The Home Office has announced changes to the way some prisoners are selected for electronic tagging, following an application for early release by Maxine Carr. BBC News Online explains the scheme.

What is the Home Detention Curfew scheme?

The scheme allows prisoners to be released early from prison so long as they fulfil certain criteria and are tagged and monitored for the rest of their sentence.

Who is eligible?

Most offenders sentenced to at least three months but less than four years are eligible for release up to 60 days early under the scheme.

They must pass a risk assessment and have a suitable address.

The assessment involves looking at the risk of reoffending and how likely the prisoner is to comply with the curfew.

Sex offenders can be placed on the scheme if the probation service feels that the offender's circumstances make tagging appropriate. Factors include the degree of supervision and whether the prisoner is at his or her home address and the pattern of previous offending.

Who chooses who can be electronically tagged?

The court can select an offender for tagging instead of going to prison on the basis of a probation officer's report.

Offenders already in jail are selected for tagging by the prison governor, on behalf of the Home Secretary.

However, after the application by Carr, who was convicted of conspiring to pervert the course of justice following the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman by her former boyfriend, Ian Huntley, the Home Office announced changes.

It said the final decision to release and tag prisoners would be taken out of governors' hands in certain cases.

What kind of equipment is used?

The offender wears an electronic transmitter around their ankle, while a receiver is connected to a landline phone in their house or linked to mobile phone technology.

The transmitter sends signals to the receiver at regular intervals and these are sent on to a central monitoring computer.

If the transmitter goes out of range of the receiver - usually outside the building - there is a break in the signal. The central computer generates a follow-up action.

The transmitter can be removed only by breaking its strap. This interferes with the fibre-optic circuitry inside the strap and is immediately registered as a tamper, also generating follow-up action.

Is this the only type of tagging?

No. There has been a voice verification pilot.

The offender is randomly prompted, at the location where they are supposed be, to phone the monitoring centre.

They are asked several computer-generated questions, the answers to which are then matched with a centrally stored "voice print" in order to confirm their identity.

Who monitors the released prisoner?

Private firms monitor the prisoners. They supply and install electronic monitoring equipment, monitor those on the programme and follow up violations. If an offender breaks the curfew, the monitoring firm will either return the offender to court or report the violation to authorities.

What conditions does the prisoner have to meet?

The prisoner is usually under curfew in their home for 12 hours, usually overnight. The minimum curfew is for nine hours.

What happens if they breach curfew?

They are recalled to prison.

I can see it now, they call him in the middle of the game & he has to leave the field to phone in. :lol:


First Grade
Thanks Kaz. :D

I read the article as he had already served his 9 months but he mustn't have if he has to wear one of them or it could be inaccurate reporting again to get a reaction from us considering they added maybe to it. ;-)

The Clan

Both Bailey & Walker served their sentences and were released shortly before the end of the 2003 season.

The (I hesitate to say it!) journalist who wrote this tripe has mentioned the 'electronic tag' to spice up the article. Again its inaccurate, wrong and bears no relation to the facts but thats the level of journalism within some newsrags.

He/she or maybe its a he-she obviously has a problem and needs some help.


To say it was gutter press is to do them a disservice. This is straight out of the sewer.

These blokes have paid their debt to society. Trust Fox to rake up the dirt.

The "journalist" that wrote this is a disgrace.


innsaneink - what about Asotasi? I don't recall you starting a thread about his history before he played in our NRL grand final... :roll:


PK said:
Thanks Kaz. :D

I read the article as he had already served his 9 months but he mustn't have if he has to wear one of them or it could be inaccurate reporting again to get a reaction from us considering they added maybe to it. ;-)

He had served his term by the end of last season, and it was only then that it was an issue if he'd have to wear a tag or not.

Considering the Australians can't go on tour without stealing money off each other I'm not sure what the fuss is over people who have actually been punished for their crimes.


Absolute rubbish from a very ordinary journo called Dean Ritchie. Thank f**k it appears he isn't going over there to cover the matches. I like the Tele during the NRL season as it covers the big news and gives us lots of it, but as Steve Mascord is actually in the UK and producing qulaity articles, I will be buying the Herald for the next few weeks. In fact I may even email the Herald just to let them know how much I appreciate Mascord's work. I just wish he was given a little more column space.

Anyway, I was still glad to see the mighty Leeds jersey taking up a half page picture in the Tele.


miccle said:
innsaneink - what about Asotasi? I don't recall you starting a thread about his history before he played in our NRL grand final... :roll:

You dont recall a thread about Asotasi because I didnt find a story about Asotasi, and i didnt start a thread about him.

Whats your point???


Bailey, 19, and Walker, 20, were sent to jail for violent disorder

in other words oponents will doubly make sure they're facing the right way when playing the ball! arse to the wall poms on the crawl!