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WWE Raw: The Revolution


First Grade
Monday Night Raw 26/06/2011

The Main Event Tables Match between R-Truth and John Cena is nearing it conclusion. Cena has set up a table in the ring, and is awaiting R-Truth to get up, so he can provide an Attitude Adjustment through the table. As Truth gets up, and Cena gets him in the position he wants, CM Punk runs from the back, and pushes the table to the ground. Cena delivers the AA to the canvas. With a dry smile of Punks face, and clearly proud of what he just did, Cena slides out of the ring, and a tiny brawl starts at ringside. After getting thrown into the ring, Cena has Punk in the AA position, before Truth is able to spear Cena into the table, position in the corner. Again very proud of what he has just done, Punk rolls out of the ring, gets a microphone, and walks up to the top of the ramp. He sits down and says:

CM Punk said:
John Cena, while you lay there, hopefully as uncomfortable as you possibly can be, I want you to listen to me. I want you to digest this, because before I leave in three weeks with your WWE Championship, I have a lot of things I wanna get off my chest.

I don't hate you, John. I don't even dislike you. I like you a hell of a lot more than I like most people in the back. I hate... this idea... that you're the best... because you're not. I'm the best. I'm the best in the world.
There's one thing you're better at than I am, and that's kissing Vince McMahon's ass. You're as good at kissing Vince's ass as Hulk Hogan was.
I don't know if you're as good as Dwayne... he's a pretty good ass-kisser... always was and still is.

Oops... I'm breaking the fourth wall. [Punk waves to the camera.]

I am the best... wrestler... in the world. I've been the best ever since day one when I walked into this company, and I've been vilified and hated since that day because Paul Heyman saw something in me that nobody else wanted to admit.
That's right, I'm a Paul Heyman guy. You know who else was a Paul Heyman guy? Brock Lesnar... and he split, just like I'm splittin', but the biggest difference between me and Brock is that I'm going to leave with the WWE Championship.

I've grabbed so many of Vincent K. McMahon's imaginary brass rings that it's finally dawned on me that they're just that. They're completely imaginary.
The only thing that's real is me, and the fact that day in and day out, for almost six years, I've proved to everybody in the world that I am the best on this microphone, in that ring, and even on commentary. Nobody can touch me.
And yet, no matter how many times I prove it, I'm not on your lovely little collectors' cups, I'm not on the cover of the program, I'm barely promoted, I don't get to be in movies, I'm not on any crappy show on the USA Network, I'm not on the poster of WrestleMania, I'm not on the signature that's produced at the start of the show.
I'm not on Conan O'Brian, I'm not on Jimmy Fallon, but the fact of the matter is I should be, and trust me, this isn't sour grapes, but the fact that "Dwayne" is in the main event of WrestleMania next year and I'm not makes me sick!

Oh hey, let me get something straight, those of you who are cheering me right now... you are just as big a part of me leaving as anyone else, because you're the ones sipping out of those collector cups right now, you're the ones that buy those programs that my face isn't on the cover of, and then at five in the morning at the airport, you try to shove it in my face thinking you can get an autograph and sell it on eBay because you're too lazy to get a real job.

I'm leaving with the WWE championship on July 17 and hell, who knows, maybe I'll go defend it in New Japan Pro Wrestling... maybe I'll go back to Ring of Honor...
[Punk waves to the camera again] Hey, Colt Cabana, how you doing?

The reason I'm leaving is you people because after I'm gone you're still going to pour money into this company -- I'm just a spoke on the wheel -- the wheel's gonna keep turning.

And I understand that... that Vince McMahon's gonna make money despite himself... he's a millionaire who should be a billionaire... you know why he's not a billionaire? It's because he surrounds himself with glad-handing nonsensical douchebag yes-men like John Lauranitis, who's gonna tell him everything he wants to hear... and I'd like to think that maybe this company will be better after Vince McMahon is dead, but the fact is it's gonna get taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family.

Let me tell you a personal story about Vince McMahon. You know we do this whole bully campaign...​

The microphone is cut off. Punk hits the mic a few times, says something inaudible, yells "I've been silenced", and we fade to black.


First Grade


First Grade
This should be in full swing now.... Have got my hands on a ewr split data, so I will only be running RAW, and can get this diary into action.


First Grade
I'll be running exactly the same shows that was done prior to Money in The Bank PPV, and from then, I will make up my own storylines. So if the next few RAW's seem awfully familiar, its because they are.


First Grade


The WWE opening aired, followed by a recap of the tables match last week, which ended with Punk’s interference and scathing promo. The Raw opening and pyro were shown.

Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler welcomed us to Raw and mentioned the No. 1 Contender’s match and Miz vs. Riley.

John Cena came to the ring to cut a promo. Cena said that Punk said things that didn’t mesh well with the brass at WWE. He mentioned that Punk was suspended indefinitely and is stripped of the title match he earned. He said that Punk is supposed to be swept under the rug and they are supposed to ignore he existed. Cena said he has a voice as champion as is weighing in on WWE’s decision. Cena said the decision sucks.

Cena said he knows this is a PG show and knows what can and cannot be said. He does not agree with Punk’s outburst, but finds nothing wrong with it. Cena wants to know where the WWE stops. He mentioned that Daniel Bryan was fired for being too aggressive and said that fans signs are being confiscated. He said that Punk was merely suspended for speaking his mind.

Cena wants to know what will happen to him if he steps out of line. He said he wants answers from the man who made the decision, and that is Vince McMahon. Cena said he went over the GM’s head and called McMahon, who is on his way to the building. Cena said they won’t talk it out backstage and come to a politically correct answer, but Vince will explain in the ring. Cena then said he wants to face Punk at Money in the Bank.

A shot of Eve and Kelly Kelly walking to the ring was shown.

1. Eve and Kelly Kelly defeated The Bella Twins in 3:09. Eve and one of the Bella’s started the match. Eve backed that thing up for no reason, then hit an impressive standing moonsault. Eve was then thrown out of the ring, which she sold for an inordinate amount of time. The Bella’s tagged and continued to work over Eve, who almost scored a fall with a roll up.

The Bella’s continued to work over Eve’s arm. Eve got to Kelly for the hot tag and she thez press one Bell and knocked the other off the apron. Kelly then hit a flying leg scissors and a stink face. Eve stiffed the hell out of one Bella as Kelly pinned the other in the ring after a Fame-asser.

The announcers then hyped an Andy Leavine video package that hyped his “Silent Rage” persona. The crying was kept to a minimum.

R-Truth was talking backstage pretending to buy car insurance. Scott Stanford asked him about the triple threat match tonight. Truth said he should be awarded another title match. Truth then used the old “I just saved 15% by switching to Geico” joke. Alberto Del Rio appeared and was called Senor Jimmy. He said this was about his destiny to be new WWE Champion. [C]

A Smackdown ad aired that discussed Sheamus’ involvement in the Randy Orton and Christian story.

2. David Otunga and Mike McGuillicutty defeated Vladimir Kozlov and Santino Marella in 3:58. Is it really the New Nexus after they have been around for over six months? Santino and Otunga started things off. Santino teased doing Sweet Chin Music and made David Otunga angry. Otunga yelled at him and attempted to dominate.

Santino went for the Cobra, but missed as Otunga called tagged McGuillicutty. Santino tagged Kozlov, who apparently is a U.S. citizen now. I guess that explains his tights being blue and not red. McGuillicutty tagged Otunga and the two double teamed Kozlov in the corner.

Otunga then tagged McGullicutty and they attempted a double suplex, which Kozlov reversed. Santino got the hot tag and hit the hip toss and diving headbut on McGuillicutty. Otunga got the Cobra and McGuillicutty then hit a swinging neckbreaker for the win.

Zach Ryder’s music hit and he said “Woo woo woo, you know it” as the announcers questioned why he was there.

The announcers then hyped the Money in the Bank match and the matches for later tonight. [C]

The announcers hyped the confrontation between McMahon and Cena.

Scott Stanford was backstage with The Miz, who said Alex Riley kept him out of tonight’s No. 1 Contendership match. Miz said Riley’s opportunities on Raw end tonight. He brought him there and he will send him away.

Backstage Sgt. Slaughter was with Evan Bourne. Slaughter said he wanted to lead these people in the Pledge of Allegiance. Jack Swagger then walked in and said that he would lead everyone in the Pledge because Slaughter didn’t really love America. Swagger challenged Slaughter and Slaughter accepted.

We saw footage of Mr. McMahon’s plan landing in Las Vegas.

A video package of the Money in the Bank match at WrestleMania XXVI was shown. It highlighted Jack Swagger’s big Money in the Bank win and his World Championship win a few nights later.

3. Jack Swagger defeated Sgt. Slaughter in 1:08. We heard some piped-in “USA” chants for Slaughter. Swagger hit Slaughter a couple times, then backed him into the corner. Slaughter fought out of the corner, nailing Swagger a couple times.

Slaughter locked in the Cobra Clutch, only to be backed into the corner. Swagger hit a few shots, then hit Slaughter with his running Vader-like splash for the win.

After the match, Swagger put Slaughter in the ankle lock and Evan Bourne ran down and broke it up. Bourne then asked for a microphone and Slaughter, who lead everyone in the Pledge. [C]

The WWE Slam of the Week was Mark Henry’s demolition of the Steel Cage last week. Alberto Del Rio was already in the ring when the show came back live(ish).

4. Alberto Del Rio defeated R-Truth and Rey Mysterio in a triple threat match to become No. 1 Contender to the WWE Championship in 13:40. The announcers explained that the person who won this match would be replaced in the Money in the Bank match. Del Rio began this match attacking Truth.

Del Rio then went after Mysterio, who avoided him in the corner, but still got hit. Del Rio then threw Truth out of the ring and went for the pin on Mysterio. Del Rio was on the outside and as Mysterio went for the dive out, Truth intercepted him in an impressive moment. Truth dominated Mysterio as Cole and Lawler did the top of the hour reset of the show.

Truth went to the outside and threw Mysterio and Del Rio into barricades. Mysterio tried to get into the ring and Truth attempted to pin him. The attempted failed. Truth threw Rey into the corner very hard, but still only got a two count. Truth soon jumped to the outside from the apron onto Del Rio. Jerry Lawler said Cole sounds like Punk, instantly killing a little bit of Punk’s heat.

Del Rio returned to the fray, only to be on the receiving end of a Hurricanrana. Truth went for a superplex on Rey, but Del Rio picked Truth up onto his shoulders. Mysterio hit a Doomsday Device style splash to Truth. [C]

We returned to Raw with Del Rio choking Mysterio and a replay of the splash from before the break. Del Rio hit a backbreaker on Mysterio for a two count. Truth attempted to suplex Mysterio to the outside, but Del Rio stopped him. Del Rio then tried to suplex Mysterio in the ring and Truth stopped him. Truth hit a sunset flip, over the ropes, to Del Rio, who suplexed Mysterio. Impressive spot that lead to a two count.

Truth hit a scissor kick on Mysterio for a two count. Del Rio attempted to shoulder strike Truth in the corner, but missed. Mysterio hit the 619 and a splash on Truth. Del Rio ran in and broke up the pin by putting Rey in the Cross-Arm-Breaker for the submission win.

The McMahon-Cena confrontation was hyped again. [C]

A Money in the Bank video package about the first version of the match, which Edge won, was shown.

Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero came to the ring where a cake said “Happy Birthday Dolph” and a red carpet was rolled out. Vickie began by saying “Excuse me” and said tonight is a very special night where we are celebrating America’s birthday. She said it counts as Dolph’s birthday since he is U.S. Champion. She asked everyone to stand and sing Happy Birthday to Dolph. Vickie then sang.

Dolph Ziggler took the mic and said the fans are witnessing the greatest sports entertainer in the history of the WWE in his prime. He said there will be a dozen more Cena’s and Orton’s but there will never be another Ziggler. He said that the U.S. title is the only title that matters. Ziggler said he is all that we need to make Monday Night Raw perfection.

Kofi Kingston entered to full pyro and Michael Cole said that Kofi can’t celebrate the fourth because he was born in Ghana. Kofi said Dolph could brag all he wants, but without Vickie Dolph can’t beat him. Dolph said he used to be toe to toe with Kofi, but has left him in the dust. Kofi pushed Dolph, who accidentally ran into Vickie and forced her into the cake. Dolph was chased and Vickie wound up in the cake again. Vickie was seething in the ring as they showed cake on her butt, arm and face.

A replay of what just happened was shown. [C]

A video package highlighting last year’s Raw Money in the Bank match was shown.

Miz entered. Riley followed and Jerry Lawler used the word “awesomer” in describing Riley, then threw to an A-Ry video package.

5. Alex Riley defeated The Miz in 9:05. The two locked up rather aggressively to start the match. Riley whipped Miz into the corner and then clotheslined him. He threw Miz to the outside and slammed his head into the barricade. Miz and Riley ended up back in the ring.

Miz got the upper hand and hit Riley with a few knee-strikes to the face. Miz locked Riley in a front face lock, then DDTed him to the mat. Miz choked Riley in the ropes, then hit a running knee strike to Riley’s face. Miz hit Riley with a back body drop and pinned him for a two count.

Riley got some shoulder strikes in on Miz in the corner, but Miz came back with a Scorpion Death Drop (reverse DDT). [C]

The match continued after the break with Miz being back suplexed by Alex Riley. Riley hit a spear and a few punches on Miz, he then went for a DDT, which Miz reversed into a Northern Lights Suplex. Miz landed his corner clothesline and went for his backbreaker/neckbreaker combo. Riley hit a backslide and rolled Miz up for three.

After the match, Miz ambushed Riley and threw in out of the ring. He slammed Riley into the barricade everyone tears apart. He then picked Riley up and threw him into the stairs then held his head on the stairs and said “I made you.” Miz threw Riley into the announce table and looked quite emotional until he kicked Riley in the face and threw the top of the table at Riley. Miz looked up at the sky in a sad manner and walked out.

Mr. McMahon’s limo was shown arriving in the back and he walked into the arena.[C]

Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler discussed the Punk suspension at ringside and replayed the package from the top of the show.

Vince McMahon exaggeratedly walked to the ring. He thanked the fans and said that the Punk thing has gotten out of hand. He said he suspended Punk because he deserved it and that the fans would do the same thing he would if they were in his shoes. He said it isn’t about his ego, but about doing what is right for the fans.

McMahon said Punk held him up for limo service and first class plane tickets. He said Punk was not worthy of being on souvenir cups and programs. Vince then said he suspended Punk because he is a Punk and tried to leave the ring.

John Cena’s music prevented that and he walked out. Cena asked if that was it. He said Punk was kicked to the curb. McMahon said Punk kicked himself to the curb. Cena said all Punk did was speak his mind. Cena asked if McMahon believed in free speech and McMahon said that was why Cena’s mic was still working. Cena said that McMahon was a fighter who took down Turner and asked what happened to the fighter. He asked if the grapefruits were peach pits.

Cena said he still wants to fight and if McMahon does not feel like fighting, he should hang it up. McMahon looked upset and said he really suspended Punk because he does not want to take a chance on Cena. McMahon said that this risk was not worth taking. He said he would not be embarrassed by Punk walking into another organization with the title.

Cena said he will not guarantee that he will beat Punk, but the match still needs to happen. He said that as a fan, this is the most exciting match of the year. He said this match has a lot of questions and is the match of the year. Cena asked if he would be suspended if he said something McMahon didn’t like.

McMahon told Cena not to be Hogan and told him not to do this in front of the people. Cena said he should give the people what they want. McMahon said he didn’t want to give the people what they want and that it is his company. He said many came before Cena and many will come after.

Cena held the title belt in his hand and told Vince that it is his company. He said that if this is how he wants to run it, it isn’t what Cena signed up for. Cena said he know he is replaceable. He said he busts his ass because he wants to think that the title means something. If Punk can’t face him when he earned to right to, then the title is already meaningless. Cena then handed to title to Vince and left the ring.

McMahon called Cena an ingrate and yelled at him. He asked him to stop as he reached the top of the ramp. Vince handed Cena the title and said he hates that this has come between them. Vince reinstated Punk and told Cena he has the match. Vince told Cena not to smile and said that if Punk walks out of Chicago with the WWE Championship, then he will walk down the aisle say “John Cena, you’re fired.”

Big Pete

DB said:
The announcers then hyped an Andy Leavine video package that hyped his “Silent Rage” persona. The crying was kept to a minimum.


Good first up effort, I suppose there isn't too much you can do but adapt the original storyline. Can't wait to see what you will do with it.


First Grade
I can't take credit for that, as I used the lords of pain results.

I will probably have the next show up, and MITB, which will be what we watched, and the real life results, as to me it was perfect what they did, But I will introduce my own stuff for the next night on RAW.


First Grade

Jul 11, 2011 - 8:45:34 PM

Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with the usual intro video but before it finishes we go live inside the TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts as CM Punk's music hits and out he comes with a megaphone in hand.

Punk walks down and takes a headset from the ringside area. He puts it on and says something to the producer in the back. Punk takes a seat down in the ring with a normal mic and his megaphone beside him. Punk says he feels some recapping is in order. He says he was suspended by Vince McMahon last week and the crowd boo's. Punk says he was suspended because the week before, he got into trouble for things he said. Punk recalls everything he said, as he said it in his promo, but says he didn't get in trouble for those remarks. He got in trouble because he has the balls to say what nobody else does. Punk says WWE is filled with a parade of shameless ass kissers, in and out of the ring.

Punk says he is re-instated, got his Championship match back and brought back-up in case they change cut his mic again - he says this into the megaphone. A big CM Punk chant breaks out as Punk lets off the sirens on the megaphone. Punk says Vince wants to sign him to a longterm and very lucrative WWE contract. Punk says Vince is bending over backwards to give him what he's ever wanted. Punks says all he has ever wanted is a microphone. In anyone else's hand, it's just a microphone. In his hand, it's a pipebomb, he says. Punk says Vince finally sees him for what he is - the hottest in the business today. The crowd cheers this. Punk says Vince sees this way because Punk did what Vince and his suits couldn't do - make WWE socially relevant. Punk says he's talking about the real world, not the fans. Punk says WWE only gets a mention in the real world two ways - he speaks his mind or someone dies. The crowd doesn't like this.

Punk says ESPN and Kimmel are ringing his phone off the hook for a story. Punk thinks it's funny that he has one foot out the door and now Vince finally wants to give him what he wants. Punk says he wouldn't have five years of pent-up ammunition against Vince if he would have been this nice five years ago. Another massive CM Punk chant breaks out. Punk proposes that he and Vince have the first-ever live contract negotiation in the ring tonight. Punk says maybe he will sign, maybe he won't, maybe Vince will have to join the CM Punk Kiss My Ass Club. John Cena's music hits and he comes out to his hometown and a very mixed reaction with mostly boo's.

Punk taunts Cena through the megaphone. Cena hits the ring and says for his music to be cut. Punk thanks him for getting him re-instated and giving him what he wants. Punk says he will beat Cena for the WWE Title at Money in the Bank and will probably change the way it looks. Punk says it has been far too ugly for far too long. The crowd cheers this. Punk says he is leaving and he will beat Cena for the title. Now, Cena is going to get fired. Punk goes on and Cena is glad to see he finally has a set of balls. Cena says he is out here to set Punk straight. Cena says Punk has to go through him to take the WWE Title out of Chicago. Cena says he's no push-over. Cena brings up Punk saying he is the best wrestler in this company. Punk corrects him and says he's the best wrestler in the world. Cena says he does what he does because he loves it. He says he has the WWE Title because he earned it. Cena says there are a lot of people who thought they were the best wrestler. He names people like JBL, Triple H, Eddie Guerrero, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle and others he has defeated. Cena says everyone thought they could hang with him but they got disappointed. Cena doesn't care about this and that. He says he's coming to Chicago at Money in the Bank to whoop Punk's ass. The crowd pops as they face off in the middle of the ring. The e-mail alert goes off to boo's.

Michael Cole reads the GM's announcement. He says if this could be Cena's last night on RAW, Cena should be in action. Cena is in action up next, in a "very special match." Punk heads up the ramp as Cena looks on and we go to commercial.

John Cena vs. David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty

Back from commercial and it's announced that Cena must compete in a Handicap Match. Out comes the WWE Tag Team Champions David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty.

Cena starts out with Otunga. They go back and forth until Cena takes him to the mat with a headlock. McGillicutty is tagged in and they lock up. He goes to work on Cena's arm. Cena comes back to send McGillicutty outside as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and McGillicutty has control of Cena. During the break, Cena was thrown to the floor where Otunga threw him into the barrier. Cena fights out of the headlock but McGillicutty kicks him into the corner and stomps him down. Otunga gets in a cheap shot while the referee isn't looking. Otunga comes in after more offense to continue the beatdown in the corner. McGillicutty chokes Cena as the ref isn't looking. Cena fights back with a fisherman's suplex. McGillicutty comes in but Cena catches him with shoulders and a big slam. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle and goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Otunga makes the save. The champs double team Cena for a 2 count.

McGillicutty ends up on the top with Cena. Cena overpowers and sends him back to the mat. Cena fights Otunga off and hits the big leg drop from the top on McGillicutty. Cena locks the STF on but Otunga runs in and breaks the hold. They double team Cena in the corner some more, right in front of the referee. Cena ducks Otunga and hits the Attitude Adjustment on McGillicutty. Cena tosses Otunga to the floor and covers McGillicutty for the win.

Winner: John Cena

Cena celebrates in front of the hometown crowd as the announcers hype the first-ever live contract negotiations between CM Punk and Vince McMahon for later. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a promo video for Sunday's Big Show vs. Mark Henry match.

We see Vickie Guerrero and WWE United States Champion Dolph Ziggler backstage. They're rehearsing what Dolph is going to say to Vince McMahon tonight. Dolph wants Vince to fire Cena and Punk. Vickie impersonates Vince and starts mocking him. Drew McIntyre walks up and also starts mocking Vince. They continue to bash Vince's look and his breath. Vickie stops laughing when Vince McMahon himself walks up. Vince calls Dolph and Drew two of his fastest rising stars, and says they deserve to have a really big spotlight. Vince suggests they team up tonight in a handicap match, against a really big opponent - Big Show. They hesitate but thank Vince. Vince asks if anyone has a mint but nobody does. Vince yells that he would hate to have bad breath and they run off. Scott Stanford walks up and asks Vince what's going to happen in his contract negotiations tonight with CM Punk because the whole world wants to know. Vince tells Scott to tell the world to go to hell. Vince walks off.

We see WWE Divas Champion Kelly Kelly walking to the ring as we go to commercial.

Melina vs. Kelly Kelly

Back from the break and Melina is in the ring waiting while The Bella Twins are joining commentary. Out next comes WWE Divas Champion Kelly Kelly for a non-title match.

Melina takes Kelly down first and kicks her in the back. Melina then applies a submission. Kelly fights out of it with a pair of clotheslines. Kelly then hits a big back elbow and a stinkface in the corner. Kelly blocks Melina's attack and hits a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Melina misses a split and Kelly hits her leg drop for the win.

Winner: Kelly Kelly

After the match, The Bella Twins enter the ring. The Bellas pick on how skinny is and tell her to go eat a meal. They start insulting her more. Kelly leaps on one of them and goes to town. The Bellas team up on her until Eve Torres runs down and makes the save. Eve then gets beatdown and The Bellas leave them both laying in the ring.

The Miz is headed to the ring to address the WWE Universe as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and the WWE Rewind is of The Miz beating up Alex Riley last week. We go to the ring and out comes The Miz. Ladders are set up all around the ring and the briefcase is hanging up high. Miz sits atop the ladder and says nothing feels better than sitting up there and looking down on everyone. Miz says he is better than everyone else in the match on Sunday. Miz says he's used to taking this path to becoming a WWE Champion because he's been there before in a way none of his opponents ever have. Miz says everyone will find out that he still has what it takes to be a champion. Miz says he is still the future and on Sunday, every one of his opponents will find out why he's.... Jack Swagger's music hits and out he comes.

Swagger comes out and says he also has cashed in and became World Champion before. Swagger says he's going to do it again. Miz and Swagger go back and forth on the mic until Evan Bourne comes out. He says he's tired of hearing Miz and Swagger talk about what they've done. He's here to talk about what he's going to do on Sunday. Bourne says he's going to steal the show and win. Kofi Kingston's music hits and he's out next. Kofi appreciates everyone's confidence but it's all talk. Kofi talks about the match and how Edge had to retire because of matches like this. R-Truth comes out next and says the conspiracy against him continues. Truth talks about how he beat John Cena a few weeks back. Truth says he can't climb the ladder and grab the briefcase because he has what he calls acrophobia. Truth then says he has a fear of heights and there better be no spiders in the ring on Sunday. Truth says the grits will hit the pan if he opens the briefcase and sees a spider. Truth goes on and is interrupted by Alex Riley. Riley rushes the ring and The Miz flees to the floor. Alberto Del Rio's music is up next and in he comes driving a Mercedes Benz. Del Rio speaks from his car and says this is a disgrace because he earned the #1 contendership last week. Del Rio says Cena is afraid of him. Del Rio says he will do it all over again to show the people that his destiny is to become WWE Champion. Del Rio says in 6 days, he's going to teach a lesson to everyone in the ring. A lesson for destiny. Del Rio's music hits but is interrupted by the e-mail alert. The GM says since we have six of the competitors in the ring now, let's have a match. Miz, Swagger and Truth vs. Bourne, Kofi and Riley is announced for right now. We go to commercial.

The Miz, Jack Swagger and R-Truth vs. Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston and Alex Riley

Back from the break and Swagger is going at it with Bourne. Miz comes in and continues the assault. Miz with a big kick to the head and a 2 count. Truth is tagged in and he drops a big leg drop on Bourne for a 2 count. Bourne starts to fight out of a headlock but Bourne drops him on his face for another 2 count. Bourne struggles for a tag but Truth gets another near fall.

Bourne finally knocks Truth down with a knee to the head and tags in Kofi. Kofi comes off the top rope and goes to work on Truth. Kofi with a big dropkick and then the Boom Drop. Kofi knocks Swagger off the apron but Truth grabs him. Kofi kicks Truth in the head and hits a big crossbody from the top. 2 count for Kofi as Miz breaks the hold. Truth knocks Kofi off the apron and to the floor. Truth tags in Miz as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and The Miz drops Kofi for a 2 count. Truth comes in with another near fall on Kofi. Swagger comes in but Kof fights his way out of their corner. Swagger and Truth go to double team him but Kofi drops them with a double DDT. Riley comes in and spears Swagger. Riley with clotheslines and a big spinebuster. Riley brings Miz in the ring but gets beatdown. Bourne kicks Truth out of the ring. Swagger goes for the big splash from the second rope but Riley blocks it. Riley hits a big DDT on Swagger for the win.

Winners: Alex Riley, Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston

After the match, The Miz comes in and lays Riley out with the Skull Crushing Finale. Everyone gets involved. Bourne goes to the top until Alberto Del Rio runs down and pushes him off to the floor. Del Rio runs in the ring with a ladder and cleans house. Del Rio throws the ladder to The Miz on the floor and lays him out. Del Rio stands under the briefcase in the ring as his music hits and everyone is laid out on the floor.

More hype for Punk and Vince's contract negotiations tonight.

Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre vs. Big Show

Drew McIntyre and his partner WWE United States Champion Dolph Ziggler are lead out by Vickie Guerrero for their handicap match. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and a pissed off Big Show makes his way to the ring. Ziggler starts things out with Show but he quickly tags in Drew. Show charges and brings Drew in the ring. Show knocks Dolph off the apron and clubs Drew to the mat. Show with a big clothesline in the conrer and more forearm shots to the back. Show with another big clothesline and a slam on Drew as Dolph and Vickie look on from ringside.

Show manhandles Drew some more and throws him to the floor. Dolph hides as Show throws Drew into the barrier. Show tackles Drew at the foot of the ramp and continues the assault up the ramp. The bell rings as Show takes Drew up to the stage and throws him into the big W. Show picks Drew up to chokeslam him off the stage. Mark Henry runs over and collides with them, sending all three flying off the stage. Drew lands to the side while Henry and Show land almost on top of each other. We go to commercial with WWE officials checking on Show and Henry, who are laying in pain.

Back from the break and Mark Henry is pushing WWE officials away as they try to help him. We go to Cole and Lawler who show us a replay of what Alberto Del Rio did to everyone a few minutes ago with the ladder. Cole leads us into a highlight video from previous Money in the Bank ladder matches.

We see Vince McMahon and CM Punk making their way to the ring as we go to break.

Back from the break and out comes Vince McMahon. He stops on the stage, walks back to the back and walks out again. Vince stops, goes back to the back and comes out one more time. Vince finally heads to the ring once the crowd gives him a loud applause. But wait. Vince tells Justin Roberts to shut up and goes behind the curtain one more time. Vince comes walking out again to a bigger pop and is now making his way to the ring.

Vince points to a Zack Ryder sign on the way to the ring and won't shake Michael Cole's hand. Vince greets John Cena's father, who is sitting at ringside. Vince is all smiles as he finally steps through the ropes where a table and chairs is waiting. Vince says he won't be joining the CM Punk Kiss My Ass Club tonight. Vince says contracts should not be negotiated in public but that's what CM Punk wants. Vince calls Punk out to the ring and wonders what CM stands for. Vince says they got the Punk part right and out comes Punk to the ring.

Punk mocks Vince's walk as he heads down. Vince extends his hand for a shake but Punk won't take it. Vince takes a seat and says Punk's attorneys have been through everything more than once. Punk won't take a seat. Punk walks around the table and Vince. Punk figured Vince would come out here wearing a John Cena t-shirt and armband. Punk says he can tell now that Vince has no faith in Cena for this Sunday. Vince says his faith or lack of faith in Cena has no factor in this. Vince says he is doing this for the right reasons. Vince says he couldn't live with himself if Punk walked out of Chicago with the WWE Title, if somehow he won. Vince calls Punk by his real name, Phil. Punk says his lawyers looked over the contract and it wasn't up to par. So he had them draw up a new one, which is right here. Punk has already signed it.

Punk says the new deal has a few perks Vince should know about. Vince says don't push him. Provision #1 in Punk's new contract is that he gets to push Vince, he says. Punk says he will kick Vince in the nuts and Vince will like it, smile and show him respect or he will shred the contract up and leave on Sunday with Vince's WWE Title. Provision #1 is actually that Punk wants his own jet, he says. #2 is his face on everything - the Titantron, the turnbuckles, cups, posters, spoons, shoes, socks, everything, Punk says. Punk also wants the WWE ice cream bars brought back. The crowd pops at this. Punk tells Vince he just made him a million dollars in ice cream sales. Punk wants WWE Studios to start producing CM Punk: The Movie. He says call it The Chaperone 2 but his will be funny and successful. Punk also wants the main event at WrestleMania 28. He says Vince can keep The Rock vs. John Cena but he wants the main event. The last thing the contract says is that Vince apologize to him for suspending him last week. Punk says really Vince is apologizing to the fans for being one of the biggest hypocrites he's ever seen. Punk brings up WWE's anti-bullying campaign and says Vince is one of the biggest bullies he's ever seen. Punk wants Vince to apologize. A huge Punk chant breaks out from the crowd.

Punk says he has had friends who were fired from WWE for the wrong reason. Vince says they deserved it. Punk asks why? Because Vince doesn't know what makes a star in 2011? Punk brings up Colt Cabana and Luke Gallows. Punk says Vince will apologize for Gallows and Cabana right now because they can't be here. Punk calls himself the voice of the voiceless. Punk says Vince will apologize right now and will like it. Vince relaxes and tells Punk to be gentlemen and get this done. Punk tells Vince to sign the contract and apologize to spare WWE any more embarrassment. Vince doesn't want to apologize and just wants to sign. Punk tips the table over and Vince stands up. A "we want wrestling" chant breaks out and Vince says he doesn't give a damn what the fans want. Punk says that's the problem - Vince doesn't care and Punk cares too much, he says. Punk says Boston wants to hear an apology.

Vince mumbles he's sorry but that's not good enough for Punk. Vince calls Punk a son of a bitch and apologizes. Punk rubs it in. Punk tells Vince to sign the contract before the WWE stock plummets some more. As Vince prepares to sign the contract, John Cena's music hits and out comes the WWE Champion.

Cena says that was a fine speech by Punk. The fans love him and will love him in Chicago, Cena says. Cena says if Vince wants to sign the contract and cave in to a terrorist, then that's his decision. Cena says Punk and Vince look like a few spoiled brats right now and mocks them like a little kid. Cena talks about how much he hates Vince and says still, he shows up for work everyday. Cena talks about the fans now. He says Punk is the biggest hypocrite of all. Cena says Punk is saying what he's saying right now but will be leaving soon. Cena brings up how The Rock returned and said he wouldn't be leaving but he's gone. Cena goes on and says Punk has lost sight of everything. Punk says he doesn't fit a certain mold and he's the underdog. Punk talks about WrestleMania 22 when he was an extra during Cena's entrance and how he thought one day he would be standing over Cena. Punk goes on against Cena and brings up Boston and his family. Punk says Cena has become a dynasty, he has become what he hates. Punk says Cena has became the New York Yankees. Cena throws a right hand at Punk. Punk flees the ring and continues running his mouth. Cena's music hits but Punk stops at the stage to speak and asks for Cena's music to be cut.

Punk says he was just reminded why he wants to leave WWE so bad. Punk says on Sunday night, they can say goodbye to John Cena, the WWE Title and CM Punk. Punk rips up his contract and says he will go be the best in the world somewhere else. RAW goes off the air with Punk looking down to the ring at Cena and Vince.


First Grade

Jul 17, 2011 - 7:37:29 PM

The 2011 WWE Money in the Bank pay-per-view opens up with the normal WWE intro before going into a video package for tonight's main event and CM Punk talking about leaving the company after tonight.

We're live from the Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois as the pyro goes off. Ladders are setup around the ring as Michael Cole welcomes us to the second ever Money in the Bank pay-per-view. Cole is joined by Booker T and Jerry Lawler.

We see footage from earlier of Vince McMahon, John Laurinaitis and a WWE layer arriving to the arena for last minute dealings with CM Punk.

WWE Divas Title Match: Brie Bella vs. Kelly Kelly

We go to the ring and out comes Brie Bella with her sister Nikki for tonight's Divas match. Out next comes WWE Divas Champion Kelly Kelly and she's got Eve Torres with her.

The bell rings and they talk smack. Kelly smacks Brie and leaps onto her. Kelly with more offense that sends Brien out to the floor. Brie talks with Nikki until Kelly leaps from the apron and takes both Bellas out. They come back int he ring and Kelly ties Brie up on the ropes. Brie breaks free and knocks Kelly to the floor, face first. Brie brings it back in the ring for a 2 count.

Brie applies a submission but Kelly fights out. More offense from Brie and another 2 count. Another pin attempt and a chinlock by Brie. Kelly drops Brie on her jaw and starts slamming her face into the mat. Kelly tosses Brie by her hair and clotheslines her. Kelly with a neckbreaker for a 2 count. More back and forth action. Kelly with another 2 count. Brie turns it around and gets a close pin attempt of her own. Kelly hits her leg drop finisher on Brie for the win.

Winner: Kelly Kelly

We go a SummerSlam promo.

We get a promo for Big Show vs. Mark Henry.

Big Show vs. Mark Henry

Mark Henry is out first for the next match. Out next comes Big Show and they go at it as soon as the bell hits. Show fights Henry off with huge chops. Henry whips him into the ropes. Show comes back and takes Henry down with a big shoulder tackle. Henry rolls to the floor to regroup. Show follows him and drops him with a big clothesline.

They go at it on the floor. Show throws Henry into the steel steps after clotheslining him on the floor. They bring it back in the ring and Henry takes out Show's injured knee. Henry kicks Show in the head three times, keeping him on the mat. 2 count for Henry. Henry continues the attack on Show's leg. Henry applies a half Boston crab now. Show finally makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Show kicks Henry off but gets up limping. Henry hits a big clothesline in the corner. He goes for another but Show puts up a big boot. Show goes to the second rope and comes down with a big shoulder block, taking Henry down. Show landed bad on his knee but gets up and calls for a chokeslam.

Henry blocks the chokeslam and hits a World's Strongest Slam on Show but only gets a 2 count. Henry yells and grabs Show, hitting another World's Strongest Slam. Henry then hits two big splashes on Show and covers him for the win.

Winner: Mark Henry

After the match, Henry goes to ringside and brings a steel chair back in the ring. Henry wraps Show's leg up in the chair and climbs to the second rope. Henry bounces and hits a big splash, coming down hard on Show's leg and the chair. Show sits up and starts yelling in pain. A trainer checks on Show as Henry walks off. They bring a stretcher and then an EMT cart down, big enough for Show to ride on the back. We get "CM Punk" chants from the crowd as they load Show up on the cart and drive him away. Lots of Punk chants tonight.

We see Vince McMahon and John Laurinaits backstage talking. Josh Matthews comes in and asks Vince if he re-signed CM Punk. Vince says no. Vince says Punk is the biggest ingrate he's ever dealt with in his life. Vince says he offered Punk the most lucrative contract ever and Punk turned him down. Vince says the Punk fans shouldn't blame him - he did what he could to keep Punk on the roster. Matthews asks Vince what did Punk exactly say. Vince says Punk pointed at the door and told Vince to simply get out. Matthews brings up Cena and this pisses Vince off a bit. Vince says this is all on Cena and if some way Punk leaves with the WWE Title, may God have mercy on Cena's soul.

RAW Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne vs. R-Truth vs. Alex Riley vs. The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio

We go to the ring and out comes Alberto Del Rio to kick off the next match as ladders are set up everywhere. Kofi Kingston is out next followed by Jack Swagger and Evan Bourne. Bourne grabs a ladder and brings it to the ring with him. R-Truth is out next, still with no music. Actually all of the Superstars in the ring have grabbed ladders before the match starts. Alex Riley is out next and he also grabs a ladder. Out next comes The Miz followed by Rey Mysterio for his first ever MITB match. The bell rings and everyone unloads on Del Rio with their ladders, sending him to the floor. Everyone dumps their ladders onto Del Rio now. Mysterio gets tossed out onto the pile of ladders. Riley dumps Swagger to the floor and knocks him back down with a ladder. Truth and Miz are the ones left in the ring. They clash with ladders until Swagger comes in and runs them down with a bigger ladder. Swagger, Kofi and Bourne go at it now. Truth comes in but gets taken out. Rey leaps off a ladder and takes Swagger to the floor with a head scissors. Kofi sends Bourne to the floor but Truth takes him out. Riley comes in and drops Truth over the ladder between his legs. Lots more back and forth action. Truth runs, leaps over the ropes and lands on bodies on the floor. Rey and Kofi both go to the top and both leap down to the group on the floor at the same time. Bourne climbs a ladder that's set up on the floor and hits Air Bourne onto the group of people.

Bourne climbs for the briefcase but The Miz stops him. Del Rio pushes over the ladder and Miz lands bad on his knee. Miz starts screaming in pain. He rolls to the floor and trainers check on him. You can see that Miz's knee is injured. Del Rio and Mysterio go at it now. Del Rio climbs the ladder but Truth stops him.

We see officials helping Miz off to the back. Lots more action on the ladders but Swagger is left standing. Kofi leaps over Swagger and lands on the ladder. Kofi goes for the briefcase. Swagger applies the ankle lock while Kofi is still on the ladder. Riley climbs and goes at it with Swagger. Truth pushes the ladder over and both men go down. Truth sets the ladder up in the corner but Rey attacks. Rey gets wedged between a ladder and the turnbuckles. Truth dropkicks the ladder into his ribs. Truth gets dropped on the ladder face first. Kofi stops Rey and climbs up top. Kofi leaps from the top rope to a ladder and then onto Truth with the Boom Drop. Kofi fights Riley off and goes for the ladder but gets kicked to the mat by Rey. Swagger rams Rey with a ladder. Truth comes back into play and kicks the ladder into Swagger's face. Truth is leaning over, allowing Rey to hit him with 619. Riley and Rey fight up high on the ladder. Bourne and Swagger bring ladders in. Del Rio dropkicks Swagger back to the floor. Bourne and Del Rio climb up onto ladders with Rey and Riley. Swagger comes back in and pulls Del Rio off. Now all 8 Superstars are up high on top of ladders going at it. The briefcase just sways back and forth between hands. Del Rio gets knocked off into a ladder face first. Swagger then gets knocked off. Riley pushes Bourne's ladder down and he lands outside of the ring on the floor. Riley gets knocked off next. Truth goes next and then Rey. Kofi is left up top with the briefcase. Swagger runs up another ladder and stops him. The ladder tumbles and both go down. The Miz comes limping down to the ring and hobbles up a ladder. Rey pulls him by his injured leg and slams it into a ladder. Rey powerbombs Miz from the ladder to the mat. Del Rio tries to stop Rey from climbing but gets knocked to the mat as the fans boo. Del Rio runs up the ladder again and goes at it with Rey. Del Rio pushes Rey off the ladder but he lands on another ladder. All of the ladders tumble after Del Rio takes off Rey's mask. Del Rio stands up a ladder and climbs for the briefcase, winning the match and a shot at the WWE Title.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

- We get a promo for tonight's World Heavyweight Title match.

We go backstage with Matthews and Alberto Del Rio. He says this briefcase isn't a part of his destiny, it's a formality. Del Rio says his destiny is to become the next WWE Champion and walks away.

We get another SummerSlam promo and come back to the announcers. The fans are chanting for CM Punk. We go to a promo video for tonight's main event.

WWE Title Match: CM Punk vs. John Cena

We go to the arena after the promo video and the crowd is going nuts chanting CM Punk's name. Punk's music and out he comes to a massive reaction. Punk takes a seat in the ring as th crowd chants his name. A few minutes go by as Punk soaks it all up. Punk goes to ringside and greets someone in the first row, possibly Colt Cabana. John Cena's music finally hits and the crowd boo's the hell out of Cena. Punk claps from ringside as Cena enters the ring to boo's. We get formal ring introductions and the bell. Punk throws a kick at Cena to get things going. They finally lock up and Punk applies a headlock. Punk goes behind and wraps up Cena's arm.

You can't wrestle chants from the crowd. Punk goes for the Anaconda Vice early but Cena escapes. Cena takes Punk to the mat now by his arm. Cena drops Punk with a shoulder to boo's from the crowd. Punk applauds Cena. Cena with a headlock and another takedown to the mat. Cena with a shoulder block. Punk leap frogs and takes Cena down twice to pops from the crowd. Punk with a headlock on the mat now. They get up and Punk drops Cena with a shoulder now. Punk mocks Cena with the hand gesture. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Punk slides out. Punk goes right for the GTS but Cena avoids it. They go to lock up again but Punk kicks Cena several times to the mat. Punk stomps on Cena in the corner now. Cena comes back and hits the bulldog for a 2 count. Cena with another headlock. Punk fights to his feet and out of the hold with right hands. Cena runs over Punk with a clothesline for a 2 count. Punk turns it around and backdrops Cena for a 2 count. We actually get dueling chants for Cena and Punk from the crowd. Punk whips Cena hard into the corner and covers him for 2. Cena with right hands and a fisherman's suplex and a 2 count of his own. Cena goes for the AA again but Punk counters and DDT's him for 2. Punk applies a head scissors. Cena stands up with Punk on his shoulders. Punk fights out of it and tosses Cena out of the ring. Punk puts Cena on the apron and drops a big knee to the neck from the top rope, right in front of Colt Cabana at ringside. Punk brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Punk backs Cena into the corner with knees to the head. Punk charges in the corner but Cena moves and he hits the ringpost.

Cena pulls Punk back but Punk clotheslines him for another 2 count. Punk takes Cena back to the mat with another headlock. More dueling chants from the crowd as Cena fights out of the hold. Cena with a right hand now. Cena runs into a big boot in the corner. Punk with a crossbody from the top that barely connects and a 2 count. Cena looks like he may have been legitimately hurt on his knee. Punk goes to suplex Cena in from the apron but Cena suplexes him back onto the floor. Cena brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Cena hits a suplex and runs the ropes fine, dropping an elbow for another pin attempt. Cena scoops Punk but Punk slides out. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment and hits a variation for 2. Cena with rights and lefts now. Punk comes back and they trade punches & kicks. The crowd pops as Punk swings away. Cena counters and applies an abdominal stretch. They break the hold but both go down at the same time. Cena comes back with shoulder blocks and the back drop but Punk falls behind Cena. Punk rolls Cena up for 2. Punk misses the high knee in the corner and Cena back drops him. The crowd boo's as Cena calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Punk kicks Cena in the head as he does the hand gesture. Punk sends Cena to the floor and dives through the ropes, taking Cena out. Cena is back in the ring. Punk springboards into the ring but Cena moves and Punk goes down. Cena calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle again, connecting this time. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Punk lands on his feet almost. Punk comes back with a kick and a leg sweep for a 2 count.

Punk scoops Cena for the GTS but he counters. Cena with a gutwrench for a 2 count. Cena goes for the AA again but Punk counters. Punk hits two big knees to the jaw and a bulldog on Cena, laying him out face down. Punk springboards into the ring and takes Cena down for a 2 count. Punk hits Cena with several kicks to the chest now. Cena ducks one and locks the STF on Punk. Punk finally makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Punk drops Cena with a kick to the head out of nowhere for another close 2 count. Punk climbs to the top and hits a crossbody but Cena rolls through and picks Punk up, puts him on his shoulders but Punk counters the AA. Punk goes for the GTS but Cena counters and locks the STF on again. Cena pulls Punk back to the center of the ring and re-applies the hold. Punk turns the hold around and locks on his submission as the crowd goes nuts. Cena scoops Punk up and hits the AA but only gets a 2 count.

Cena goes to the top for the leg drop but Punk counters for a 2 count. Punk goes for GTS but Cena uses the ropes to escape and drop Punk. Cena hits the leg drop from up top but Punk still kicks out at 2. Cena goes for the AA yet again and nails it. Cena covers Punk but he still manages to kick out right before the 3 count. Cena argues with the referee. Cena takes Punk to the corner and puts him up top. Cena goes for an AA from the top but Punk fights him off with several elbows to the head. Punk turns it around and hits a top rope hurricanrana. Punk hits a high knee in the corner and goes for the GTS. Punk doesn't connect all the way and Cena falls out of the ring. Punk goes to the floor and brings Cena back in the ring. Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis make their way down and Punk stares them down. Punk gets in the ring and Cena trips him, applying the STF. Vince starts calling for the bell. Laurinaitis runs over to have the bell rang but Cena meets him with a right hand on the floor. Cena walks over and stares at Vince, shaking his head. Cena runs back in the ring but Punk connects with GTS for the pin, the win and the WWE Title.

Winner and New WWE Champion: CM Punk

- Punk celebrates in the ring with the WWE Title as Vince rolls his eyes at ringside, looking sick. The Chicago crowd goes nuts as Punk holds the WWE Title high. Vince rips the headset off Jerry Lawler and orders for Punk's music to be cut. Vince tells them to send Alberto Del Rio out to cash in his briefcase. The crowd chants for Punk as Vince is furious at ringside. Del Rio runs out with his briefcase. Punk drops him with a right hand and drops to his knees. Punk stares at Vince and smiles. Punk escapes the ring and runs into the crowd with the WWE Title. The referee never rang the bell so Del Rio never cashed in. Punk runs through the crowd as Vince looks on and the crowd goes crazy. Punk poses with the fans and the WWE Title as Vince looks on from the ring. Punk is shown running through the concession area with Vince looking on as the pay-per-view goes off the air.


First Grade
Thats all the show real too life. From now on, it will be my own ideas, and storylines, and we will see how it goes.