You’re so hot I've got a high grade fever
I’m losing consciousness
It might even be brain damage
There are very few mitigating circumstances that would stop me entering himRobson ran then like he was being chased by @SLRBRONCOS
There’s always some guy that pops off early and jinxes it.Warm up the 50 etc
Lack of effort is definitely not one of them.There are very few mitigating circumstances that would stop me entering him
If only your pack has the same vigour as @SLRBRONCOS chasing Robson, Cotter or Harry Grant in some tight tight shorts.We have a forward pack that couldn’t penetrate a wet paper napkin
Blake Lawrie is dumb and fat.
Give @SLRBRONCOS a couple of gin and tonics and he'll penetrate anything you wantWe have a forward pack that couldn’t penetrate a wet paper napkin
McGuire, McCulloch,Mybe, Woods, Burgess. Some of the most inspired recruitment I’ve seen in years.
Oh they’ve retired but some club is still dumb enough to pay them.They'd forrm a good core of a second
rate Origin/international legends team.
Problem is they haven't retired yet.