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Worst Actors Ever To Prove A Commercial Success?


Which genius said Clint Eastwood?

He has played a cowboy
An army man
A radio DJ with a stalker
A racist
An astronaut
A boxing coach
A prize fighter with a pet f**king monkey
A cop with a big f**k off gun

Did it all with the same hair do!


Keanu Reeves - surely an inside joke. Wasn't he in a Shakespeare by Brannagh? They must've been taking the piss. Only film he was on the mark in was Bill & Ted - playing a f**king stoner. What happened to Ted anyway? Or was it Bill? I was pretty f**ked up at the time.

Shia LeBoofhead - he can't act. All he can do is carry on like a f**kwit in front of the camera. I'd like to see him speared and all his future roles played by that kid in Indiana Jones who drives the cab. 'No time for love, Dr Jones!'

Anne Hathaway - now that you mention it, she can't f**king act either. All she's good at is poking her arse out, poking her tits out and making big eyes. Sort of like a thinking mans Megan Fox. Her timing is completely off. f**k she is phenomenally hot tho and it drives me up the wall.


Hayden Christiansen. He pretty much single-handedly turned Darth Vader from one of the great villians of all time into a whining teenage pussy. I saw him in one other lead role (Awake) and he was utterly shit in that too. Thank f**k he at least had Natalie Portman and Jessica Alba opposite him in those films or I would have clawed my own eyes out.


And George Clooney only plays himself as an 'actor' but a lot of people are ok with that

There's nothing wrong with that as long as they pick the right roles, and George does. Plenty of actors have built successful careers that way, it doesn't make them bad, just somewhat limited. I can even live with guys who can't act to save themselves as long as they stick with roles that work for them (Van Damme, Jason Statham).

I'd reserve the true "bad actor" tag for those who habitually ruin films (Reeves, Christiansen etc).

Pete Cash

Post Whore
Hayden Christiansen. He pretty much single-handedly turned Darth Vader from one of the great villians of all time into a whining teenage pussy. I saw him in one other lead role (Awake) and he was utterly shit in that too. Thank f**k he at least had Natalie Portman and Jessica Alba opposite him in those films or I would have clawed my own eyes out.

No Lucas disgraceful dialogue did that..

Pete Cash

Post Whore
He's also a notoriously difficult director to work with. I see him about the same as a bunch of other actors his age. Lacking a lot of gravitas so they end up being a little dull to watch on the screen. I mean look at some of Bogarts later films he looked f**king rough which added to his presence. This came from his crazy destructive life style but it added to his roles.

Basically what I'm saying is these young actors need to start drinking heavily.

Joker's Wild

Nicolas Cage. The facial movement of a botox victim, no emotion in his voice, no nothing. I loved Kick Arse but every other movie I've seen him in he just stands there like a statue. Actually he looked like a statue in Kick Ass but it was such an awesome movie I didn't care. Windtalkers on the other hand was one of the worst movies ever made and was just as bad in that as every other movie I've seen him in.

Mofo ruined one of my favourite comic book characters too. I know the writing, directing and editing went a long way to sinking the 2 Ghost Rider movies but FMD Cage was just about the last actor I would have picked to play Johnny Blaze. Completely wrong for the role, like so many other movies he has been in.

He is just plain shit


First Grade
OK I'll concede that his dialogue was pretty bad, but HC would've made Shakespeare sound whiny and wooden. Portman wasn't anywhere near as awful.

Yes she was. Both Episode I and II were awful simply because of Lucas. Even in the rest of the Star Wars movies the dialogue is pretty lame. The most important thing of any movie is the script, followed by the direction.

I highly doubt Episode VII with J.J. Abram's style will have the kind of cheesy dialogue Lucas's films did.

Ryan Gosling

And George Clooney only plays himself as an 'actor' but a lot of people are ok with that

Personal preference, again. Clooney may be smug and annoying but as a filmmaker he contributes a lot more than many other acclaimed actors.
Don't see anything wrong with Ryan Gosling. Does what he needs to and chooses roles well.
The fact that acting has 4 categories at the Oscars and even more categories at other ceremonies is complete shit. It's all about star power and fame, not about talent. It's the same as singers being all that matters in music, when some of them rarely play instruments or write songs. If it was talent that mattered we'd see a lot more famous stage/musical actors and opera singers.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
I mean Ewan McGregor is a good actor and one of his scenes in revenge is like one of my least favourite in cinema history. The one where general grievous does that lightsaber twirl and McGregor just smirks. Sucks the tension right out of the scene but I can hardly blame McGregor he really had no idea what he was supposed to be reacting to.

Tension is a huge problem in the prequels they just plow through the main enemy and everything just feels a little boring. People don't become invested in bullshit filling up the frame they become invested in characters they care about escaping tricky situation. Even if every character wasn't a total bore they are never really in any danger.

Now take two slightly overrated things (well ones a person) DiCaprio and Argo. DiCaprio will never let a director down, does the job but suffers a bit from the fact he is Leo in every movie (besides django which was a superb bit of acting) but because he isn't just a boring pretty boy people love him for that. He actually brings some actual screen presence. Could you imagine someone that Hollywood is trying to make into an action star like Shia labeouf playing john mclane.

With Argo which we fully know that the hostages will escape its still one of the most tension filled movies I've seen created in many years. So its a memorable experience where a lot of films have none of this because its all about lasers and noises and jump scares like a f**king amusement park ride.


First Grade
Mofo ruined one of my favourite comic book characters too. I know the writing, directing and editing went a long way to sinking the 2 Ghost Rider movies but FMD Cage was just about the last actor I would have picked to play Johnny Blaze. Completely wrong for the role, like so many other movies he has been in.

He is just plain shit

That's the casting then, not Cage. The only reason actors get so much criticism/praise from fans is because it's the only thing they can really comment on, that and special effects. Majority of fans have no idea what the writing, direction and editing fully contribute to a film, nor do they realise how many hundreds or thousands of people contributed overall.
Plus Cage takes shitty roles because he is in a ton of debt and needs the money.


First Grade
I mean Ewan McGregor is a good actor and one of his scenes in revenge is like one of my least favourite in cinema history. The one where general grievous does that lightsaber twirl and McGregor just smirks. Sucks the tension right out of the scene but I can hardly blame McGregor he really had no idea what he was supposed to be reacting to.

Tension is a huge problem in the prequels they just plow through the main enemy and everything just feels a little boring. People don't become invested in bullshit filling up the frame they become invested in characters they care about escaping tricky situation. Even if every character wasn't a total bore they are never really in any danger.

Now take two slightly overrated things (well ones a person) DiCaprio and Argo. DiCaprio will never let a director down, does the job but suffers a bit from the fact he is Leo in every movie (besides django which was a superb bit of acting) but because he isn't just a boring pretty boy people love him for that. He actually brings some actual screen presence. Could you imagine someone that Hollywood is trying to make into an action star like Shia labeouf playing john mclane.

With Argo which we fully know that the hostages will escape its still one of the most tension filled movies I've seen created in many years. So its a memorable experience where a lot of films have none of this because its all about lasers and noises and jump scares like a f**king amusement park ride.

DiCaprio's biggest downfall in my opinion is that he only takes leading roles, limiting his range severely. Django was his first supporting role in something like 15 years and in my opinion was his most enjoyable (although it's rare for a character to not be enjoyable in a Tarantino script).

Directors have more involvement in acting performances than most people think. A director won't accept a performance he hates, he will tell the actor to act differently. Sometimes an actor's ego gets in the way, or executive meddling, but a respected director will get the performances he wants.
That Ewan McGregor smirk would have been in the script I'd say, plus Lucas would have told him to do that. Another part of acting you don't see is the director and editor choose what parts you see. Of all the takes they would have done Lucas chose that one.

I thought Argo deserved best picture, but there was probably about 5 others last year that deserved it too. A great year for movies in my opinion. This year is looking pretty good too now that we're finally past the shit early movie season.


Mofo ruined one of my favourite comic book characters too. I know the writing, directing and editing went a long way to sinking the 2 Ghost Rider movies but FMD Cage was just about the last actor I would have picked to play Johnny Blaze. Completely wrong for the role, like so many other movies he has been in.

He is just plain shit

You can blame Cage, but my biggest criticism of Ghost Rider was the treatment the film received. If you think about the subject matter of the film, it's actually pretty dark. If it'd been given the same treatment as 'Batman Begins' and 'The Dark Knight', that would have made the biggest difference...


Will Smith is one of the most gifted and versatile actors there is. Sure he's acted in some terrible movies but that doesn't take anything away from his talent as an actor.

Mark Wahlberg plays lots of roles which are similar to each other and characters which probably aren't too difficult for an actor to play, but he deviates from the ordinary on occasion, like in Invincible, and The Fighter. Also, when ever plays those douchey, jock characters he does it pretty damn well and is funny. \

Adam Sandler doesn't need to be a good actor, you don't watch Adam Sandler movies to see great acting, or directing or a good story, you watch them to laugh and numb your brain for two hours.


Steven Seagal was the f**king man.

This is the thing. Sure, he can't act for shit, but that was never his job. You can't make a martial arts movie with people that can't fight. Seagal was absolutely the f**king man with his mastery of aikido. Who else could ever have made the movies Seagal made? And let;s face it, the first decade or so of his career he made some cracking movies.

Obviously he is now fat and slow, but back in the day ... and I don't even care that he runs like a girl!


Keanu Reeves - surely an inside joke. Wasn't he in a Shakespeare by Brannagh? They must've been taking the piss. Only film he was on the mark in was Bill & Ted - playing a f**king stoner. What happened to Ted anyway? Or was it Bill? I was pretty f**ked up at the time.

All Keanu Reeves haters need to watch The Gift.
He's a limited actor but there's one role that proves he has a range.


Well there's two movies he was good in! Directors and scripts can carry actors and with the amount of dud movies he's been in he's clearly a shit actor being carried. Go out and watch Windtalkers. It's hilariously bad and Cage is utterly woeful in it, just like he is in the other hundred movies he's been in where he sucks balls. He stinks!

Hell no.

Cage has been in a lot of terrible movies, but when the movie clicks he can be amazing.
Adaptation, Face Off, Bad Lieutenant, Matchstick Men, Lord of War to name a few. I think he's one of those actors who accepts whatever comes to him, and if it sucks he just mopes his way through it and collects the cheque.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
Who doesn't love it when cage is just chewing the scenery. His Adam west impersonation in kick ass was brilliant.

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