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  1. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    To be fair he spends a lot of the movie behind the lame helmet with that lame ransom phone call voice thing, but yeah I have to say I found pretty well everyone else more engaging from an acting standpoint. I guess there's only so much one can do with Emo though...
  2. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    Palpating is an archetypal "absolute" villain, in that he's effectively painted as evil incarnate. Everything about him screams death and decay. He's not a real person, he's like Superman; an unrealistic ideal of an extreme. In that sense he doesn't need a motivation any more than his simple...
  3. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    Yeah I suppose, but Anakin was a bit like that in the prequels too. I mean he's pretty out of control in the last two in particular, losing his shit massively and murdering a couple of Sand People after he finds his mother for instance (one of the few genuinely interesting scenes from a...
  4. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    Yeah, didn't someone else already say he comes across like an Elliot Rogers - rich white boy who wanted to kill people because girls didn't like him enough? What a f**king loser. I kinda agree that's how he comes across... But I don't know if that works as a Star Wars villain, as guys like...
  5. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    Yeah, I get that might maybe be the angle, but it doesn't come across that way in the movie. They basically just paint him is a spoiled brat.
  6. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    Agree on that note. How bad is the actor they cast for him? He's just so weird and geeky looking. Someone said he looks like the offspring of Lady Gaga and Maralyn Manson and that about sums up just how wrong the casting is.
  7. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    lol that too maybe. Either way, the Republic clearly have some geniused people in charge of after like 50 years and 3 Death Stars they don't have something in place or are at least putting a f**k tonne of spies into the First Order (which wouldn't be hard since the storm troopers are apparently...
  8. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    It's probably best we avoid science when talking about Star Wars... But since we are I'd like to point out that theoretically you could defend against a "star blast" like that in TFA. How? By inventing a device to warps space time around the planet. All energy has to pass through curved space...
  9. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    Yeah, Abrams was never going to be able to please everyone to be fair, and even with its issues its still a beautifully made Star Wars film. Now that we are being nit picky though, is it just me or is it weird that there's still both a rebellion force and a republic. Like, if the empire has...
  10. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    I think you missed the boat on why people hated the prequels... They were hated because they were terribly written, terribly shot and terribly acted. Not because they weren't "more like the original trilogy"
  11. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    As he says though, with Ren we're led to believe he's redeemable. That was never the case in Game of Thrones. Having a narcissistic sadistic psychopath works as a model for a 'evil incarnate' villain, but not so much with one we're supposed to believe "has good in him"
  12. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    Finally seen it, and whilst I had a ball I agree with some here the Ren was kinda annoying and had a pretty stupid face. He was just so weird and geeky looking and it kinda took me out of the movie a bit when he removed his mask as he didn't at all look, sound or feel (character wise) like a kid...
  13. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    Fair enough I suppose. I just hope at the very least Snoke isn't as uninspiring and fake as people keep saying.
  14. strong_latte

    Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

    Haven't seen it yet, but I've read through the spoilers (don't care if I know the plot before watching a movie personally) and I've got to say I'm a little disappointed to hear they didn't go down the path of having Luke become the master Sith Lord like they did in some of the novels. To me that...
  15. strong_latte

    shanno has a plan for NZ

    My god, there's a bloke here who seems to have a grasp of basic legal concepts like duty of care and the importance of PR in a publically engaged business.
  16. strong_latte

    shanno has a plan for NZ

    Are you trying to be funny or do you not get what this is all being driven by? Because speaking of f**king clowns, it never ceases to amaze me how many people here carry on as though they think the game can still be run like it was in the 60s.
  17. strong_latte

    shanno has a plan for NZ

    Don't waste your time mate. He's from the country and probably never made it past primary school, and people out that way have no clue how things work in the business world. Just piss off back to your farm East Coast and leave the complex and potential legal mine field of player welfare to...
  18. strong_latte

    Rebooting the prequels and what to change

    :lol: I love those guys. That said, in terms of taking down the prequels I enjoyed the Red Letter Media weirdo psycho-thriller parody character guy you posted before.
  19. strong_latte

    Rebooting the prequels and what to change

    You sir, are a very dedicated Star Wars fan. Episode 3 is probably the only one I don't constantly cringe at though to be fair (well, apart from terms like "younglings", the dialogue in the end fight and the geniused way they end it - seriously "the high ground"? What the f**k ...)
  20. strong_latte

    Rebooting the prequels and what to change

    This has been covered. He didn't. Apparently the current 6 aren't Disneys sole property right now, but they will be in 2029, at which time they could rewrite so Armidala was a Sith Lord if they liked.

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