Skeepe give it a rest, I want to be able to post on here without being called a whinger, but with your crusade against the referees increasing every f**king week, its becoming harder to, just f**kin shut up and cop it on the chin.
Why should he?
He is correct, week in and week out there are very simply and standard calls going against us that have cost us points already this season
He's sick of them and he's got every right to express it
Did that one cost us the game last night? Maybe, i tend to think any side with 13 errors and only 70% completions has no right to win a footy game, but thats my opinion.
If people cant handle skeepe's opinion without tarring an entire fan base with one brush, i'd say it says more about them then it does us.

BTW, the fact Robert Finch is head of referee's does lend some credence to the theory we get harshly treated. That prick needs to go ASAP, referee's have been diabolical under his watch.