Lol@Gary Stewart, i listen to him coz he is the only AM radio i can pick up clearly between Yass and Dubbo while im working as a driver, tho' i can pick up GB and UE but that shift is a politicalathon on GB and Tim - the knife seller -0 is on UE and i bore of him after about 20 minutes
Gary is a shocker but i actually enjoy listening to what a twat he is and oftehn find myself laughing at his rubbish and his boring callers at that time of nite who call in are all pretty much like him with their views and sucking up to him etc which gives me a laugh too, he never gives his own opinion and always prefaces everything with "and i quote" or "alledgedly" - he loves that word and he is forever working half assed sexual connotations into whatever he is talking about when he isnt being "serious"
his GO TO topics are always the same and have been for so long, climate change, ets, carbon taxes etc but then he actually bags people for ringing in about the same thing all the time and dumps them and gets huffy which can be funny but never to one of his nightly callers
never dumps his regulars tho' and its very rare to hear a new voice and there are some top line wankers who ring in with 'know all' Bruce probably the most aggravating
Craig always rings in, quotes a bunch of anti Labor stuff out of the papers and Gary lets him get it out and then cuts him off at the first chance to move on
was funny one night a new caller rang in and was being all D&M about how worried he was about his mate that his family hadnt heard from for so long, the caller sed his name and made an impassioned plea for him to "come home please" which Gary was sympathetic to and then about 10 minutes later another bloke rings in claiming to be the missing bloke and starts xplaining why he went away and Gary is getting all caught up in the conversation when the caller sez "Ye, im sitting in the room with the bloke who rang you and he is such a f**kHEAD" - and old Gary didnt get the chance to dump him Lol
Gary came back on going on about "well, i dunno what happened there, but maybe that guy is one of those, 12.33, half an hour later in Broken Hill, back after this" - and then they went to station break - pretty funny and 2SM SUPERNETWORK all over