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Some players knew

El Diablo

Post Whore
Once again you spend 99% of your time sh*t canning the telegraph and the Sydney media in general yet when they come up with something that suits your agenda/argument/obsession/delusion you take it as gospel. Conversely if someone made a thread about something that went against your agenda/argument/obsesion/delusion without providing a link you'd be onto them like a fly on sh*t asking for a link or would call total bullsh*t.

Jesus you're a sad f**king knob :lol:

Victorian alert


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
:lol: @ Evenflow, it was said in words on radio today you f**king knob.

Looks like someone's struggling to come to terms with the fact the team he's supported are cheats. Pure and simple. It sucks to go through it as a fan but blaming everyone else is way off the mark :lol:

El Diablo

Post Whore
:lol: @ Evenflow, it was said in words on radio today you f**king knob.

Looks like someone's struggling to come to terms with the fact the team he's supported are cheats. Pure and simple. It sucks to go through it as a fan but blaming everyone else is way off the mark :lol:

by Greg Baxter of News Ltd who have been investigating the Storm seeing they own them

silly Victorians looking for excuses and someone to blame


:lol: @ Evenflow, it was said in words on radio today you f**king knob.

Looks like someone's struggling to come to terms with the fact the team he's supported are cheats. Pure and simple. It sucks to go through it as a fan but blaming everyone else is way off the mark :lol:

Errr i'm not struggling to come to terms with anything nuffy, f**king oath they cheated have i ever said otherwise? All i asked for is a source which yourself and numbnuts are always literally the first to jump all over anyone else for not providing one. can you spell hypocrite Tim Tim?

Words on the radio aren't really a reliable souce for everyone on here that didn't hear them and i thought you and knob jockey who are the resident forum cops around here would know that, especially given the amount of times you've bothe derided countless for not providing links.

Just for the records and sorry to burst your bubble but i'm not denying that some Storm players did or didn't know about the extra payments as they very well may have but either way none of us can say just yet that we definitively know. When you hear from 2 different papers that the Storm were over by as much as 1.2 mill or as low as $700k i think it's fair tio say that none of us have f**k all idea of the number just yet until the full audit is conducted. If you think that means "i'm struggling" to come to terms with that then so be it but i'd just prefer to wait until the official outcome and not go by heresay and conjecture. knock yourself out if you want to though.

Oh and one more thing, the more laughing emoticons you add in a post doesn't necessarily make your post any funnier. There's a time and a place for them for sure but f**k me you overdo them especially when you double up. That's even more apparrent given that the vast majority around her you have the sense of humour of a funeral home director. You aren't funny so stop trying to be. It's just embarrassing for you.


Rothfield has said for months that he knows and has proof that other clubs are over the cap.

Ask him to name them, or call him out on it, to come forward with the proof and all he says is that he isn't the one who should be revealing the cheating.

He is a dead set drop kick.


Rothfield has said for months that he knows and has proof that other clubs are over the cap.

Ask him to name them, or call him out on it, to come forward with the proof and all he says is that he isn't the one who should be revealing the cheating.

He is a dead set drop kick.

I agree, I wish he would name them if he has proof, but it may also be the case that he is full of hot air and doesn't have any hard evidence on these clubs at all, and in that case he cannot name them.

There is a good chance he has heard CEO's and club employees talk (and their talk is prob true as I believe there are other clubs over the cap) but he doesn't have proof that will stand up so he keeps quiet.

And yes I also agree that he is a drop kick


read the DT tomorrow then you gumby

No problem and i'm sure it'll say words to that affect. You just make sure you take their word as gospel on that and be ready to jump on them calling them lying, disgusting, vile scumbags whenever they report (which inevitably will be very soon) a story that doesn't suit your agenda.

Now until then go and wank yourself stupid about their next story on Jarryd's shiny new colored boots or how he crossed the road to purchase a skinny latte with one equal and croissant.

El Diablo

Post Whore
it won't be the DT's word you idiot

it will have come from News Ltd's forensic investigations into the Storm after the rorting


No sh*t Sherlock
:lol: Exactly.

It was pretty obvious from day one that some players had to know what was going down. Someone gives you a free boat, or a free kitchen and you don't ask any questions or get a feeling something strange is afoot? Yeah right...

Was amazed at how many people swallowed the "oh no, the innocent footballerz couldn't have known anything was wrong" line.

* Edit - looks like some people here are still swallowing it :lol:.


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it won't be the DT's word you idiot

it will have come from News Ltd's forensic investigations into the Storm after the rorting

So the News Limited owned DT will report on something that's for all intents and purposes supposed to be kept top secret until the final forensic audit results are legitimitley known. Call me a cynic or a conspiratist but it sounds pretty convenient that the only ones that could leak that info are News themsleves who just happen to be in a legal fight withe their very own directors.

Anyway one thing i will agree with you on is as soon as news are out of the game the better off we'll all be because they're nothing but scum. Not so good news for you though is that even when that happens, the Storm will still be alive and well so you won't get it all your own way.

El Diablo

Post Whore
So the News Limited owned DT will report on something that's for all intents and purposes supposed to be kept top secret until the final forensic audit results are legitimitley known. Call me a cynic or a conspiratist but it sounds pretty convenient that the only ones that could leak that info are News themsleves who just happen to be in a legal fight withe their very own directors.

Anyway one thing i will agree with you on is as soon as news are out of the game the better off we'll all be because they're nothing but scum. Not so good news for you though is that even when that happens, the Storm will still be alive and well so you won't get it all your own way.



So the News Limited owned DT will report on something that's for all intents and purposes supposed to be kept top secret until the final forensic audit results are legitimitley known. Call me a cynic or a conspiratist but it sounds pretty convenient that the only ones that could leak that info are News themsleves who just happen to be in a legal fight withe their very own directors.

Anyway one thing i will agree with you on is as soon as news are out of the game the better off we'll all be because they're nothing but scum. Not so good news for you though is that even when that happens, the Storm will still be alive and well so you won't get it all your own way.

The scum you refer to has kept your club alive.

If it wasn't for News Ltd your club would have died years ago.

You should be thanking them.


The scum you refer to has kept your club alive.

If it wasn't for News Ltd your club would have died years ago.

You should be thanking them

You'd think i'd be thanking them aye? But i don't. Actually yes, i agree that they have kept the Storm going but i'm certainly not stupid enough to think that they did it only for the Storms purposes and not their own.

Regardless of what the majority of gullible halfwits think around here they've made a sh*tload out of the Storm in advertising and tv rights than the $6 mill or so a year it cost them to keep them afloat. You couldn't possibly think if they were losing that $6 mill they wouldn't have cut the Storm loose years ago do you? Judging by your post you clearly do think that and only prove my point about the gullible halfwits i just made LOL.


When the Forensic Accountants complete there work and if there is evidnece some players were culpable in the salay cap rorts then clearly there can be no bigger example of bringing the game into disrepute.

Those players who on the evidence had knowledge they were involved in cheating the salary cap should be banished from the game.

The Melbourne Storm are a disgrace and have cheated in the most diabolical way imaginable. There success was on the back of 'cheating' the salary cap and if there is evidence individuals where aware they were receiving money in contravention of the salary cap then clearly they should be rubbed out of the game.


Rothfield has said for months that he knows and has proof that other clubs are over the cap.

Ask him to name them, or call him out on it, to come forward with the proof and all he says is that he isn't the one who should be revealing the cheating.

He is a dead set drop kick.

Agree, I want to string the players at Melbourne involved in the cheating up by their necks and bash the sh*t out of them with a piece of steel just as much as everyone else who is kinda pissed they lied, I also believe the majority of the players involved knew, if they didn't know then it does not say much for their intelligence.

However, this constant "hinting" that others are doing it:
Rothfield, put your money where your mouth is.
Either come out and make an accusation based on fact and be prepared to be discredited (like he has any to begin with anyway) if you are incorrect OR STFU and GTFO.

El Diablo

Post Whore

Melbourne Storm players snub salary cap probe

* David Hastie
* From: Sunday Herald Sun
* June 06, 2010 12:00AM

MELBOURNE Storm's senior players have snubbed key meetings with salary cap breach investigators.

This news came as NRL investigators found three contracts Storm captain Cameron Smith had with the club.

It is alleged one was registered with the NRL, one was in a file at the Storm's administration headquarters and a third was being hidden at the home of former Storm chief Matt Hanson.

The contracts, which were drawn up by disgraced former boss Brian Waldron, also included payments for a home renovation and a guaranteed commentary role at Fox Sports. It is claimed Super League architect John Ribot negotiated the Fox Sports deal.

Despite the allegations, Smith has denied he was aware of any rorting.

It is also claimed other instances of Storm stars having more than one contract have been uncovered.

It can be revealed 10 Storm stars were due to front accounting firm Deloitte in the past fortnight, but none had appeared.

The club's owner, News Limited, revealed it had found evidence some Storm players almost certainly knew that some of their payments were paid by third parties in ways that would not be counted towards the salary cap.

"We now have evidence that some of the players were aware that some of the arrangements were not appropriate," News spokesman Greg Baxter said.

Mr Baxter said Deloitte, appointed by News to unravel the complex player payments, had attempted to reschedule the meetings, but the players' managers and agents had not co-operated.

"We have tried to interview them repeatedly and it's pretty disappointing they haven't bothered showing up," he said.

The Storm is $850,000 over the cap this season and $1.5 million next season.

Waldron was named as the architect behind the fraud.

Deloitte's forensic audit into salary cap rorts and the club's finances is continuing.

Storm chairman Rob Moodie and the club's three other independent directors have taken legal action against the NRL, claiming the league's chief executive David Gallop broke league rules and denied the Storm due process in stripping it of premierships and points.

News Limited, publisher of the Sunday Herald Sun, has not supported the directors in their action.

El Diablo

Post Whore
The club's owner, News Limited, revealed it had found evidence some Storm players almost certainly knew that some of their payments were paid by third parties in ways that would not be counted towards the salary cap.

"We now have evidence that some of the players were aware that some of the arrangements were not appropriate," News spokesman Greg Baxter said.

ban them