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2SM and Talkin' Sport.

Mr Saab

Tunks asked Graham how many points constitutes a suspension. (100) Graham had no idea.
Oh dear.


A predictable GWS wank-fest on 2SM this afternoon.

They even invited that GWS Giant dickhead into the studio. If he isn't a Gavin Robertson Plant then I'm a fumbleball season ticket holder.

Mr Saab

A predictable GWS wank-fest on 2SM this afternoon.

They even invited that GWS Giant dickhead into the studio. If he isn't a Gavin Robertson Plant then I'm a fumbleball season ticket holder.

Tunks would have loved that. Happy i didnt listen to that jibber fest.

Mr Saab

I couldnt believe he gave me a 2nd chance. Sad thing is i knew the rest of the bloody questions.

Graeme read out alot of emails complaining about how the show is AFL slanted and how Robbo is a plant.....wonder who that was.


I couldnt believe he gave me a 2nd chance. Sad thing is i knew the rest of the bloody questions.

Graeme read out alot of emails complaining about how the show is AFL slanted and how Robbo is a plant.....wonder who that was.

I knew all of the questions, but a friggin NSW jersey...nah.

Those Robbo emails..lol.
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Brilliant thread !!!

ive been on League Unlimited for years and never knew this thread existed and im loving everything im reading Lol !!!

I deadset hate this radio show but when im working - Driving a truck/van on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays- i always listen to it and just sit there wondering WTF im doing listening but i never turn it off and evn find myself turning it on on a Tues or a Thurs as im driving to the gym for a couple minutes

I also listen coz i wanna hear what rubbish the nxt dill - one of the same old 30 odd who call evry day - will ring in with and to see what dross the hosts will come up with, sometimes when the callers finish i think 'how long did you sit on to say that rubbish ?

i dunno who is worse tho', the callers or the hosts, the boys really dont know much about anything really and never have any scoops, basically if it wasnt in the paper that day they know dick about it

Hughesy - i dont mind him but he has no great knowledge of footy, i mean insider stuff and i pmsl when people ring in asking "just wondered if you guys had heard blah blah" - yeah right, these toolboxes aint gonna know !!

Tunks - i used to like him but now i just find him a big mouth sarcastic wanker, always starts EVERY opinion or whenevr he is about to give his opinion with "look"

Pappy - sarcastic and a deadset wanker also with all his little phrases, Yeeeeaaaappp - i really hate that one

Robbo - what a dick ! - cannot stand a bar of him and his bullshit "passion" - what is that some sorta cutesy thing ? - i hate his highorse defending the women sport thing, the whole PC angle he plays out, "bang bang Nick Lang" - WhoTF is Nick Lang !! and as someone mentioned on here the way he has to be everyones mate

i also hate Robbo going on about how great GWS are and will be "moving forward" and when he goes on like he is some sort of champion of the Westies and when he is trying to be serious and make a valid hard hitting point he starts pulling out all these dumbass stutters "the, the, the, then whatever he is talking about" - i also just hate his voice

My 5 most hated Robboisms -

Bang bang Nick Lang
Back yaself
going forward - he loves dropping that in
the framework - he loves dropping that in
the humility thing

im off to make some coffee now and go back and read more of this awesome thread
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awesome reading and so glad i wasnt the only one

some of the stuff u blokes have posted re the callers had me Laughing out loud, very witty

i used to play footy here in Dubbo against an Adrian Rovere who went on to play in France and got into journalism, thats why i thought he was the LU writer but i didnt realise he went to Saints tho and i cant recall him ever playing evn reggies for STG and although it was 25 years ago he didnt look much like the youtube pic of Talkin Sports Adrian

Mr Saab

Glad to have amused you W Smith. Good to see you share our opinions re the show. It is definately car crash radio...you dont want to listen, but you have to tune in to hear what they say.
And yes Robbo going on and on....................and on about how is a "westie" is pathetic...he is a fraud. I guess Julia Gillard listens to him with how she came up with her "those living on the north shore" BS.


How was that fool ringing in today about the kids from Epping boys jigging sport and smoking in the local parks...lmao..."They should be playing sport!!!"

*I know....I'll ring talkinsport...they'll fix it!!*


Robbo is also a rugby league fraud. Nothing irks me more than callers directing their Tigers and NSW questions to that gronk. He doesn't give a shit and his knowledge of even the modern day stuff is appalling. He thought Glenn Lazarus played for QLD ffs..


First Grade
The whole show is a fraud and getting worse. At least in the past it was just bumbling ineptitude. But now we've got to contend with the product placement:
- gws plants
- endless tabcorp / betting shit
- goldies f**king quiz for half the show on wednesday.
I wish 2UE or MMM started at 5pm.


What about Phil from Dubbo yesty ?

Eeeerrrr, do you think Canterbury passing the ball alot this year is only coz of James Graham zzzzzzzzzzzzz..............zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

i went straight into Peter Griffin mode "OH MY GOD" ! www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI3DlIrvoHg

then he checks his written out list of what he wants to talk about, sometimes im sure i can hear him shuffle his paper list

the Epping Boys thing yesty too cracked me up and i thought 'this will get a run in the LU thread' Lol
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Mr Saab

Dave the panther...what a f**king goose. Calls and said that Gould would not be letting Mick Gordon go.....and then Graeme says that a press release states that he is signed with the Sharks. He had no clue. Said that he was close to Mick. Yeah sure!
Total derp


f**king funny as, such an Fwit....

Dave the panther...what a f**king goose. Calls and said that Gould would not be letting Mick Gordon go.....and then Graeme says that a press release states that he is signed with the Sharks. He had no clue. Said that he was close to Mick. Yeah sure!
Total derp


First Grade
Dave the panther...what a f**king goose. Calls and said that Gould would not be letting Mick Gordon go.....and then Graeme says that a press release states that he is signed with the Sharks. He had no clue. Said that he was close to Mick. Yeah sure!
Total derp

Dave the panther used to be Dave the dragon, ge is a tool.

Haven't listened in a while, how's craaaaaaig going?

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