*Possibly but I quite like our alternate strip. Although why we didn't wear green I do not know. There was no colour clash and no conceivable reason why. Yes, I understand that wearing it will pique fans interest in it and may encourage them to purchase one and thus add $$$ to our club but the whole away jersey thing annoys me. If you've got an iconic jersey such as ours, the dragons, lol@50uffs, parramatta etc wear it and only turn to the alternate in games where there is a clash etc.
And I don't like the camo jersey either. ANZAC day is about commemorating those who served in war for our country not dressing up faux military wear for a fashion statement, laugh or a buck. If you want to pay tribute wear 'Lest we forget' near the badge.
* Caution: Another AlwaysGreen 'Why can't we always wear green' rant.