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Rebecca Wilson at it again

Respect??? for the COAT!!!! FMD are you soft twits on acid? She was a grub of the highest order. I'm not glas shes dead. I wanted her to be alive so next time at the airport I could berate her at the top of my voice like I did last time , this time as a winner.
As for her family, well if my job was being a grub, & then as her family member being subjected to run into into thousands of people like me every time she went somewhere, then id be saying "hey, mum, how about washing dishes or something?"
You people need to get a real grip. Sounds like you'd dead set shed a tear for Hitler.


Well she definitely made it hard to feel sympathy for her.
She was a big girl
She would've known this.

Regardless of her health situation we got the last laugh last Sunday night.


Ross Higgins aka Ted Bullpit RIP

"No not the Kingswood!"

Condolences to his friends and family. He was really funny in Kingswood Country and was the voice a Louie The Fly.


A bit late responding to this thread as I've been out for most of the day, so I'll respond to some of the posts that caught my attention:

In summary to all the people who say 54 is too young, please tell me how old was Jon Mannah once again?

Please lock this thread. Regardless of what someone has written in opinion pieces, they and their families (who are real people) don't deserve to have the potential vitriol to follow online.

Like she did for the Mannah family after he passed???

She surely didn't take into consideration the families of the people she tried to ruin the lives and careers of.

I'm not going to bag her out but I don't believe just because someone has died they automatically become off limits or were suddenly a great person. As said her and her grub mate Massoud had no issue digging the knife into the Mannah family.

As Vic just said just because she has passed away doesn't make her all of a sudden a great human being. She earned a living by slinging shit and bringing people down thats how it goes.

Classic example of dishing it out, yet cannot take it in return. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

hineyrulz, Vic Mackey and MilkShark have nailed the point spot on.

The "Eulogy Song" by Andrew Hansen from The Chaser nearly a decade ago sums things up quite appropriately.

I'm not one to normally speak ill of the dead, but I'll make an exception for her...

Wrote some shocking stories over the years that had personal consequences for some ( Jon Mannah's family comes immeadiately to mind) and was all to eager to do her News Ltd masters bidding by slanting her articles with what ever spin was required...

Hated RL with a passion and this came through in every beaten up off field drama that screamed at us from the inside backpage of the Tele every Saturday whilst forever blowing smoke about her beloved "Swannies"...


I 100% feel for the Mannah family after they generously invited the Telegraph journos into their home during a very difficult time, only to get journalistic gutter thrown at them from Wilson/Massoud/Ritchie/Slothfield/Hooper et al., knowing that the innuendo and lies were going to equal more Telegraph sales.

Memory is fuzzy but I swear she wrote a piece when Fatty was off after his stunt accident and Sterlo took a couple of weeks off after on of his parents passed away saying that the Footy Show was better without them.

She totally lacked class on numerous occasions and that doesn't mean it gets conveniently forgotten because she's passed away. All the Vicky Kicky fans will have her on a fast track to sainthood.

If AFL introduces the 'immortals' concept the NRL has, they'll probably want her inducted as the first immortal.

But ultimately nothing changes the fact that Rebecca Wilson threw her soul away long before the cancer killed her.

Wilson profited from using freedom of speech to write articles that were knowingly built on lies. That's not an opinion, it's reality.

And now you would deny that same freedom of speech to the people who want Wilson remembered for who she truly was. Not the mythologized trailblazer, but the sleazy soulless hack who ruined people's lives for her own personal gain.

You may get your way and the moderators might lock the thread but it doesn't make you right.

If we can't call out Rebecca Wilson both in life and death for the monster she truly was then don't complain about the appalling state of journalism. Don't complain when people are exploited. Don't complain when greed trumps the common good.

Because that would be the ultimate hypocrisy.

You think Wilson deserves dignified silence. She should have lived a dignified life to deserve it.

Well said, docbrown.
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I told the news LTD reporter at the club he could do an interview with us if he first sent an email photo of us, finger up, GF!!!!
He said he couldnt & then said no comment when i described to him what a paul kent she was.


I honestly don't understand why people offer their fake sadness to someone they had no respect and outright distaste

In reality human beings speak ill of the dead all the time, we just don't like to admit it. From famous figures down to those in our everyday lives. Chances are even those people telling others to be silent here have done the exact same thing.

It's a form of social memory - it's the way in which people remind each other not to repeat the same mistakes of the deceased.

Tombstones don't need false adoration. Neither does Wilson. The truth doesn't die with the bodies of liars.

drago brelli

In reality human beings speak ill of the dead all the time, we just don't like to admit it. From famous figures down to those in our everyday lives. Chances are even those people telling others to be silent here have done the exact same thing.

It's a form of social memory - it's the way in which people remind each other not to repeat the same mistakes of the deceased.

Tombstones don't need false adoration. Neither does Wilson. The truth doesn't die with the bodies of liars.

Profound.........I think! You sound very angry at her. I found a quote that might sum things up for you, 'I didn't attend the funeral but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it' Mark Twain.
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DTs headline on facebook, Rebecca Wilson, the Pride of Australia. I know death brings hyperbole but that is absolutely crazy. In what way was a hypercritical, inaccurate journalist the pride of Australia? No disrespect, understand their need to grieve, but spare us from the sensationalism.


Staff member
haha pride of Australia, her coworkers at the rag probably did see her that way to be fair.

Since when did fearless become a synonym for merkin anyway.


2sm was good. There was a caller who rang in saying what a brave pioneer she was, and how she was the only one to keep to her guns which showed women could do it. So.... just barraging through sensational nonsense over and over despite the pursuit of honesty being completely destroyed by her writing is something noble? Again I'm sorry for her families loss, but she is not who some of the media psychophants would like for us to believe. They're trying to rewrite history of IMO a very unstable, irrational, inaccurate journalist.