That's insanity isn't it! i can't believe he was a forumite!
Is that true? I thought that was a general LU wind up! Where's Mr Angry, he reckons he knows him personally.
In other news, having the best fun at work, there are a few redundancies going on and people are losing their sh*t!
One guy who got the arse, totally made a dick of himself to one of the female managers, she is teh hawt, and they've been sniping at each other for weeks (kinda like me and GKD, only with no cyber sexing) Anyway he totally told her that she wanted him, and she was like "If you were the last man alive I wouldn't only NOT touch you, I wouldn't turn lezzo either on the off chance you'd get a sex change, I'd sooner shag a pig than touch you".
Oh how I heart ballsy chicks in stilettos.:lol: