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A lifeboat for emergencies


We may be being over cautious here, but we have created a ninemsn community as a lifeboat should anything happen to this message board.

The ninemsn communities are free and are legally safer because the operators are ninemsn, and we are all just users of the community.

The bad point is that the format isn't nearly as good as this site.

Anyway, I suggest that everyone should bookmark the site and use it if anything happens to this site, God forbid.

Not everyone has to join to keep it going, but they take the communities down if there is no activity at all, so a few people should sign up, or maybe anyone who is already a member of a ninemsn community could join, which is a much simpler process than joining up (just a click of a few buttons i think).

I will make half a dozen or so managers to the site so it can be activated easily if we ever need it.

This is just a precaution. It shouldn't be needed.

At the moment Antonius and I are the only members and are both managers.



I've joined up.

I have written you and Antonious a little story too.

Good thinking 99, with the volitile atmosphere surrounding Forums at the moment its good to know that we have a safety net just in case sh*t happens.

Keep up the good work fella's, it's greatly appreciated!


First Grade
I want to join up Antonius, but the computer says someone else has my tag, probably the impersonator dick,If I can't have my own tag I'll use another by the end of today.
I sent you a PM, explaining it better.
The lifeboat could be a good option whether this forum is shutdown or not, much as I like it.


terminator007 said:
I want to join up Antonius, but the computer says someone else has my tag, probably the impersonator dick,If I can't have my own tag I'll use another by the end of today.
I sent you a PM, explaining it better.
The lifeboat could be a good option whether this forum is shutdown or not, much as I like it.

I think this style of forum is far more popular than the msn style.

Grandstand and this forum both started as msn forums, but both took off when they changed to this style.

Going to an msn forum would be a big step backwards.

The only thing it really has going for it is that it is owned and legally backed by channell nine (Kerry Packer) and Microsoft network (Bill Gates), so posting on there is legally safer than this site, but the only people taking a risk on this site are the owners and administrators, so while they are happy, we all should be right to stay here in my opinion.


I've just joined as well, as a precaution if something were to happen to our new forum. Something is better than nothing, & it is always good to have a 'safety-net'. We all appreciate it very much I would imagine, as I certainly do. I better head off.

Cheers, knightsgal85 ;-)


roopy said:
We may be being over cautious here, but we have created a ninemsn community as a lifeboat should anything happen to this message board.

The ninemsn communities are free and are legally safer because the operators are ninemsn, and we are all just users of the community.

The bad point is that the format isn't nearly as good as this site.

They say better safe than sorry. Nevertheless all I can say is that Leagueunlimited and this forum will be staying put.

The site is legally owned by Legend and I and we have the support of an excellent team of administrators.

We are ultimately responsible for anything that is posted here. But we will never, I repeat NEVER, shut down this site or forum without first giving prior notice of about 100 years or so.
OK, thats an exaggeration... :lol:
But because we own the site and we're very open about what goes on, you can be sure that we won't suddenly disappear one day... we're far too professional to allow that to happen.

On the legal side of things, we're convinced that with good moderation and communication, we will never have to worry about threats of litigation. Even if such a threat did occur, once again, we wouldnt just suddenly close up shop without warning. Every would know and everyone would in be the loop.
This is no way a criticism of the some of the other forums who I understand simply took a pragmatic approach.

Should we have ever have a technical problem (most glitches have been ironed out but you never know when someone is going to trip over the extension cable), the webhost's offices are within 100 yards of my place of work and their technicians are only a phone call away.
What I'm saying here is that the worst case sceanrio, should the site shut down due to technical difficulties, it would only be temporary. I would hate it if everyone in the Newcastle forum suddenly jumped ship simply because of some power failure.

If you have any questions about this, don't hesitate to ask.


Willow, I am sure nobody here will want to jump ship. We just wanted tp take a precaution if something happened here, I am sure everyone from the old Knights site is appreciative of the help we've been given by legend and yourself. We are going nowhere else it is purely a precaution. I think if everyone was honest they would say the features of this forum are streets ahead of the old one. It's just that the old forum was like family.


No worries antonius... I fully understand. Just trying to reassure folks that all is good.

The NineMsn lifeboat is an excellent backup and is sure to keep your community together.

If this forum ever goes down and you're wondering if it's temporary or not, you can send an email to website@leagueunlimited.com
My alternative email is jubileeoval@hotmail.com

You might want to make a note of those emails as well.
Roopy also my handle on MSN Messenger.



I'm in.............just in case.

But I have never liked that format much, and look forward to a long and prosperous life here at League unlimited.


First Grade
Tools like you arent welcome , sorry, but the policy says in capital letters, strictly no tools, what you could join is a tool club, either that or go play on the nearest road to you.


pennywisealfie said:
can i join?
Yes, and feel free to go there and post all you like, in fact, i'll make you an assistant manager and you can run the joint.

If this forum ever shuts down we will have to take it off you though.


First Grade
Yes, yes sorry, Pennywizealfie, join up and stay there for as long as you like, sorry about the name calling, you really are a top bloke, have fun there mate!


gnome said:
I'm in.............just in case.

But I have never liked that format much, and look forward to a long and prosperous life here at League unlimited.

Same here msn formats are old and boring BLAH!

I used to post on the footy show forum and they had the NERVE to delete one of my posts :evil: all because I used the words DRUGS against another team :lol: :lol:


roopy said:
We may be being over cautious here, but we have created a ninemsn community as a lifeboat should anything happen to this message board.

The ninemsn communities are free and are legally safer because the operators are ninemsn, and we are all just users of the community.

The bad point is that the format isn't nearly as good as this site.

Anyway, I suggest that everyone should bookmark the site and use it if anything happens to this site, God forbid.

Not everyone has to join to keep it going, but they take the communities down if there is no activity at all, so a few people should sign up, or maybe anyone who is already a member of a ninemsn community could join, which is a much simpler process than joining up (just a click of a few buttons i think).

I will make half a dozen or so managers to the site so it can be activated easily if we ever need it.

This is just a precaution. It shouldn't be needed.

At the moment Antonius and I are the only members and are both managers.


Why not just use the LWOS site as a backup?