The thing that shits me the most is that when other teams put up a kick at the end of a set there's always two or three blokes right down our guy's throat. When we put up a kick at the end of a set there's no pressure at all and we let them run 10-15m.
We are really poor at pressuring sides. I know after we beat the Storm everyone was talking about how the game had passed Melbourne but we are really struggling with the new rules and Stick is the most stubborn man in the world.
For instance it was a common tactic last year for Hodgson just to pass the ball out to the centres on the last and turn the ball over on the goal line and muscle up. This year with the tackle reset its a risky tactic and teams should play for possession (ie by kicking for the in goal) because a 7 tackle set isn't as big a penalty in a world where the ref can just restart the tackle count.
Kicking before the 5th is another dumb one. It is better to have the ball in hand because you might win a tackle restart.
Thats not mentioning things like the glacial line speed and attack that never asks questions. When we did ask questions we scored tries. Stick has the new interpretation of the rules all wrong.