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The Overreaction Cycle


I'm going to cop a lot of flack for this post but I feel like it's necessary.

Some of you people are so f**king short-sighted it's ridiculous. Yes the team was abysmal today, they lost a game that they were probably expected to win. i'm angry, we're all angry, but i'm sick of seeing this ridiculous overreacting after almost every single loss.

So many people were happy to see the re-signing of Mary (granted, some weren't). Everyone wanted to keep Milne, to re-sign Mann and were right behind the team as they were charging through the competition and holding down a top 4 spot. Many believed that we were a genuine shot at the title this year.
Now, after a loss, as it happens every time, suddenly the Mary extension was a bad decision, losing Milne to another club was the right decision, we are now pretenders with no chance of winning the comp and this is apparently the start of our big slide out of the top 8.

f**king grow up, seriously. This is basically the equivalent of stamping your feet like a child after not getting something that you want.
Now I understand this isn't all of you, and maybe you need some time to calm down and come at this with a fresh perspective, but i've seen enough this year to know that this team has what it takes to be challenging in September. We had an off day against a team who rallied for each other and showed up to win (remember, they beat the Broncos after losing badly to Manly).

Let's just relax before you write the season off after one loss.
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Its funny. We have been great in attack for most of the year.
Now after a loss we are hopeless? Can't attack. Cannot score.
Drop Milne. Drop Mann.
Sele has one bad game and its bring in the next junior because this one is shit.
Its just funny.
I agree that today is a setback and it is a step in the wrong direction but its crazy for the forum to be going into meltdown because of a tough loss round 14.
Its embarrassing.


Respectfully disagree. I don't mind a loss, however I get angry when we lose making the same stupid errors.

I also get angry when Doust and the rest of the Fairy God Fathers resign a coach with the IQ of a Dunlop Volley.

Well written piece, but what's the continual swearing ?

Agreed, we basically handed the victory to the Bulldogs today. Silly errors and a lack of execution. That doesn't mean our season is over however.

I understand what you're saying, but I would counter by asking what's the alternative? There is no-one else out there right now off contract who I would consider a genuine upgrade. Madge? No way in the world, id rather Price coach us again.
I was the first one to be calling for Mary's sacking, I always thought he was incompetent. But he's got our boys to the top 4 at the halfway point and they are obviously playing for him and respect him. Re-signing Mary establishes continuity within the club and avoids a possible re-structure which could be distracting next year at a time when we should be pushing to win the comp.

As for the swearing, you're in the wrong place if you find a little swearing to be offensive.


Again the loss isnt the main issue....its the way we lost.

Ill repeat, we knew what was coming and FAILED to step up and deliver a performance worthy of a top 4 or even top 8 team.

Mary had the opportunity to show that he is the right man for the job but again when it matters, failed.

Failed to get the team up for a big game.
Failed to rectify our "plant your feet and and hope for the best" defence that does not work againts the big teams.
Failed to bring an attack that works againts the better teams.

Not an overreaction, just stating the obvious that it was too early to re sign him.


Respectfully disagree. I don't mind a loss, however I get angry when we lose making the same stupid errors.

I also get angry when Doust and the rest of the Fairy God Fathers resign a coach with the IQ of a Dunlop Volley.

Well written piece, but what's the continual swearing ?
Before you go having a go at the coaches IQ its re-sign not resign. Small detail but quite important.


Again the loss isnt the main issue....its the way we lost.

Ill repeat, we knew what was coming and FAILED to step up and deliver a performance worthy of a top 4 or even top 8 team.

Mary had the opportunity to show that he is the right man for the job but again when it matters, failed.

Failed to get the team up for a big game.
Failed to rectify our "plant your feet and and hope for the best" defence that does not work againts the big teams.
Failed to bring an attack that works againts the better teams.

Not an overreaction, just stating the obvious that it was too early to re sign him.

So Mary wasn't the right man for the job when we hammered the Panthers early in the season?
Or when we got up in a tough game against the Sharks? Who happen to be the premiers.
Or when we showed incredible fight and resilience in defeat, with our biggest stars missing, against teams who will be playing finals footy deep into September?
Or the fact that we're sitting near the top of the table for points scored? A vast turnaround from last year.

I feel like these "Mary having an opportunity to show he is the right man" games are always looked at in hindsight, and it's ALWAYS whenever we lose.

These sorts of games happen. We were choked out by a team that wanted it more and they forced us into making errors. I'm sure Mary had the boys ready to go, and for the record their defence was incredible for most of the game, but today the Bulldogs were just better, they rallied.
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1st & 10

Agreed, we basically handed the victory to the Bulldogs today. Silly errors and a lack of execution. That doesn't mean our season is over however.

I understand what you're saying, but I would counter by asking what's the alternative? There is no-one else out there right now off contract who I would consider a genuine upgrade. Madge? No way in the world, id rather Price coach us again.
I was the first one to be calling for Mary's sacking, I always thought he was incompetent. But he's got our boys to the top 4 at the halfway point and they are obviously playing for him and respect him. Re-signing Mary establishes continuity within the club and avoids a possible re-structure which could be distracting next year at a time when we should be pushing to win the comp.

As for the swearing, you're in the wrong place if you find a little swearing to be offensive.

I have no issues with the swearing, just curious . It is still an excellent post


The reality is, the games we have won are all because of the new players we signed. And also because the leadership team chose the structure of our attack in the pre-season.

The games we lose have nothing to do with the above paragraph but all to do with Mary being unable to coach.

It's the same people that credit the players with the wins who also blame Mary for the losses.

Truth be told this is sport, professional sport and some days a team just doesn't 'show up' but the best coaches and teams show up on the majority of occasions, so you can't isolate one game but rather must look at the whole picture to truly make a judgement.

Some people will take looking at the 'whole picture' as the last 3 years, but yet ignore the trend. For me, while I was all fine to see Mary go end of last season I am seeing overall a positive trend this season, despite today's performance. I'd be much more worried if it happened week in week out, then it is on Mary.

1st & 10

Its funny. We have been great in attack for most of the year.
Now after a loss we are hopeless? Can't attack. Cannot score.
Drop Milne. Drop Mann.
Sele has one bad game and its bring in the next junior because this one is shit.
Its just funny.
I agree that today is a setback and it is a step in the wrong direction but its crazy for the forum to be going into meltdown because of a tough loss round 14.
Its embarrassing.

I don't give a crap about losing a game, it happens.

I do have an issue with RE-SIGNING of a flawed coach and no accountability from the so-called CEO, who is way past his bed time


The game against Tigers was a shot across the bow.But in saying that the try's the Bulldogs scored were a one on one miss by Sele.Taane Miine retreating from marker making the hole for Lichia and that shamozzle down Nightys side.The big problem was our attack.Just not enough of that second phase play.I am a bit down on Mary for the bench rotation .Pulling Mann off to leave Milne on after Dugan came back on.Then giving Mann 4 minutes at the end.Oh well front up next week and see what happens.I think on today's effort back to the drawing board.I just think we are higher up on the ladder then we should be.In saying that thou I really had a bad feeling about this game today and well it was right.


It was a very very poor performance today, but it's certainly not the end of the world. I agree that there are a few people that get a little carried away but other people's reactions don't really bother me.

My issue with today's performance is i don't think McGregor is picking the right backs. I've thought that most of the season. I don't think Mann is a centre, and I think Milne is overrated. I think Dugan is an excellent centre, I would have played him there when Aitken was injured and would have given Dufty a go at fullback. I don't think Mccrone is a great half, I think Field, Mann or even Nona have deserved a go ahead of him. I'd have Mann or Mccrone as bench utility, or another forward against teams like the Dogs. I don't understand the logic behind playing a centre on the bench in Milne. I think the 4th bench position has been poorly utilised.

Admittedly, though he has got a lot of things right too that I've got wrong. Like Lafai, he has been excellent this year. He has changed our style of play to a more direct style, with great success this season and we are actually good to watch. He has got our forwards humming too and has the forward rotation pretty right. Today's performance aside, Sele has been excellent too. I'd probably have had Luciano in his place, but Sele has had a better season to be fair.

Just an opinion, as they say opinions are like ass holes, everyone has one. At the end of the day we are performing a lot better than I expected. I thought we be borderline top 8, probably just outside of it. So credit where credit is due there have been more pluses than minuses. I'm enjoying watching this team play this season.