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  1. strong_latte


    I see what you're trying to do with it, but your design evolved in precisely the right direction. I think it looked pretty well perfect with the 3D edges on the shield and the text just below the shield and don't see what the Roosters "Type" needs to be in the shield when plenty of other clubs...
  2. strong_latte


    Agree with this. It looks alright with just the chook, but does make it a little like the French soccer logo (not a terrible thing, cause that's a pretty nice and simple looking Rooster).
  3. strong_latte


    Did you change the shade of blue as well? Looks good mate. Hope someone at the club takes notice of it - would love a jersey with that.
  4. strong_latte


    You'll have to wonder if they'll go that far. With no Maloney to fall back on, the playmaking stocks are pretty slim.
  5. strong_latte


    Still better than our current one lol
  6. strong_latte


    Loving this mate - the idea has really progressed nicely since you first posted this thread. I hate to say it, but looking back to that first design you put up actually looks pretty crappy compared to this latest effort (no offence). All part of the creative process I imagine though.
  7. strong_latte


    Agree. Definitely looks a little more professional too. It now looks simple but a little more layered.
  8. strong_latte

    5th ODI: Australia v India at Sydney on Jan 23, 2016

    Solid total from Australia in the end. What's gold about us at the moment is even if a few at the top fail a couple of batsmen always stand up. India meanwhile have a great top 4 and if they lose them they fall apart.
  9. strong_latte


    Spotted your Twitter handle. Good luck with it all, but I wouldn't hold your breath. I really like your design and will happily support it, but you've got to be about the 20th Roosters fan with a grip on graphic design to put up an alternative since the club went all Disney on us all back in...
  10. strong_latte


    1950s? I don't really see that at all... This is what the Roosters logo actually looked like back in the 1950s:
  11. strong_latte


    Yeah the more I see this the more I like it. Reckon it's really classy and feels like a Roosters logo ought to. It's a nice touch having the Easts to Win over the footy too. It's all very simple and obvious in a way, but that's kind of why it's so striking.
  12. strong_latte


    I love that membership logo from 214, but the centenary one was good, but a little busy for my liking. I actually really like the last one Roostah put up. It's about the right balance between new and old.
  13. strong_latte


    Very nice work mate - I'd definitely back that if they gave members a vote on these sorts of things.
  14. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    I'm not so sure I'm thrilled with Gollum either TBH... I mean I know you mean in terms of the quality of character etc, but Snoke actually does look very Gollum like and it's a bit weird
  15. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    I'm not sure I was expecting either... I guess I just didn't count on the bad guy being Darth Emo :lol:
  16. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    Sooooo... You're saying in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions that helped build a giant cannon into a planet not a single other storm trooper was force sensitive?
  17. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    I had a great time watching the movie too, but I love nitpicking the details on stuff like this. Like how Star Killer base remained a secret from the Republic when in the first act we see a storm trooper defect - surely more have, what with all the genocide etc that tends to make the odd well...
  18. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    Snoke really was pretty lame too... But mostly because he was a big CG thing and had a generic bad guy voice
  19. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    Think it's too late for them to arrange a drastic change of his face :lol: ? Would be nice if maybe they could make him a little less Emo all round really.
  20. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    Well half the thread is really just a debate on whether Ren is a loser or a scary villain lol. As for the theory, nah, doesn't really make much sense to add an earth element to a series based "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away"