Who are the Left exactly ? Everyone
this side of SkyNews / FoxNews ?
You see those who stand all the way over there
even see merkins to the right of centre, as left.
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As for the “majority” of Australians not agreeing with the Left’s views, that’s not really true, is it ?
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But just because someone has a different opinion of other doesn't mean it is wrong.
The Left still don't like views other than theirs and whinge when things don't go the way they think everyone should think. I'm fine for the Left to get their views and opinions from the ABC/Guardian or wherever floats their boat. I'm happy for them to have their opinion and tell whoever they want what their opinion is, but just because others have different opinions than theirs doesn't mean they can whinge or think that view is plain wrong and throw the toys out of the cot.
Labor ran on a predominantly Left agenda of taxation changes that redistributed wealth and the majority of Australians didn't vote for that plan in the end. They even attempted to run the plan with a Right of Centre Leader. Australians are predominantly Right of Centre. In recent times how many Governments have Australia voted in who are Left of Centre? I definitely wouldn't classify Hawke, Keating or Rudd as Left of Centre, just because they were from Labor. In fact, the only time they've really been able to win Government from opposition with a Left of Centre Leader is after the country had 23 years of Liberal Governments. In the 75 years since the Second World War, Australia has really probably only had a Left of Centre Lead Governments for a total of 10 years (Chifley, Whitlam and Gillard).
The election is over. Shouldn't this thread be closed?