Full time wrap up
49:21 Try to Ben Hornby
(Forward pass?) Discuss this.
49:40 Conversion to Jamie Soward
Score = 10 - 0
51:30 After being dragged over the sideline (carried) A bit of a biff between Reece Williams & Jamie Soward
(My personal opinon is the penalty should of gone to Reece Williams)
53:51 Try to Brett Morris
55:34 Conversion to Jamie Soward
Score = 16 - 0
60:38 Try to Brett Morris
62:13 Missed Coversion Attempt by Jamie Soward
Score = 20 - 0
64:06 Try to Ben Hornby
65:51 Conversion to Jamie Soward
Score = 26 - 0
72:07 Micky Paiea & Paul Galleon throw a few punches, an alleged biting complaint, but then is not formally written down. This will be discussed more.
74:03 Video Refs Call - Try to Blake Ferguson
75:02 Missed Conversion From Covell
77:05 Video Refs Call - No try.
Defense was a massive issue in the second half for the sharks, as was the attack in the first half. Mistakes and bad ball play on 5th options kept killing them.
Well done to the dragons who absolutley anialated the sharks in the second half.
Crowd - 15,201 (Best Crowd Figure for a Sharks home game this year)