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Hey, Mr. Gallop, pssstttt

i love it when guys on LU tell me how i feel about something or what i would do......:roll:

i would want nothing to do with SBW because he's a traitor, a liar and is a spineless coward. not coz he left league, but coz of the way he did it. i dont care how good he is, i wouldn't want him anywhere near my club.

what exactly is the huge damage dell caused RL? did a few articles he wrote crush our code and i wasn't aware of it? christ you lot are full of sh*t.

btw i'm not being hypocritical. i don't give a sh*t if K.Hunt leaves for AFL. i think it's lame but i don't care if he goes. he ain't that great anyways.

if theres one thing i've learned in the past year meeting players and people in footy it's that they feel differently about league than we do. they are all PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES. footy means way more to us than it ever will to them. accept it and stop acting like a bunch of jilted brides. OH NOES SO AND SO LEFT AND SAID MEANIE PANTS THINGS IN THE PAPER ABOUT MEEEE. ffs grow up.

If they feel differently about the game than I do, then feel free to tell them that they can piss off whenever they like.

When I watch Footy I want to see blokes who love playing it, not overpaid peacocks who've forgotten why they played it in the first place.

Give me a Shannon Gallant over a Kharmichael Hunt any day of the week...


If Im David Gallop id be instructing Brisbane to drop him for the rest of the season to park footy.

What does Brisbane gain out of playing him, they're clearly not going to win the comp. I'd be playing the Under 20's fullback now, getting him ready for next year.

Would be nice to see the park footy qld blokes giving it to the little cutie.

And yes, the tmerkins shouldn't be allowed back, the governing body need to grow a set.


First Grade
Will you love it when i say.....you are full of f**king shyte?

why? because i have an opinion of my own? GOD FORBID.

EA i'm not saying the players don't love playing the game. of course they do. i'm just saying as far as club and code loyalty goes, you are all kidding yourselves if you think they care as much as the fans do. in the end they are doing a job.

believe me i want to believe that my boys care as much about the red v as i do, but in reality it's not true. maybe the one club men do...but players like Darius?? unlikely.


First Grade
why? because i have an opinion of my own? GOD FORBID.

I can't speak for Saab, so I'm just speculating here, but I'd say the reason he thinks you're full of shyte is because you change your opinion to suit your biased argument.

You agree wholeheartedly here:

that Hunt should be shunned from the RL community for leaving the code, but defend Dell for his actions several years ago and are happy to welcome him back into the fold.

You express here:


your disgust at Thurston's kick to the face of Wolfman, yet in the same thread you state that you have no problem with Barrett's swinging arm to the face of Inglis.

I don't think anyone will begrudge you for having an opinion. Just an opinion that is devoid of any objectivity.


First Grade
:lol: how cute frank u went and looked at all my posts.

I've changed my mind about hunt actually. As you've pointed out I reacted emotionally but on second thoughts I think he has every right to go. I find it lame on the AFLs side but as for Hunt.... we won't miss him.


First Grade
And yeh I think it's bullsh*t Barrett got suspended and thurston didn't. And ur point is?

Mr Saab

Frank...its ok..Kiki is a woman and like the hack Magnay, she feels she doesnt have to give any explanation.
Kiki is probably her daughter.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
I mean like totally whatever guys get over yourselves. He ditched our sport for cash, bagged us off for 4 years and encouraged other big names to join him but he's like totally having a great year for the Dragons. So like whatever.

Thomas - Agreed, what has RL gained from his return. With Sailor, Tahu and Tuqiri, players thinking of switching codes are getting a picture that the grass isn't so green on the other side. Yet what do they have to lose? They can still switch and make the big money and know in the back of their minds that league is there waiting to pick up the pieces at any time.

As for Hunt, well I would run a kebab shop for a million a year and hate every minute.

I have no doubt he will excel, not hard to match it with Victorians.

I can handle the you leave and never come back scenario.


First Grade
Hahahah oh that's right I'm just a silly woman. Thank god I have u guys to remind me!