Mr Angry and C.S. You'll get the occasional error message because the site is growing at pretty fast rate. The web programmer is fiddling with codes every day. Sometimes he forgets to to do something but some of the time he's in the middle of adjusting a file. Sort of like hitting some road works while driving your car. Apologies all round but it will happen while we're improving things.
Its not a security issue and its rectified pretty quickly. I guess when the site finally settles down and we have it the way we like it, the error messages will disappear.
In any case, it would be helpful if you see a message to simply send us an email: . There's also a website comments forum at The Front Row. Feedback is always appeciated but the web programmer rarely reads LWOS.... although I try to pass everything on.
Lord Ted:
Inreply toyour query. Its true that LWOS has dropped off a lot but it did the same last year... although I agree that the drop off it greater this time round. The forum always seems to have an increase in the off-season.
The last time we had a big influx of members was during the last upheaval at Grandstand. It wasnt that long ago. But it seemed that most people were happy with the phpBB style forums and most eventually filtered through to other forums with similar formats. It seems that not everyone likes the Nine Msn format.
We're still trying to finalise things so we can have a truly dynamic forum at League Unlimited. For reasons that have been mentioned in this thread, we're still working on that. But I'm convinced that The Front Row will eventually be a great forum.
LWOS will still be here. We can be proud of this place because it had a lot to do with changing the perception that RL forum communities had to protect their memberships. We broke away from the notion that we owned the membership.
IMO, the only thing that is dyinga natural death is the attitude thatyou can only belong to one forum.
But at the end of the day, people willgather where they feel most comfortable. The good news is that we have so many forums to choose from - something that certain people in the past were working against.
Forums are on the increase and as time goes on, we'll have even more discussions to choose from. That can't be a bad thing.