The questions that need to be asked after this kind of event
Of the 62,000 that attended
How many were club-fans, club-neutrals, Londoners, expats?
Which of the above categories are underperforming? - eg. id be concerned if of 62,000 people at a London event, barely any of the ticket sales were actually to people from London. Even the RFL should have this information pretty easily on hand. Whether the expat Aussie population is being engaged is slightly more difficult to determine.
How can the RFL increase exposure to under performing markets?
And most importantly, for Londoners and people new to the game in attendance, what opportunities are there for them to take that hopefully positive experience and engage with Rugby League again?
Even something as simple as promotion or selling tickets to London Broncos!
Does every London-based attendee even know London Broncos exists, or the Skolars or the local leagues?
Promoting London and Southern rugby league should be the absolute cornerstone of this event.