The most successful teams and I mean Win a Premiership in most cases are the teams that win games when they are in these periods of, for want of a better term, form slump......
Of course you want to Peak at the end of the season or you end up like the Dragons or Dogs of '09...
So its a "
form slump" now, not a "
down period", & this is planned before the semis? Where did you get this stuff from? If you look back at your comments, you have made some strange arguments, that IMO do not have any basis.
the team started winning during the part of the season where every other team has their down period before building up again before the finals." are you serious?
Media pressure on the rest of the team and perceived view that we were playing sh*t because Marshall was at 7." perceived??? Were you watching our games, he was playing sh*t, imo because he got too much ball?
As soon as we hit a team that was on a high we got done", so Parra were on a high & perhaps peaked too early by not winning the GF? BTW, what were we on, hadn't we just won 5 in a row?
we had Moltzen playing Fullback (he's scared to attack the ball, has poor positioning etc. etc); and we had Lui playing Half." What game has he shown he is scared to do anything in defence or attack? I think the Lui bit is my point (he wasn't ready) & a major reason, based on what we now know, why we didn't make the semis?
Teams would try and win every game, but ALL teams periodise their season" What do you mean by "periodise" (that's not even a word?) are they trying to win or not?
There's none of this first and second receiver crap anymore, very few teams play like this" Which is it, they do or they don't? Perhaps we should go back to it? We have failed the last 4 seasons. I think we would be using it if BM had left & not Scott Prince?
Of course you want to Peak at the end of the season or you end up like the Dragons or Dogs of '09... " From memory any of the last 3 games would have got us in the top 8? I would prefer scraping in to top 8 then coming 9th anytime. BTW, I would rather have had the dragons or the dogs results than ours last year? I don't know if you have ever played sport, but semi's are different, when you are in them anything is possible. If the WT players (or anyone else) is not up for that, then they will never be up for anything?
How do your theories explain an undefeated season then? Did there plans fail because they didn't have a down period or a form slump?
The facts are the facts, when TM was at 7 we won every game, we needed 1 win from the last 3 to get in the semis, he should have at least been tried FCS. When BM was there it didn't work, I think simply his game is not suited to a organised team game (though I wouldn't swap him for anyone). Which was my original point.
I do agree that with Farrah we are different, but mostly the 7 will get the ball from the 9 unless he (Farrah) goes himself or if BM calls for it, but IMO, BM is more effective with some space. We do play BM in the front line of attack, but again, I believe this is because he wants to be there (you don't restrict this type of player), it also confuses the defence or they have a planned move, but when he was at 7 he got the ball too much & we were predictable, one of our strengths is, we are not predictable.
There is plenty of opinion in these threads that say we need a good 7 to help us? I am not saying Moltzen is that player, but he made a pretty good job of it while he was there, so he would do me until we find someone better? I wouldn't try BM at 7 again would you?
Lastly some advice. While I appreciate your opinions & feed back, using cheaps shots does make your argument any stronger. If anything, it only makes you look the fool, which I am sure you are not. We are all entitled to our opinions.