That Manly jersey is about as good as you could get for a concept like that. Touch of their history with the, old school, massive logo, from way back when, idea with the modern twist of the current logo. While not to everyone's tastes they have done a great job with it. You can't ask for better sponsor integration than the logo in the tallons. I agree the ideal place for jerseys like this is probably the 9's to get kids hyped for the season.
The raiders one is a bit too busy and over the top. I think if they had've left the stuff below the sponsor logo off it may have looked a little better, or less on the shoulders. A bit of a less is more idea. I may be biased but i think the Bronco's one from last year is one of, if not the best executed indigenous jerseys. Largely because they used the design as an accent to the core jersey.
The raiders one is a bit too busy and over the top. I think if they had've left the stuff below the sponsor logo off it may have looked a little better, or less on the shoulders. A bit of a less is more idea. I may be biased but i think the Bronco's one from last year is one of, if not the best executed indigenous jerseys. Largely because they used the design as an accent to the core jersey.