Not horrendous, and probably cost effective for the club to upgrade the existing logo as the Storm/Raiders/Knights have done. Some of the floating tiny fragments have been merged (get it?) into larger cleaner parts, and I like the apparent shift to a slightly more red-orange. Wordmark is blah, and the rounder style clashes with the logo, but at least the slasher type is gone.
Those tiny white spikes on the cheeks propagate into massive ones with two thick keylines. The designer must have taken inspiration from the offset path master who handled the Panthers' claws. Funnily enough, the even width keyline is abandoned around the chin, where it matters less.
The spikes also hide the ears a bit too much, which is probably more realistic, but eliminating them would make for a much cleaner design. Looks better on white for this reason imo.
What I don't get about these simplication rebrands - the ones that are supposed to make the logo more legible in varied applications - is that they actually make it more difficult to integrate into a jersey design on account of there being a lack of a bounding shape. Slap this logo on some of the Tigers' recent V style jerseys and it gets messy.