For anyone watching the feed, but coming in late, I'll keep you updated. It'd be hard to know otherwise, as there are no scores on screen, no clock, and -at least on my computer- no sound!
All times are an approximation, again, given there is no official clock to go by.
7th min: Italy converted try. Italy 6-nil
15th min: Spain try. Italy 6-4
(side note: Those waterslides behind the ground look like fun!)
26th min: Italy converted try out wide. Italy lead 12-4
39th min: Italy penalty goal. Italy lead 14-4
HALF-TIME: Italy 14-4
48th min: Italy try. I don't know if the conversion was successful (the cameraman didn't show the touchies). Italy either 18 or 20 to 4 over Spain.
65th min: Italy converted try. (seems the last one wasn't converted, according to Italy and Spain's score updates). Italy lead 24-4.
68th min: Italy back-to-back converted tries. Now lead 30-4, and all but qualifying for the 2021 RLWC.
76th min: Italy another try out wide. Unconverted, so the score moves to 34-4.
FULL-TIME: Italy 34-4 over Spain.