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09 :: R20 Fri :: Sea Eagles 44 Knights 20 @ Bluetongue

R20 Malcolm Reilly Shield :: Sea Eagles v Knights

  • Draw after Golden Point

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First Grade
We managed to destroy Canberra with only 1 half and that half was Ben Rogers. Mullen wont be missed as much as you think.

Losing Houston will have a much bigger effect given our injury issue in the forwards.

Yeah but that was the most pathetic perfomance I've seen from Canberra. They were on the Knights tryline for hours and couldn't crack a try. Well may you say Manly have been pathetic in attack for the last few weeks, but with that sort of opportunity it will be a touchup to Manly.

For Manly to win they have to go up the middle and get some offloads off, Newcastle will no doubt be going to the 3/4s and trying to exploit our weaknesses out there.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Sea Eagles rally behind Donnica Clarke Foundation for Newcastle blockbuster
Manly Sea Eagles :: Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Manly Sea Eagles Toyota Cup and NRL players will wear a special logo on their shorts to signify their support for the Donnica Clarke Foundation for Friday's Bluetongue Stadium, Gosford clash with the Newcastle Knights.

In 2007, Donnica Clarke, a highly talented 16 year old schoolgirl was tragically killed when she fell from a cliff at North Avoca. Lifesaving was Donnica's passion and she achieved many representative honours and titles - the dual Australia sprint and beach flag double in 2005 was her proudest moment.

Donnica was also a keen Sea Eagles fan with her father Tony Clarke assistant coach of the Sea Eagles outstanding under 20's side. The Donnica Clarke Foundation is her legacy - it will be an inspiration for young athletes on the Central Coast as they aspire to be the best they can be.

Manly skipper Matt Orford himself a sporting product of the Central Coast- is a strong supporter of the Foundation. "It broke my heart when I first heard of the accident and it is something that tore at the heart strings of the Manly club because of Tony Clarke's association.”The entire Manly players group is fiercely supportive of the Foundation and is delighted to have Donnica's Foundation logo on our shorts for the Newcastle matches. It is great that the NRL has supported us in the community initiative which will hit home to all sports fans on the Central Coast. We ask everyone at the game on Friday to dig deep for the foundation with friends of the Clarke family and supporters accepting gold coin donations inside and outside the Stadium," Orford said.

Manly Sea Eagles chairman Scott Penn said the club appreciated support from the NRL. "They have provided us with permission to bring notice to the Foundation via the logo on our shorts and it allows the game to join with its supporters to highlight a wonderful community project on the Central Coast.

"The Manly Sea Eagles are proud to be associated with such a worthwhile initiative and extend our best wishes to the Clarkes who are very much part of our family," Mr Penn said.




Yeah but that was the most pathetic perfomance I've seen from Canberra. They were on the Knights tryline for hours and couldn't crack a try. Well may you say Manly have been pathetic in attack for the last few weeks, but with that sort of opportunity it will be a touchup to Manly.

For Manly to win they have to go up the middle and get some offloads off, Newcastle will no doubt be going to the 3/4s and trying to exploit our weaknesses out there.

Excuses, excuses;-)


Trained with the side this morning while Scott sat out old mate..... FMD indeed.


Just throwing it out there mate, opening up a bit of discussion.

Didnt think you were going to jump in with a mighty FMD just because he wasnt named in a Tuesday team sheet. Those things are not worth the paper they are written on.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Well on face value your question has a simple answer of no. :p


Yeah I know.

I was trying to be all mysterious and stuff.

You just shut me down though, and made me look daft hahaha.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I hope he does play, he opens your attack up no end, especially when he launches a long ball to Doogs. Hope you guys smash Manly :)


Doubt he will play mate.

Smith is pretty conservative these days with Mullen.

He is very close though.


First Grade

Manly v Newcastle Knights, Friday 7:35pm (EST), Bluetongue Stadium, Gosford
The Adjudicator says:
"Ah Manly, how I love thee. Every time I bag you out, you put in a performance that justifies my comments so well it’d be easy to believe you were on my side. Yes, you had another win on Saturday. Yes, you’re still in the eight. But boy-o-boy, weren't you lucky? And your luck looks set to continue, with the Knights' focus this week to be solely on removing the knives from their backs. After all the changes Brian Smith made, he has sent them up the proverbial creek without a paddle. He says he wants to see out the season and push the Knights towards an unlikely premiership. But will the players want to win for a coach who has betrayed them? Doubt it."

Agree/disagree with The Adjudicator? Tell him, in 100 words or fewer, why your team will win this match. Email The Adjudicator, including your full name and where you're from.

Latest Comments From Fans
Sea Eagles fan Jim Davis of Armidale says: "Dear Adjudicator…you cannot decide whether to be a grumpy old man like Warren Ryan, hanging onto something that happened in the days of black and white TV, or pompous self-righteous Vossy…trying without success to be witty. Maybe your gleefully smug comments would be better suited as a judge when some local network no doubt creates an Aussie version the latest trashy reality series, Dance Your Arse Off! Everyone has an opinion, it’s true, much like everyone has a bottom. Luckily your opinions about the mighty Sea Eagles are about as reliable as Nate Myles’ aforementioned piece of anatomy. Manly to win and start to build momentum into the finals."

Sea Eagles fan David Millar of Belrose says: "Ah Adjudicator, I love how you pander to the masses. Since when was a journo a working class man? Well you can take your opinion back with you to the fibro shack you rent with Roy Masters. No need to justify a win. It seems that Manly has a better record of finding them then you do. As for this weekend - Manly will help you with your Brian Smith angle by showing off Newcastle for the rudderless team they are. Watch out for big Georgey Rose carving up the pathetic Newcastle pack. Sea Eagles by 14."

Sea Eagles fan Fred of Miranda says:
"Adjudicator you are the new Bruno. Taking to the latest fads and engaging in questionable acts of promiscuity to gain popularity. The latest fad is Manly bashing, so you’ve taken to it like a drag queen to lipstick. There’s a notorious saying, when the masses come to wield their hate on manly, it is out of fear of their glorious uprising. Ask last years semis opponents. At Bluetongue Stadium against the ‘flash and crash in the pan’ knights we’ll announce our arrival and not even your bruno-like protests and denials will stop us."

Newcastle fan Jake of Newcastle says: "Though the mights may have troubles ahead given our current coach situation, I still think the boys will be focused on the task ahead. This years premiership win won't be for the coach, it will be for the players. Manly are beginning to fall and the Knights are gonna give them a friendly push even further. With the upsets on the weekend, it gives the Knights a chance at the top 4 and Newcastle won't want to let that pass. Knights by 15. Goodluck to Smith in the future at the Roosters, all the best to him."

Newcastle fan Jessey of Gold Coast says: "Mr Adjudicator I don't think you have understood the Knights situation. The players have come out and have said all is well, it isn't betrayal & we will not lose focus. We still have Smithy, nothing has changed. We will be looking to take out the easy teams to get that top 4 spot, this is a guarantee win for the mighty Knights. An unlikely premiership? Tell me a team who is a likely winner than tell me if Knights have lost to them. Good luck. Win by 13+"


No Mullen I expect the Sea Eagles to do enough to win, especially if they have any thought on giving the title a shake.

Joker's Wild

Yeah but that was the most pathetic perfomance I've seen from Canberra. They were on the Knights tryline for hours and couldn't crack a try. Well may you say Manly have been pathetic in attack for the last few weeks, but with that sort of opportunity it will be a touchup to Manly.

For Manly to win they have to go up the middle and get some offloads off, Newcastle will no doubt be going to the 3/4s and trying to exploit our weaknesses out there.

I guess that had nothing to do with Newcastle's goal line defence aye :roll:

If Manly try to go through our pack they will fail mate, other teams with better forwards have tried and come up well short this year.